

one of the top aristocratic families in countryA has a scandal ...... the once promised and prominent heir of the Rothschild aristocratic families has been reduced to a mere bastard child his future has been shattered as well as his mother's status shifting from being the illegal wife to a third wheel mistress and causing his siblings to never raise the heads in public as more and more people pointing their fingers at them with mockey again and again hence causing their freedom in the family and friends to be strained. In addition not only did the new wife of his scum of a father become satisfied she continued to scheme towards Andreas remaining family causing destruction and unity of Andreas remaining family as Andreas mother disappeared leaving him with his siblings to fend for themselves and also set up a successfully honey trap for Andreas leading in to welcome unexpected surprise of having twins and to add insult to the injury the girls family which accused him of molesting their daughter pouled more dead water on his reputation accusing him also of r**p, dishonest, cruelty. In order for the aristocratic family to save their face and their own reputation they can only abandon him and banish him from the family. However to those who schemed against Andreas this was worth celebrating as an obstacle is removed for step siblings. However Andreas mysteriously died and a new soul from another Earth switch bodies into the current Andreas with a system *********** ★★★now let's follow Andreas the fallen aristocratic to raise his own family, support his siblings and friends, fights his enemies and get his vengeance upon those who inflicted suffering upon his life and his siblings and most of all to to find his soul mate ★★viewed names, characteristics businesses, places events customs and incidents are the authors imaginations any familiarity to the actual persons,one living ,Dead and to event is properly a coincidence the book has referenced to real companies, organizations, individuals persons,however the use of these differences is not meant for harm and defaming organizations and individuals if they exist or are into existence. The picture is not mine, apologies for the offense to the owner.

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Chapter 29 The Big Client

Andreas shrugged his shoulders and teased him saying" it's not my fault right, otherwise a certain someone could have cried his lungs out"

Agustin pouted lips twitched" Huh,fine, fine bro I think you're busy why not lend me your car for a spin after all you have endless work"

Andreas laughed a little" Hahaha.., just ask, why pretend " Andreas said as he handed him the keys.

Agustin eyes lit up as got the keys and opened the scissors doors of the Lamborghini and got in" cool. Bro see you around "

"Just go"

And the car roared away.

"Let's go talk inside" Andreas said to jean and the other three.

The four of them nooded and went inside the restaurant private room, because Andreas didn't inform the management of the restaurant that he was coming they didn't recognize him.

"Yes" jean cleared his throat slightly before speaking " young master let me make the introduction first " jean said then pointed at the other man " this is Neil his skills can be considered next to mine, his cold name is black swan"

Neil bowed his head slightly "young master" Andreas nodded as well and indicated for Jean to continue

Jean then pointed at the woman wearing all black from head to toe black pants, black jacket however her beautiful face was expressionless and cold " this is Akira Davis" then Jean pointed at the last woman " And this is Cindy her skills are manly with computers, tracking in other words she's one of the world top class hacker"

Andreas looked at everyone and nodded his head in satisfaction and next they discussed the how the black Corps will operate and other ins and outs of everyones duties including it's expansion making it a world wide security Corp, the conversation it didn't take time.


In a luxurious condor filled European classic style of furnitures and design layout, a young woman in her mid twenties with a peerless beautiful figure wearing a black and red office suite with high heels sat calmly on the sofa while holding a glass of blood red wine in a right hand, her was unfocused as she was in deep thought.



The phone on the table rung, disrupting her thoughts.

She picked up her phone on the table and answered casually "yes"

" Young Mistress sorry for the trouble, we have found a client on the market who wants to make a deposit in the bank, the chairman has asked you to take care of it however their also other competitors trying to rope in this client in"

The young woman on the sofa was Christina Smith she was the youngest manager in the City Bank because of her achievement it was easier for her to qualify however recently they has been a competition director position which she and other colleagues have been eyeing in since one of the director is being transferred for promotion, the chairman might be her uncle and family but she had to do everything on her own to climb the ladder after all she was also the heiress of the Smith family one of the major families in Vienna city.

Christina frowned " didn't I tell uncle not to interfere with my work , and which client is it that you are taking about the could grab your attention."

The other side the speaker on the phone signed as well " The chairman didn't want to at first, however this time it's different, we received news of the mysterious CEO of Amazon group coming into the city and his likely to be the said client and what the board members want is for the young mistress to form a connection with him and not let the client fall into our competitors hands." The speaker paused then continued" young mistress is this opportunity falls into your cousins hands am sure you understand what will happen, it because of this that's why the chairman decided to give you a heads up "

Christina frown eased and sat up from the sofa" Fine,how true is the information, are you sure their is no mistake right ??"

" No, young mistress the information is verified"

" Wait, if their is no News how did you know and we don't know how he looks like since their are no pictures of him "

" We got inside information from one of workers, the Amazon executives we hold the press conference to release the news, however the CEO won't attend only the vice president . "

Christina curled her lips slightly" why been mysterious "

"Young mistress the chairman has high hopes for you, good bye"

The phone was hung up from the the other side.