

Tells the story of three people who return to a city where the gangsters are in chaos, Blood Dragon and their Killer Kraken are two camps that are always at odds. The three of them were pretty good among them because they were still too young, but who would have thought that the three of them were really great agents in carrying out their mission. They have the nickname Mr. Pick, because they have chosen a mission or enemy it is certain that it will work but they prefer to act alone. Only big bosses can give them missions, but they have the right to choose or reject them. Are you curious about how they came back to the city? Let's follow their journey.

Vermillion_ID · Urban
Not enough ratings
159 Chs

Viola Done

Calvin tried to steady his breathing, he waited for the right moment to strike at them.

"Come out Calvin!" exclaimed one of them.

"You've been cornered like a rat, so pitiful." he added.

Calvin just smiled he already knew who the enemy was in front of him, there was no mistaking that it was Franklin's voice. The boss contacted by the big man was definitely Franklin, no wonder it was Franklin who came after him.

"Looks like I shouldn't bother looking for you." Calvin shouted.

"I warned you not to interfere." Franklin said.

"Your actions make me uncomfortable, who can relax then." Says Calvin.

"Get ready Calvin I won't hesitate."

"Of course that's what I want."

Calvin turned towards the passage they were in and began to deliver a series of attacks,

"Boom! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"