
Zian's Journey Beyond Edmon

Zian's Curiosity Unleashed: A Journey Beyond Edmon" tells the captivating story of Zian, a curious child raised in the vibrant forests of Edmon. Growing tired of the confines of his village, Zian yearns to explore the world beyond. With the help of a mysterious companion, Zian orchestrates an escape plan and finds himself face to face with a stranger carrying an enigmatic weapon. This encounter sets in motion a chain of events that propels Zian into a journey filled with adventure, fame, and unexpected alliances. Guided by his insatiable curiosity, Zian navigates the uncharted territories of the outside world, all while keeping the identity of his newfound ally hidden, adding an intriguing layer of mystery to his extraordinary tale

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The Forest and Zian

Once upon a time, in the vibrant forests of Edmon, there lived a curious kid named Zian. The lush woods of Edmon were teeming with a colorful array of birds and animals, creating a magical atmosphere. Zian resided in a cozy corner of Edmon called Relia, a small village that provided enough for a sustainable life. However, Zian grew tired of the villagers' constant advice on hunting, skinning, and adhering to traditions.

One fateful day, Zian's insatiable curiosity sparked a desire within him to explore the world beyond the confines of the Edmon forest. Each passing day filled his mind with thoughts of what it would be like to live outside the familiar woods. And so, on a beautiful morning, Zian made up his mind to venture beyond Edmon and discover the outside world.

For the following ten weeks, Zian meticulously planned every detail of his journey. He gathered provisions such as water, food, and survival items, leaving nothing to chance. Zian also sought out companions his age who shared his sense of adventure. Luckily, he crossed paths with Fazira, a captivating girl with a petite figure and a captivating presence. Though Zian and Fazira had the same skin color, Fazira's allure made her stand out. Together, they devised a plan for Zian's escape.

The plan was simple yet clever. Zian would pretend to go fishing but intentionally slip into the lake, allowing the current to carry him away. The villagers would rush to search for him in the water, giving Zian the perfect opportunity to slip away unnoticed. Fazira, in the meantime, would seek help from the village elders to divert their attention. Zian made sure to show his gratitude to Fazira by gifting her two Lili flowers, believed to enhance one's facial features a hundredfold.

Finally, the day to put their plan into action arrived. Everything unfolded just as they had anticipated. As Zian made his escape to Horikle, the boundary of the Edmon forest, he encountered a wild boar. Instinctively, he climbed a nearby tree and anxiously waited for the animal to retreat. Unexpectedly, Zian caught sight of a person—a white man who resembled a bear with his burly build, bald head, and a long pipe-like object that resembled a weapon. The sound of a gunshot startled Zian, causing him to lose his grip and fall from the tree.

Rushing to Zian's aid, the white man introduced himself as Joe Togan. Zian's heart raced with fear and confusion, for he had never encountered a white man or seen such a weapon in his life. Joe reassured Zian and kindly asked for his name. Trembling, Zian managed to utter, "I'm Zi-zian." Although Zian was well-versed in English, Joe's thick accent made it challenging to understand him. Curiosity sparked once again, and Zian inquired about the weapon. Joe chuckled and said, "Oh, is that what frightened you? It's called a shotgun. I was hunting for some food and came running when I saw that wild boar. By the way, why are you here? Are you from this forest?"

Zian nervously explained, "I am from this forest, but I couldn't resist my curiosity about the outside world. That's why I came to Horikle." Joe Togan burst into laughter and replied, "Zian, my friend, I would gladly take you outside to a place called the USA. It's a vast land, and I'm certain you will find it fascinating." Overjoyed, Zian readily accepted Joe's offer. But before they embarked on their adventure, Joe made

a peculiar request. "Zian, I want you to make a promise. Promise me that you'll do a podcast with me," Joe said with a mischievous smile.

Perplexed, Zian replied, "Sure, why not?"

And so, that marked the beginning of Zian's extraordinary journey. After their podcast was uploaded to MeTube, a popular social media platform, it quickly garnered an astonishing four billion views. Zian's fame soared, and he joined forces with Joe Togan, working together on content creation. Zian's skills expanded to include video editing, captivating audiences around the world with their engaging podcasts and videos.

The moral of the story is clear: Always pursue your curiosity, for it may lead you to destinations beyond your wildest imagination.