
Zinomia Universe: The Apocalypse

In a world suddenly thrust into chaos, Jose Rizzer finds himself amidst an apocalyptic nightmare. Monsters roam the streets, buildings lie in ruins, and survival becomes the ultimate goal. With newfound abilities granted by a mysterious system, Jose navigates this hostile landscape, battling monsters and forging alliances along the way. As he grapples with the challenges of this new reality, Jose embarks on quests to earn gold, level up, and acquire skills to aid in his survival. From facing off against orc hordes to confronting towering giants, each encounter pushes him to his limits and forces him to evolve as a fighter. Joined by Ryan, a young boy with a talent for fire magic, Jose forms a partnership that strengthens their chances of survival. Together, they brave the dangers of the post-apocalyptic world, uncovering hidden skills and forging bonds of friendship amidst the chaos. As they journey through the ravaged cityscape, Jose and Ryan face not only physical threats but also the emotional toll of loss and trauma. With each battle won and each challenge overcome, they inch closer to unraveling the mysteries of the system and finding hope in a world torn apart. Amidst the ruins of civilization, Jose and Ryan must confront their fears, navigate treacherous terrain, and ultimately find the strength to rebuild amidst the ashes of the old world. Their journey is one of resilience, perseverance, and the enduring power of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

Liberator345 · Action
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7 Chs

Skeleton Siege

With 75 skeletons materializing in the shop, Jose, holding his axe, wasted no time contemplating. He swiftly swung the axe, knocking over stalls and creating chaos within the confined space of the convenience store. The clash of steel against bone reverberated, marking the beginning of Jose's determined stand against the skeletal onslaught.

Amidst the array of skeletons wielding diverse weapons—swords, axes, maces, bows—Jose initiated the encounter. With a swift kick, he sent grocery-laden counters toppling, creating a makeshift barricade that disrupted the skeletal advance. The clatter of falling shelves echoed through the convenience store as Jose asserted control over the chaotic battlefield.

The crashing stalls proved remarkably effective, instantly vanquishing 10 skeleton warriors with a resonant "Lvl up" ringing in Jose's ears. However, there was no time for him to dwell on the sudden advancement, for the remaining skeletons seized the opportunity. They closed in, attempting to surround and overwhelm Jose, who found himself still on the floor after the forceful kick that initiated this makeshift defense. The battle intensified as the skeletal onslaught pressed forward.

Hurriedly rising to his feet, Jose swung his axe with precision, instantly dispatching three skeletons in front of him. Yet, the victory was short-lived, as two skeletons seized the opportunity to strike from behind. Blades swung through the air, leaving a gaping sword wound on Jose's back. The battle unfolded in a whirlwind of clashes and injuries, the stakes escalating with each passing moment.

"Axe Skill Learned," announced the robotic voice, yet Jose remained focused on the relentless onslaught of skeletons surrounding him. Desperation fueled his movements as he swung his axe with the tenacity of a juggernaut. Spinning without pause, the axe cleaved through the skeletal horde, effectively dispatching 20 monsters in a whirling dance of destruction. Despite the fragility of each foe, the sheer number of skeletons tested Jose's resilience in this relentless battle for survival.

As the skeleton bowmen shot their arrows at Jose, some were deftly swept away by his axe, but an arrow found its mark in his arm. Without dwelling on the pain, Jose summoned every ounce of strength, making a desperate run for the office. Pushing aside skeletons in his path, some met their demise during his frantic escape.

Upon entering the office, Jose anticipated more adversaries. Swiftly, he wielded his axe to dispatch the four skeletons within. Without missing a beat, he closed the door, creating a momentary sanctuary within the chaos outside. The rhythmic clash of steel against bone subsided, offering a brief respite in the eye of the skeletal storm.

Locked within the office, the adrenaline waned, and the pain in Jose's body surged. Unbeknownst to him, three arrows were lodged in his back, each adding to the excruciating pain. As he grappled with the physical torment, a thought crossed his mind—a reflection on the number of skeletons he had already vanquished in the midst of this harrowing trial. Gritting his teeth, he pondered the mission and contemplated the toll it had taken on him.

A screen materialized before Jose, bearing the stark message: "40/75 skeletons remaining." Despite the pain coursing through his body, a wave of hopelessness washed over him. "This is a hopeless situation for me," he thought, grappling with the cruel reality of his predicament. The notion of being relegated to a perpetual side character in the story of his own life gnawed at him. Aware that he was gradually succumbing to blood loss, Jose teetered on the edge of despair.

Amidst his despair, Jose's eyes fixated on the fire extinguisher tucked in the corner of the office. A glimmer of hope sparked within him. Summoning every ounce of strength, he hurled the extinguisher out of the office. The keen skeleton bowmen, alerted by the disturbance, struck the extinguisher, unleashing a thick smoke that shrouded the entire store.


Seizing the opportunity, Jose stealthily emerged from the office, becoming a silent, axe-wielding specter in the obscurity. Methodically, he eliminated the skeletons one by one, his movements concealed by the concealing smoke. A berserker with his axe, he transformed the battlefield into a graveyard for skeletal foes. However, the smoke dissipated, leaving 10 skeletons. Undeterred, they lunged at him, yet Jose, spinning like a top, unleashed a flurry of strikes, annihilating the remaining foes in a desperate bid for survival.

Collapsing after the final spin, Jose felt his vision fading. "Welp, I did my best, but the blood loss got me," he thought as the world around him blurred. Yet, to his surprise, the system sounded in his ear, injecting a spark of uncertainty into his fading consciousness.

"Mission Success.

Healing all wounds in progress.

Successfully killed all 75 skeletons.


Mission Rewards:

Jose lvl 3 and 3 skill points to be distributed."


A triumphant announcement from the system echoed in Jose's ears, piercing through the haze of his fading consciousness. The mission, against all odds, had been a success. As the system initiated the healing process, and with the promise of newfound strength, Jose's consciousness teetered on the edge between victory and the impending embrace of darkness.

Just like that, all his wounds vanished, and the arrows that were sticking to his back fell away one after another. Lying on his back, Jose contemplated the surreal experience he had just endured. The physical toll had been immense, yet it served as a vessel for the release of his pent-up anxiety and frustration. The monsters became unwitting recipients of the emotional baggage he had carried, creating a cathartic moment amidst the skeletal chaos.

Lying on his back, Jose ruminated on the tumultuous experience. Every ounce of pent-up anxiety found release in the chaotic dance with the skeletons, and the monsters unwittingly became vessels for his frustrations.


Then, he pondered the leveling system. A screen materialized before him:


**Jose Rizzer Level 3**


- **Muscle:** 5

- **Skeleton:** 5

- **Brain:** 5

- **Mana:** 100/100




- **Berserker (Passive):**

 - *Increase overall ability when covered in blood for 30%.*


- **Smoke Magic (lvl 1 - Active):**

 - *Ability to Create and Manipulate Smoke.*


- **Weapon Mastery (Axe) (lvl 2):**

 - *Mastery of using the weapon of proficiency, bonus 10% damage.*




- **Physical Points:** 3

- **Skill Points:** 3


- **Gold:** None


As he gazed at the screen, a mix of wonder and contemplation filled his thoughts. The transformative journey through the Zinomia Universe had left its mark, not only on his body but on the very essence of who Jose Rizzer had become.

The status screen felt like a surreal game to Jose, and a sigh of relief escaped him. It seemed there was a tangible chance to reshape his life within this cosmic trial.


Without hesitation, he allocated all his Physical Points into Muscle. Instantly, he sensed a difference as his muscles tightened momentarily before relaxing. A surge of newfound strength coursed through him, and he could feel the transformation within his physical prowess. The Zinomia Universe, with its game-like mechanics, became a conduit for Jose's metamorphosis.

As Jose prepared to allocate his skill points, the peace shattered with the crash of breaking glass. Horror gripped him as a group of goblins, with maniacal grins and saliva dripping, advanced toward the store. There were about 15 goblins, but Jose, facing the unexpected challenge, chuckled inwardly. "No breather, eh? I'm getting used to this," he thought, readying himself for yet another trial in the relentless Zinomia Universe.