

one of the top aristocratic families in countryA has a scandal ...... the once promised and prominent heir of the Rothschild aristocratic families has been reduced to a mere bastard child his future has been shattered as well as his mother's status shifting from being the illegal wife to a third wheel mistress and causing his siblings to never raise the heads in public as more and more people pointing their fingers at them with mockey again and again hence causing their freedom in the family and friends to be strained. In addition not only did the new wife of his scum of a father become satisfied she continued to scheme towards Andreas remaining family causing destruction and unity of Andreas remaining family as Andreas mother disappeared leaving him with his siblings to fend for themselves and also set up a successfully honey trap for Andreas leading in to welcome unexpected surprise of having twins and to add insult to the injury the girls family which accused him of molesting their daughter pouled more dead water on his reputation accusing him also of r**p, dishonest, cruelty. In order for the aristocratic family to save their face and their own reputation they can only abandon him and banish him from the family. However to those who schemed against Andreas this was worth celebrating as an obstacle is removed for step siblings. However Andreas mysteriously died and a new soul from another Earth switch bodies into the current Andreas with a system *********** ★★★now let's follow Andreas the fallen aristocratic to raise his own family, support his siblings and friends, fights his enemies and get his vengeance upon those who inflicted suffering upon his life and his siblings and most of all to to find his soul mate ★★viewed names, characteristics businesses, places events customs and incidents are the authors imaginations any familiarity to the actual persons,one living ,Dead and to event is properly a coincidence the book has referenced to real companies, organizations, individuals persons,however the use of these differences is not meant for harm and defaming organizations and individuals if they exist or are into existence. The picture is not mine, apologies for the offense to the owner.

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Chapter 43 Alive

~Creak ~

The door opened with a little blunt force as fey walked in looking a little anxious.

" Has,thank goodness Catherine nothing major happened to you,do you fill any discomfort " Fey breathed in a sign of relief as she looked at Catherine whose stretching her foot while sitting on the hospital bed, only God knew how anxious she was when she heard her scream on the phone

" by the way what happened earlier, maybe I shouldn't have called you while you're on the road, it's my fault."

" It's nothing, really I was just a little distracted and missed a step" Catherine smiled while trying her best reassuring her best friend to stop worrying.

" am okay really, come on this little pain won't stop me, come on let's go "

Fey signed seeing her friend determined look and agreed she scratches her head and said " fine if you're good to go." Suddenly Fey came to realization " yes, just forgot to tell that auntie has woken up, since we are in the same hospital let's go through,so are okay walking or should I get a wheelchair for you"

Catherine eyes lit up and stood up from the bed " no need, let's go I will walk"


Sofia valentine was was once a beauty in her youth,full of vigor and passion about her life, though she had a normal background,she achieved everything she had with her own two hands, making her one of the successful woman in the city, however everything changed after meeting only one man, causing her to lose everything she has build and now she paying for that mistake lying in the hospital bed looking sickly and pale, though she has aged her figure didn't change much.

A knock came at the door, bringing back her gaze from the window to the door.

" Come on in" she said while trying to help herself putting a pillow behind for comfortability.

" Mom don't move, let me do it."

" Y- You Kitty what are you doing here,why did you come back" she frowned anxiously (kitty is a pet name for Catherine "

" Mom look at your condition,of I have to come back and take care of you " Catherine said as a Matter of fact with moist eyes while holding her mother's hand.

Sofia's eyes turned red holding back her tears as she hugged her daughter in her embrace " it's good you're back, but am worried about you if you return here"

Catherine's heart ached as she new that her mother was mostly worried about her, after that incidence that happened four years ago,when she gave birth to stillborn babies the twins, she had been avoiding coming back to this city.

" Mom what happened to you, even with the company gone I know my super Mama can't faint mmm " Catherine tried to light things up with a smile and her mother can't be too emotional with her heart disease problem.

Sofia chuckled but smiled nevertheless as she had happy news to share with her daughter, that's why her heart problem acted up again,she held Catherine's hand saying excitedly " they are alive my granddaughters are alive."

" What ???" Catherine was stunned,she felt like she didn't hear it clearly,she felt unease and hurriedly asked again." Mom what are talking about, whose alive "

Sofia smiled through her tears as she patted Catherine shoulders" silly child I mean what I said, your daughters and my granddaughters are alive "

" Ahh yes here is the picture I got " Sofia hurriedly looked for her phone beside the nearby table, after unlocking the phone she showed the to Catherine.

Catherine bluntly got the phone anxiously from her mother, seeing the picture of the two girls on the phone, Catherine tearfully sobbed, the girls in picture looked malnourished and thin which made her feel pained and self blame for her failure to protect them, the girls on the phone looked unrecognizable as there appearance looked small from there normal age,there hair unkempt looking pitifuly, but there was no doubt that this where her children.

Seeing her daughters break down Sofia was sad and felt her heart ache, she didn't want her daughter to suffer unjustly and live with guilt about her children whom everyone assume where dead but instead they are alive.

" M...Mom, Mom where are they, were are my daughters,my I want to see my children, please tell me"

" Shh,shh, don't cry my dear, will find them very soon,as long as they are alive" Sofia reassured her daughter.

Catherine suppressed her inner impulse to ask more questions seeing that her mother expression was also not well for now to ask more questions in details, hence she calmed down after taking few breaths.

Then it clicked in her mind and looked at her mom " Mom this...you didn't also sign out all your company shares to because of this information and picture right."

Sofia gave a few coughs at Catherines words, seeing that her mother trying to feng ignorance, Cathrine was touched behold words.