
Zero Humanity: Battle of the fallen world in Apocalypse

When it is released on all gaming platforms, the free-to-play game Zero Humanity is a great success from the first week and then continues to attract all curious people from all over the world thanks to a mysterious countdown indicating thirty days and inspiring many theories. However, despite all the accolades and praise he has heard about this phenomenal game, Light Foster, a student far too busy with his quest for excellence, is the only one in his class who has not yet started a game. All his friends will insist on this fact until finally, the young man decides to register at the very last minute. What he doesn't know at this moment, is that the system screen he sees appearing right after, is only the beginning of a long nightmare...

luxaquilae0213 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Normality gone (2)

<Midnight has arrived >

<!!!! Warning message!!!!>

<The First Blight will soon strike>

<Estimated level to hope to survive:30>

<Estimated time before>

<Estimated time before the Scourge arrives: 2 days>

<Countdown starts>

<Remaining time: 47 hours 59 minutes 12 seconds >

"What the hell is that?!" Light exclaimed after reading the message and hearing the female voice reciting it.

"It's looking bad." Xen muttered seriously before looking for something on his screen. "We'll have to move Fost."

"How do you know that nickname?" asked the astonished young man as he got out of bed.

"The system has a lot of capabilities. So many that it would take me a whole day to list them for you."

"That doesn't really answer my question." Light sighed.

"That's your player name. I can see it with the system just as you can see it with me." he said, thrusting his hand into the gold screen to pull out some clothes before adding, "In this new world, all players have lost their old identities and instead received those of their avatars. Only viewers are exempt from this law."

He then handed him the clothes he had pulled from his screen and urged him to get dressed while he waited outside.

He had also offered him a strange transparent substance contained in a glass that he had to pour over himself to remove any form of dirt before putting on his new clothes. A white shirt, black pants and a pair of shoes of the same color.

Once ready, he joined the 30-year-old outside and noticed the incredible interior of the large white building where groups of people were murmuring and panicking as they read the warning message again.

The place was filled with wounded and healing mages trying as best they could to manage the situation as other players carried inert bodies covered in sheets on stretchers.

As they hurried on, the duo was approached by a lovely Asian woman with long black hair and fiery eyes. She wore the same clothes as Light and the impression she gave was that of an unstoppable rebel.

"Finally found you mister Xen!" she cried impatiently as she approached. "The boss wants to see you urgently!"

"That's good, I was just planning to join her." explained the thirty-something with a calm smile.

"And who is this trash?" she asked, looking at Light with a look of contempt.

"Fost, a player who caught my eye."

"What? him?!" she wondered as she approached the silent young man. "A poor level 3 sucker?!" she minimized him with a revolted tone.

<A player who speaks a foreign language have been detected>

<Automatic translation activate>






"Being treated like trash by a kid..." Light sighed before the young woman gave him a look so cold that he felt a shiver.

"Age doesn't matter in this new world and you're only five years older than me weakling."

"Oh?" Light said with a smile full of murderous aura.

"Calm down now. You'll have time to coo later!"

"But we're not cooing!!" they shouted at the same time.

They left the large hospital to follow a long path covered with slabs and cracks in order to leave the hospital grounds and join a street full of vehicles in as poor conditions as the roads.

The whole town looked like a city hit by a destructive hurricane. The buildings were covered with cracks, gigantic holes and some leaned so much that they threatened to collapse on passers-by at any moment.

The roads were like fractured and no vehicles could even try to make their way through the carcasses of buildings and the huge pits covered by portions of the great protective crystal.

The vanished electricity was replaced by magical artifacts producing just as much energy, and the sparkling light of the great crystal radiated throughout the human city. The rescue and elimination expeditions of dark creatures were still going on and Light noticed something quite disturbing that he preferred to put aside.

It was after a good ten-minute walk from the hospital that the three players were able to reach the first headquarters of the Celestial Beasts.

An exceptional construction similar to a mix between the prestigious ancient Greek temples and the sublime Palace of Versailles with much more impressive dimensions.

The entire HQ area was surrounded by a magic-enhanced wall and the entire area was within a few feet of the big crystal. The large black gate leading into the courtyard was guarded by two tank-class players with menacing gazes, who bowed at the sight of Xen and smiled upon seeing the beautiful Zhaojun.

Only the players had the right to enter the HQ and the two guards had to ensure that this rule was not violated at any cost.

When they saw the player Fost appear in front of them, they couldn't help but rub their eyes as if he was looking at something strange and impossible to understand before laughing out loud.

Light had an idea of the reason for their amusement. Ever since he had come out of that hospital room, this new world had been quick to make him understand one of its most important laws.

All the players he had observed since he woke up were all above level 20, Xen even exceeded the average with his level 55, and it was something very strange for all these players to see this young man who didn't hadn't even passed level 5 yet.

"Where did this guy come from?" one of the guards asked with a broad smile.

"He's Mr. Xen's little protege apparently." answered the young woman without much interest.

"Is that true Mr. Xen?" asked the second guard.

"Absolutely. This player caught my eye."

"With such a low level and non-existent job. I really wonder what you can find so interesting in him." Zhaojun said looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Hmm I wonder." replied the thirty-something with a secretive smile.

"Your name is Fost, right?" asked the first guard.

"Yes." the young man nodded with a respectful smile.

"You better get stuck among the civilians." advised the big burly in armor before explaining; "The last dark creatures below level 15 are about to be annihilated and your chances of gaining level are immensely nil. Low level players like you were the first to get killed and I don't give much of your skin if you dare to participate in our futurs conquest expeditions."

"In this new world, it is the powerful who have the best chance of survival and each life has a precious value in our eyes. So don't act suicidal and follow our advice." said the second with a more serious tone than the first.

There was a silence during which all attention was focused on the young man who had remained silent. They were all waiting for his answer and his three detractors were already expecting to see him drop his tail between his legs unlike Xen, who was watching him with a totally serene gaze.

"Thank you for your advice and all your attention, but I don't intend to run away like a coward and sit idly by."

"Are you stupid or what?! Did you know less heard what we just told you?!" the two guards got angry.

"I heard correctly and I feel very honored by your warning."

"But then why?" the two guards asked before shivering at the terrifying look on his face.

"I have something important to do and I can't die until I do it." he replied with a calm tone.

"Stay there if you want. Time is pressing after all." Xen said, urging them to open the gate.

The great courtyard of the domain also presented a fractured ground but gardens in good condition and the beauty of the constructions seemed far from the image of the chaos which reigned everywhere in the city of Avalon.

There were statuettes covered in cracks, a large fountain that was still active, and bits of missing monuments scattered all over the place. Non-player soldiers circled around the buildings and greeted the trio with great respect when they looked up at them.

The interior of the headquarters was full of moving players who greeted Xen respectfully before staring at Light with wide eyes that were as amused as they were horrified.

"A level 3?! At a time like this?!" some wondered.

"He's the weakest player!" provoked others.

"Surely a coward who preferred to hide all along!" murmured others.

Light heard them and preferred to keep his composure. Cowardly, weak, yes, he surely was. He couldn't protect his family and he didn't want to die when this demon gave him the chance. He was pathetic, shabby and that was exactly what made him raise his head.

He was certainly the weakest of all but he didn't intend to let himself go without a fight. If he didn't fight, he couldn't move on and if he couldn't move on, he couldn't accomplish this goal he had set himself. Fight! fight! Yes! To move forward and to win. No one could stop him!

The trio met in front of the guild leader's office and Xen opened the door after receiving permission for the three of them to enter quietly to stand in front of the great Titania, the most powerful human being in this fallen world...