
Zhanye Black, To be a Superstar in another World.

A normal boy is reborn in the body of a chubby that has the same name as his, Zhanye Black. But in this strange world, Zy will use his new System to become famous. From a fatty guy, that streams Counter-Strike from his bedroom to a Celestial Prince that will have his face on every corner of the country. www.patreon.com/Zhanye This is a Magical Realism/Slice of Life. ** Disclaimer: The book cover design isn't mine, if the author wants me to remove, please email golldrum@gmail.com I will remove. **

Zhanye · Urban
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48 Chs

31 - Für Elise

For me, I was playing the only version of this I knew. Out of nowhere, my grandfather and Henry had stopped playing and were looking at me with disbelief, and that made lose my focus me a bit and I made a mistake, stopping playing as I looked at them with a questioned look.

"Did I play something wrong?" I asked with doubt looking at them.

"Wrong? Boy, if what you've played is wrong, I'm even afraid whoever dares try to play it right. Did you learn to play for only 4 months?" He asked with a look of doubt.

"Yes, the advantage I had in learning to play the piano is that since I've always played a lot on the computer, the agility in my fingers and the ease I've had in learning about pressing a sequence of keys has helped a lot." I said the first excuse that came into my mind to convince me it was easier.

Listening to what I said, my grandfather got a little thoughtful, but after a while, an animated look appeared on his face. "I'm very lucky! My 5-year-old grandson can play the piano very well, while my older grandson learned to play the piano alone and has already reached that level. You're both geniuses!"

From his reaction, I saw that my grandfather liked to play the piano.

My father arrived soon after, when we were talking and had lunch with us. The family lunch was very lively, since my grandparents kept asking me questions about various subjects, whether it was about what I liked to do, if I was eating well, how I learned to play the piano, and what surprised them the most, was when I explained how I was "working" on the internet.

"Do you mean other people stop their day to watch you play?" My grandmother asked curiously.

"Yes! When I started, only 3 people stopped to watch me play and chat with me, today that number rose to 500 people simultaneously." I said while I was cutting a piece of the omelet.

"What? 500 people were watching you play online?" My grandfather was so surprised he almost choked. He, as a man who understood music, and who from what he said, has done some concerts, was probably imagining a theatre full of 500 people now and I playing in front of everyone. For a person his age, I think that was a good way to imagine what a live stream was like.

"Yeah, Grandpa, 500 people were watching me today." I confirmed it with a proud smile.

"And have you ever thought about playing the piano for these people too?" He asked with excitement.

"Hmm... there are some people who ask me to play, but I still don't think I'm ready."

"Boy, trust me, if you show me 50% of what you showed me there now, I doubt very much that these people won't like it. Even more, than they're all young like you, their critical sense of small mistakes won't be boring like old people like me hahaha." He responded by laughing.

I started to think about this possibility and got a little excited to play now in a live stream nearby.

After lunch, my father returned to the hospital to work and I could feel my grandfather's gaze towards the piano wanting to play, or hear more. So I got up and sat on the piano chair and said to my grandfather, "Grandpa, I'm going to play you one of the songs I cherish the most."

Listening to what I said, my grandfather got up from the couch and with an exhilarating look, He stood beside me to see and hear me play. "Very well Zhanye, I may not understand and many subjects, but I assure you that there is one subject and that is music. "

Knowing this, I prompt myself in front of the piano and began to strum one of the most iconic songs in my old world. The feeling of playing Für Elise on the piano was like I was playing the game Guitar Hero again, where I just had to press the keys that appeared in my mind. From what my grandfather said, my proficiency was considered high, so I was really getting to play the song well.

But because it's a more complex song than Liz's concert song, I still made some mistakes that affected the final performance.

My grandfather started listening to the song trying to guess which song I was playing, but the more I played, the more and more confused he got, until finally he opened his eyes and looked at me with amazement, understanding that this was an original song, that despite the mistakes, this song was not from another composer, since he knew that such a song, if released very quickly, would become a landmark for the classical music industry.

The way this song, made in Lá Menor with a compass (3/8), gave a very obvious feeling of sadness and a little melancholy was something fascinating. Songs that passed feelings so clearly were extremely rare today... This piece that my grandson is playing, if released in the world of classical music will cause a bang. He thought.

When I finally finished playing, I looked to my side and saw in my grandfather's eyes a tear flowing as he kept a very surprised look on his face. "Boy, tell me where that song came from?" He asked.

I couldn't say that this song was by Beethoven since he would want to meet this Beethoven and I had no proof that he existed in this world, so I had to use the quickest excuse I could use. "I created it, Grandpa."

"Have you named this masterpiece?" He asked with emotion.

"Her name is Für Elise." I could even say that I created the play, but I wouldn't change the name if they paid me.

"Good name, Für Elise from the German. If what I felt coming from this song is really what you want to go through, I'm sorry about this Elise boy, you'll find other women." He said by clearly understanding the message that Ludwig Van Beethoven wanted to convey in the work.

This surprised the women who were watching to see that apparently, the music was disillusionment with love, while I was surprised by how good my grandfather's deduction was.

This gave me the curiosity to finally test the functionality I gained yesterday from the system. I thought as I looked at my grandfather, and suddenly a window appeared in front of me.

-Edward Stein

CHARM: 68/100

AGI: 19/100

STR: 21/100

INT: 71/100


Piano: 89/100

Cooking: 12/100


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