

The strings vibrated and changed positions rapidly, they made a cage like shape. it was a total of twenty strings; eighteen blue stings and two green strings.

The blue strings were a connected to the two green ones which were attached to a woodlike material which looked like it was once a two sided ZITAR. This was in the middle of the sealed off forest.

"Wow, is that a ZITAR master". A girl chirped.

"I think so. Look at her pendant". Another said

"They are known for their magical abilities". An old man said stroking his beard.

There was so much noise, it caused a stir in the market that a zitar master could actually walk through it.

The lady walked by not taking a side glance although her face couldn't be seen as her large hat had covered half her face coupled with the fact that she also had a mask covering the rest part of her face.

Her two sided zitar-like pendant made it obvious she was a gem, but that also made her a target for evil zitar masters who wanted to climb up the rank faster as only the top ten zitar players possessed extraordinary magical abilities. The could cast spells just by playing. The side of the zitar they're playing determines the kind of spell they're casting. Besides only the ten had two sided zitar-like pendant.

As the lady passed by a manor, some group of bandits suddenly cornered her, purposely aiming for her pendant. In no time she defeated them, much to the surprise of her onlookers.

As they rolled on the ground groaning in pain, she said to them. "Without magical abilities, you still don't stand a chance against me". She then walked away hurriedly.

"Wow, she's so cool". A male voice sounded from the crowds

" I wish I was like her". A little girl said imitating the moves the lady displayed.

So many murmurs were circulating as the crowds that had gathered to watch her fight were dispersing.

"Sorry, I'm late".

"Zhu tang, did you pass by the market". A beautiful young lady asked as the lady named Zhu tang settled herself on the low seat as she removed her pendant and placed it on the floor.

"Unfortunately, yes Zhu Yao". She said as her pendant turned into a zitar.

"No wonder you were late". Another lady said. They were a total of nine ladies.

"Zhi yang, don't be so ridiculous". The first lady, Zhu Yao who had asked Zhu Tang a question said to the second lady.

"Zhu Yao, Zhi yang. We should start now, by the law of yin and yang we only have three hours for today's restorement. And we all know today's the last day". The lady who was at the middle of the circle they had formed by sitting, said hastily.

" Yes". They all chorused.

After all had settled down, they began to play. The four at the right side played the bad side of their zitar, while the four at the left played the good side of their zitar.

The lady at the middle played both sides. Their tines were contrasting and at the same time fused together. Each zitar emitted a blue light which moved towards the cage like strings, each light for each string. The two green strings emitted their own lights and absorbed the blue lights from the blue strings.

Soon the ladies were done.

"Let's hope she wakes". Zhu Tang said concern laded in her voice.

They all went to their various positions. The nine ladies were all leaders of their province. Which had mostly females. The tenth province was balanced as it had both males and females. Their kingdom was Nuren kingdom.

You can already guess that the nearest kingdom to them has very few females, this kingdom was named Nanren. The females migrated at a very high rateto Nuren kingdom on the cause of the bad rulership in the kingdom. The citizens couldn't do any better as the males molested and maltreated the few females that remained.

So as to not make things worse the border between both kingdom was heavily guarded. And the Nuren kingdom made a rule that no female from their kingdom is allowed to fall in love with a male from Nanren kingdom.


This is where things is about to get interesting. Please do well to place your thoughts in the comments section.