
Chapter Five

One thing I despised about going to Nick 's house was having to see his mother: she's never been fond of me. Mrs Klaus always accused me of living off Nick 's money and often called me a gold digger all the time. Nick was quite aware of his mother's attitude towards me but often advised me not to pay any attention to her because he adored me and nobody could do anything about it, his exact words. His father on the other hand is a different man, he is a kind man who's always treated me as if I were his own daughter. He constantly made sure that mother and I were always taken care of, when my sister went missing, he offered to make me his responsibility and wanted to make sure that we were well taken care of but my mother refused all the privileges he was offering to us since it wasn't fair to depend on a man who already had his own family to take care of, besides Nick 's mother would despise us even more.

I was on my way to Nick 's house with Natasha. The three of us were going to the hospital to fetch my mother, Natasha insisted we fetch Nick and all ride in her car since she came with it but as usual once we reached Nick 's house we found his mother outside the gate, I knew that there was no dodging her even if I wanted to. She was sweeping her yard outside their tiled paving even though I must add it looked squeaky clean since it was raining recently, I suppose she relishes showing off and being spiteful to her neighbours who were busy sweeping their dusty yards.

''Oh, my goodness look who's here, Natasha is that really you my child.'' Well frankly, I was kind of expecting that to happen, even though I was used the whole act deep down I was hurt by her actions, so I just stepped aside and made way for her so she could embrace my best friend and pretend as if I were not there.

''I've missed you so much my dear, why haven't you been coming to pay this old lady a visit my child.'' Natasha just smiled at her and tried to shrug her shoulders but that wasn't possible because Mrs Klaus was literally glued to her.

''I promise to make time from now on so I can come see you, work has been keeping me busy lately and I don't even get the chance to spend time at my house anymore.''

''Oh, I see my child and I understand that you have to work to earn a living and save people's lives, unlike some people I know who happen to enjoy sitting at home depending on other people's money with no shame.'' She said throwing me a hateful glare.

I pretended as if I hadn't heard a single word Nick 's mom said and just stared at my feet until Natasha was done with her so we could leave, I knew coming here was a bad idea and honestly I didn't need someone else making my life hell as it already was. I told Natasha that I didn't want to come with here because I was avoiding this situation, but she convinced me otherwise and promised she would keep Nick 's mom occupied to save me from her wrath but as usual she was wrong, every time when we come here this is what I have to endure and its really hurtful.

''Before I forget dear, I was hoping you would invite your parents over on Sunday, we are having a lunch for my husband birthday, but it's supposed to be a surprise to him, there will be important people that I also invited who just signed a contract with our family to work on a big new project so can you please pass the message to your parents for me darling.''

''I'll certainly do that Ma.'' Natasha agreed, faking a smile. ''And I expect you to come as well, I don't want to hear excuses this time dear and I'm not taking no for an answer''

This woman was pure evil, she always treated me like dirt, and I was now used to her behaviour, but I think she was upping her game now to antagonize even more, and I must admit I was working, the funny part is that she is a church member and people always say good things about her all the time, I wonder if she's bribing them or perhaps, she becomes a different person when she's preaching the word of God.

''Oh, and Natasha please don't bring any extras okay, this is a family thing with only important guests allowed as the mayor will also be attending.'' She said while looking straight at me, I wasn't planning to come anyway only if she knew that I hated coming to her house as much as she hated seeing my face. My mom would be coming home, and I was planning on spending my weekend pampering her, but this horrible woman didn't need to know that. When Tash called me earlier, I didn't even bother to tell my Aunt where I was going, I just rushed to take a bath and get away from all of them. Enhle was already up when I left, and I had to dodge her as well because she wanted to come with me in hopes of seeing Nick. She was busy making herself a clown in the mirror telling me that a girl was not supposed to leave the house without makeup so while she was at it, I left with Natasha promising to come back for her knowing I wouldn't.

Nick emerged from the kitchen door with his father by his side heading straight to me, God was I glad to see him and be saved from his mother. "Mom we're heading out; I'll be back later since we have to fetch Zizwe's mom from the hospital.'' Nick told his mom whilst his arms went to wrap around my waist, I admit that got me distracted and blushing, disregarding that his parents were still watching us.

"Oh, and I have to take my car Tasha since I was thinking about Zizwe's mom, she needs to be comfortable. I don't want us to squash her so we will leave with both our cars just to be safe". Natasha agreed and said she didn't mind at all but someone else couldn't contain her anger any longer, I had been watching her all this time and I knew that she was definitely not pleased by what Nick was saying.

"Tell me something boy, who exactly gave you permission to be their personal chauffeur, can't that woman and her useless tramp use taxis like her kind of people do huh". Nick 's mother said anger Cleary showing in her face, she was so mad this time she couldn't even contain herself.

"Not now Martha, can't you just behave and be nice for once to the poor child". her husband interrupted.

"Exactly and I'm glad you said it yourself Eric, the poor child. She's a poor skunk and doesn't deserve to be with Nick since she's only after his money. She was walking straight to me now and by the raging look on her face, I thought she was going to hit me but instead she started poking my chest in a rough way until her husband grabbed her hands and steered her away from me.

"Why can't you just date someone that belongs in our circle Nick that's all I'm asking from you, not her. What did you even see in her because she's just a plain ugly and poor girl, Oh God I've been cursed and I'm never going to have beautiful grandchildren, can't you at least date Natasha I mean look at her and that tramp of yours? Natasha is a beautiful girl, and she comes for a good and wealthy family like us my boy". I'd made a promise that I would stop showing people that I'm weak by crying in front of them but what Nick 's mom said really hit a spot, so I did what I was good at and dashed for the gate with tears streaming down my face.

"Wow, Martha today you really outdone yourself". Mr Klaus said to his wife.

"You know sometimes I fail to believe that you're the same woman I married from a poor family yourself because the way you treat people now is really disturbing.

'' Nick go after the girl and stop staring at your mom like that. After all, looks can't kill a person but Zizwe is hurting and needs you instead of the humiliation your mother gives her every time she comes here, as for you Martha I'm really disappointed in you my dear wife, the least you could do is be grateful that our son is not gallivanting with every skirt that passes but instead you do all your best to ruin his happiness".

I short forward and ran as fast as I could, I was panting for breath since I didn't even exercise, but I didn't care, I just wanted to get away, I couldn't stop. I didn't even know where I was running off to, but I knew that I had to get away, all I needed was fresh air to breath in and have some peace for once in my life. I thought of running back to my house at first but then again, I recalled that my Aunt was there, and she'd be thrilled to see me in tears, so I went the other direction from my house heading towards an open field that had been abandoned for a very long time. I was crying and trembling, I felt like I couldn't breathe from all the marathon I was doing, my lungs were burning as if I’d sucked in a lot of smoke. You know there were times when I would have suicidal thoughts in my life, but I would quickly brush them away reminding myself that someone out there had it worse than me and then there were times when I wished for the earth to just swallow me as if I have never existed, but I guess today God decided to grant me with one of my wishes because honestly, I really don't know what happened next.

One minute I was running to an open field with a tear-stricken face and a blurry vision and next thing I was falling. I lost my footing and plunged into a deep pit filled with water, I went splashing inside the water and bumped my head along the way before the lights went out for me. I don't know long I'd fainted, but I dreamed I was in the hospital with my mother and she was shouting and shaking me, urging that I wake up so we could go home. I tried telling her that I didn't want to go home if she was still stuck at the hospital, but she kept insisting that I wake up.

He voice became frantic and the shouting increased, I didn't know what her problem was since she was the one sick in a hospital bed, but the scenario changed and I was now lying in the hospital bed, my mom was crying and her voice was moving away from me still telling me to wake up, wake up.... WAKE UP ZIZWE. Suddenly I was jerked awake from my dreams the gown I was wearing at the hospital vanished and I was back in my normal clothes only now they were so muddy and wet, that’s when I noticed I was deep inside a very dark pit.

I just felt like I was fighting a losing battle and Satan was busy making fun of me. I tried getting up, but my body wouldn't budge, I was in so much pain and scared as mice caught in its own trap. I tried to hold at the edges of the walls to climb out, but I just slipped and fell back, not that I was surprised, after all, I was in a muddy ditch and it was pitch black. I was physically and mentally tired, screaming was just the last thing on my mind now, so I just sat there and started weeping like a lost child. My day was supposed to be perfect; my mom was coming back but now everything was slowly turning into a disaster.

Maybe God did this on purpose I thought. Well, I was running for peace and fresh air and now I finally found it in this place, nobody was going to bother me here, all I needed was a bottle of brandy or vodka to drown my sorrows since my Aunt and Nick 's mom were on a mission to ruin my happiness. I wondered if Nick had followed me when I left, or was he still arguing with his mother not knowing I had thrown myself in this stupid dump, my life was a real circus indeed. I was trying to stretch my aching ankle when I heard a very deep voice talking above my head, at first, I thought it was my imagination but then then it appeared again.

"Good God, are you alright?'' said a deep smooth angelic baritone voice sounding like melody in my ears; and that's when I thought I'm probably in heaven or hallucinating right now.

''Fuck... can you move in there, hey... hey say something God damnit'' Nope I'm definitely not in heaven I thought, I'm still alive and kicking.

"I saw you plunge in there when I was approaching with my truck, sorry for not coming sooner, I had to find a good place to park as you can see the location we're in but just tell me one thing, WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING THROWING YOURSELF IN THERE, DO YOU PERHAPS HAVE A DEAD WISH?". At first, I couldn't see my rescuers face but as soon as he bent down to peek at me inside my new home, I noticed a lot of different things about him and why I couldn't recognise his voice.