
Trouble in the Academy city (part 2)

/ Year 780 23rd if 2nd October

As I think about the future, I look into my mirror and a thought occurred. {As I look into my mirror what do I really see is it just my reflection, or is it just an illusion of the world do I truly believe that what I see is me. Is the mirror actually reflecting the soul or was it made to be a path way for the devils to come.} what worrisome thought with this last word I will retire for the night.

Priestess Nanaka Dra'Claw/

Zile's P.O.V

{that was a very cliche moment I thought that this stuff only happens in maga and anime, and also thought reincarnation was just a made up thing back on earth.} As I continue my thought I walked with Lalupa, and Azura that I was carrying on both my shoulder {they, are lighter than I thought they would be. I better remind myself never ask them about how much they weigh especially laLupa since I am the one who took her virginity and got her knocked up.} We reached the inn where the group said it would better for the beauties I have with me to recover. As we enter the unimaginable happen, to my eyes and behold there they sat, the ones that I have miss for so long after I was reincarnated, the ones that I urn to see again in the inn that I was recommended to. tears began to well up in my eyes as I saw them, they looked the same as they did on earth the ones who took care of me when I was sick or feeling down. m-my First family was sitting there My father Anbus, mother Zelda, and my ten year old sister Rissa. My mother and father had black spikey chains that had jet black skulls that were puffing out of the chains, the scary part was that my mom and dad from earth where see though and Rissa was the only one of them that looked solid.

"Mom, dad, and Rissa is that you and what happen to you, I never thought I would ever see you again." I walk over but was stop by them holding their hand for me to stop, Then my mom from earth spoke up with a voice of agony...

(Zelda) "You must be the reincarnation of Zile, we do not much time to explain but we leave your sister in your hands it getting harder for us to stay in this world cause tartarus is pull these evil chains, the chains of punishment to punish those who stole the job of a God I sorry but..." but that's when the Purple black flame of tartarus burst out around them swallowing them. when the flames dispersed only my little sister stood there with tears in her eyes crying, the flames of anger, the waves of sadness, the thunders of guilt, and the chaos of Revenge appeared in my eyes and then I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Damn You gods of this world wait and I will destroy the prison of tartarus and Get my own divinity and mantle and become a God tht take his rightful place as king of the gods and take back what is mine."

Little did I notice that there were little white and black particles that surrounded my body, then before my eyes time frozen and a girl about the age of twelve walked out of no where. She was about 5'3 and had d-cup breast her face resembles that of a beautiful young elven girl that was very well sculpted. As I look into her eyes the had the color of chaos and her hair is the color of light blue and red, She then stop and smile at me with a beautiful smile.

"Hi my name is Kaos and well...Oh my 4 unawakens, and you got one of them pregnant shame to but oh well." The girl name Kaos snapped her Fingers and sat down as a love set appeared underneath her, which was weird a little bit.

"Please to meet you Kaos but who exactly are you if you don't mind me....."

"Meanwhile is the realm of the gods"

As the realm quakes under the pressure off some unusual earthquakes the people of the the realm or the gods felt uneasy.

"What in the name of 10 hades is going on why is there earthquakes now or here?" asked a man in white Ancient Roman attire as he sat on the throne with a little girl hugging him with frighten arms with a little tears in her eyes ask if some back was happening.

"My sire I do not know what is causing this It was like we are the ones of cause a hatred so much that, that hatred could cause this realm to collapse!" said panic small plumped man with the head of a goat, he was .

As the goat man finish his words A woman with an clay tablet and a golden scale bust through the throne room doors all in a Flustered rush. She stopped to take a knee, but the king just waved it away then told her to speak, which she nod her and began to report what came to happen.

(????) "King Zirikes have came to report that 4 of the unclaimed divinity, and mantles have been claim and what is scary is that Vengeance the second God of Vengeance has made an enemy for the second time of this era out someone or something that has the power to cause this many earthquakes in the divine realn." As the lady began to sweat from the murderous aura that was emitting from the current king of the gods.

(Zirikes) " what four divinities have been claimed Lebra and please tell me it weren't the four I think it was"

"The Inn in Academy city"

As I sat at the table within the eating section Looking at my sister thinking about who kaos was, what she was. I then thought about how I was going to destroy Tartarus to take back those to who where my parents but also where not my parents. That is when the inn doors busted open and the human name Alzone came in walking with what almost look liked a group 7 of his clansmen, he was looking for one person that person was me.

{How the Fuck did this dickhead get his legs back and why can I not catch a break for once in my intire being. Shit he's walking into here with a nasty grin on his lopsided head and look he brought friends, awe he should have brought more.} As the Human came toward me and my sister and smile.

(Alzone) " where is my playthings and I will let you live and this little O' sexy thing will be mine as well." he snap his Fingers and the group of his clansmen sounded the table, but I then I noticed The Inn owner come up with fire mana on his and shouted...

!The End Of Season One!

"Words From The Author "

Hey Everyone Ziggt hear Sorry bout Season One being so small but season two will have more chapters and with a whole lot more details thanks for reading this book and you see this book back on August 5 2019 so peace and see in August

WOW another chapter down I doing great but it's sad that I decide that this was a fall and Winter project and that it will be back on August 3rd of 2019

Yes Yes I know I know nothing big happen but this Chapter will be the end of Season 1 and think it as A Prologue, And Season 2 the beginning of chapter 1, Big thing will happen next season.

King Ziggt out

The spring/summer project novel will be call World of Magnesia so that's all folks

DemonGodZightcreators' thoughts