
Zerø: Chronicles of Time

The universe nears its end, and the war has no signs of stopping. After a careful consideration, Zyndra takes the matters to hand, and ends it once and for all. But, the aftermath of the battle made everything messed up, and everybody, now, is living in realms

AoiKiyori · Fantasy
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83 Chs

Three Years

Bustling crowds, dazzling cars and men and women of nobility. They were all celebrating. There is a man in the middle of the party and he is drinking wine.

"O, Great Emperor Dariel! You conquered the Eight Continents. What else can't you do?" Rosobio knelt in front of him.

The others also praised him and knelt. They offered him the greatest gifts of all. Heaven and earth treasures that can boost mana and prolong life.

"My Lord, what plans do you have?" Another man knelt before him.

Dariel just smiled. He then took a sip of wine.

"Take my orders, my loyal subjects. We are going to nurture monsters that will inherit the Supreme Seats. Then, I will be their master, making me the master of Supremes. We will be overthrowing this world, and challenge the Gods that proclaim they are the greatest. We will defeat them, and on that day, you my subjects would become Gods and obtain immeasurable power. We would rule the world and bring a new era to history!" He shouted and all of them stood up and saluted.

"All hail Dariel! Long live Dariel!" The chants filled the throne room. The terror is starting to reign.


"Twenty thousand gold coins!" A shout was heard.

"Twenty thousand and a hundred gold coins!" Another voice rang out.

"Thirty thousand!" A decisive voice said.

The hall became quiet. No other voice was heard.

"Thirty thousand gold coins going once!" The woman on the stage said.

"Going twice!" She then added.

"Going thrice!" She then smiled.

"Congratulations to Number 32 for buying the Right Arm Flaming Mana Armor!" The girl's smile grew wider.

Sighs were heard from the crowd.

"And now, we move to the second to the last item for today. Actually, the last two are not items, nor tools or amplifiers." The girl explained.

"They are from extremely rare clans. This first one is from the Aquilos Clan. They are rare and the most adept seal masters to the air, but this is the most rare one." With that, a boy walked out of the curtains, he has a brown-black hair and his eyes were different. His right is of an eagle's, and the left is of an owl. Their colors differ, but the size and formation are the same.

"His name is Aves Aquilos, the last descendant of the Aquilos Clan. He was caught by His Majesty, Dariel, and was sent here for auction."

"The starting price for him is a hundred thousand gold coins and an interval of ten thousand coins. You may start bidding now." The girl then smiled.

The crowd was silent. They want the last Aquilos, but they can't be fighting against the price. They were waiting, until--

"Five hundred thousand!" A voice rang out.

-a bidder, with much courage, shouted.

The crowd was more silent. No one dared to speak.

"Are there any more bids?" When almost five minutes went off, the girl then said.

Another minute of silence.

"Sold! Congratulation number 21." The girl smiled and delivered the boy backstage.

"The boy will be sent to you later. Now, we would proceed to the final item." The crowd now was bustling. They have ignited their fighting spirits.

"The next one is from the Piscus Clan. She is also the last descendant, the clan is also conquered by His Majesty, Dariel. She is a bit special. She already have a pentagonal planar seal as her fourth seal."

Gasps was heard. A genius was found!

"The starting price is three hundred thousand gold coins. The bidding may sta--"

"One million!" A voice was heard again. This time, it is more decisive.

The crowd that was bustling with life, now died down.

Piscus and Aquilos Clans have beast laws. Piscus is the best in water and Aquilos is for flying.

Ten minute silence filled the hall.

"Hey, aren't you going to sell it to me?" A boy's voice was heard.

They all regained senses and the bidder smiled.

"Any more objections?" She asked.

Another minute of silence.

"Sold! Congratulations again number 21. You can claim your prize after the auction. To our dear buyers who didn't get anything, you can always visit us. Again, thank you and good night to everyone!" She smiled and the lights turned off.


"Transaction completed. Sir, may you enjoy the years enslaving them. Good night!" The lady winked and walked away.

Two people stood there, and the other two was kneeling before them. The two people that are standing still wear their masks. The one on the right has a white hair, and the other one has black.

"Come on, guys. You are free now. Just don't let them catch you again." The one on the left said.

"What?" Aves was startled. "You bought us only to free us?" His eyes has tears on them.

"Yes!" The one on the right said. Concise and precise.

The silence filled them after he said that. The two stood up and looked at them.

"We are free, yes. But we don't know where to go. Our home is destroyed, and we don't have anyone to turn in to." The girl said.

"Fool. Of course you are free. You can choose to stay with us, or choose to live a life without shackles." The man on the left chuckled.

"By the way," the two removed their masks, "Von is the name. I am thirteen years old, but we did something to make us appear in sixties." Von said smiling.

"My name is Aves Aquilos. Thirteen years old"

"I am Aeriel Piscus. I am also thirteen." They introduced themselves.

"So, Aeriel and Aves, would you like to come with us?" Von asked.

"Yes!" They both answered.

Von smiled at them. He pressed something from his belt and two cloaks appeared. He gave it to the two, and they wore it.

"Okay, you two follow me. Brother, you must take the other two. Please, we must save everyone." He stopped for a moment, and tapped Vin's shoulder lightly.

Vin nodded and went to an alley. The trio then continued forward.


"Who are you?"

"Me? We're criminals. Welcome to our criminal organization!"


"I'm serious, bruh. That's why we need to conceal ourselves. Our age, figure, face, posture and even mannerisms, you can also add eye contact, breathing and intimidation."

"Why are you doing things like this?"

"Simple. Because we are criminals. Now, if you don't mind, Aves and Aeriel, welcome to our home."


"Okay, place your bet now." A man was talking to a bearded elder. The elder was busy combing his beard using his hands.

"Two million, if they win, send them over." The elder said, then he stood up. He walked down the alleyway, and his figure vanished.

"That geezer knows how to be impolite, huh?" The man chuckled.

He then walked towards a room. He picked a handful of keys and opened the door. He entered as he closed the door.

The room was dreadful. Bones and tattered clothes were scattered. Roaches, rodents and flies were feeding on the carcasses.

The room is full of cages. On the farthest side, on the left, there were two cages that were lit with torches.

The man walked towards it. He saw the people inside and took  them. He cuffed their hands and pulled them out of the room.

He then led them out of the room. Their ankles are bleeding, clothes ripped, and have too many scratches.

Their clothes are too damaged that the parts needed to be hidden is exposed. If one would look at them, they may say that these young ones are beggars or sex slaves.

The man led the others back to his room. As he went in, he left the door open, and pulled some blankets from a nearby closet. He threw it to them and let out a cold snort.

He then walked towards one of them. 

He put the towel on her back, wrapping it on her front. Then he slid down his hand towards her ample breasts.

She gasped loudly that made the man chuckle a bit.

"You are still unripe, but in time," he chuckled, "anyway, you have a tournament tonight. You can have a feast on that room today. Meet me after an hour. Be ready, or you heads would end up rolling on the floor."

He chuckled, sending big chills towards their spine.

They cant do anything but smile. This is their world. The world of losers. The world of the submissives.

The four walked out of the room. Their faces downcast, eyes are dark and heads hung low.

Their footsteps have rhythm, and heavy. Breathing is uneasy, and stomach growling.

The result of war that started three years ago left their hearts empty, and stomach too.

Dariel truly gulped down their families to the last drop. His greed left others hungry and unsated.

They all walked towards the dining hall. The table was full of delicacies.

From colorful veggies up to grilled salmon and roasted chicken.

"Let's eat." One of them walked forward and sat.

"Smells good. Let's see if we can finish all these things with the time they gave us." Another one said.

"Why the rush? They need us. So let us take our time." Another one said.

"Need us? Are you sure, Raine?" One of them asked.

"Of course, Charla. The fact that they are using our powers to gain wealth, they wont harm us, might wont rush us on our food as well." Raine said while puffing her chest. She still felt the pain he gave her earlier.

"I heard that Aquilos and Piscus all are eliminated, how about Golus?" Raine asked one of her companions that sat on the other side of the table. He was busy munching and swallowing food, but after he heard Golus, he stopped.

"They may be wiped out as well." The boy said.

Silence crept on the room. They stared at each other with disdain and pity.

These children are all nobles. They are geniuses above geniuses. At the age of thirteen, they all have three seals, with the maximum traits, and anyone at their age, or others that have two more seals than them are not their match. Unless they have three seals with maximum traits too.

Golus, Arcana, Halbre and Ordai. These families have experts in the ninth seal, but falls short in the face of a Supreme.

The four finished their foods in silence. They have downcast looks on their faces. Their eyes are hopeless and bleak.

They walked out of the room and strolled towards another.

"Quandor, let's go in. We have to suit up." Charla said, pushing him in.

Quandor is a bit shy, but no one knows that this shy boy would be a monster in some circumstances.

Laughter rang out from the other three.

"You too, Shelar. You are far too weak compared to me." Raine smirked at the other guy, this time, he is blushing red.

The room is like a locker room.

There are almost ten closets on each well, totalling to forty, eight benches and two fitting rooms.

Quandor took some keys and opened a closet. He is about to pick his bow and arrow case when a figure came in.

He wore a black hood, a black mask and black cape. He stood there watching the four scuttle before taking a battle stance.

"Yo, how's it been? Its been a year since your families fell down." The visitor said.

The three gritted their teeth, while it was Shelar who answered the mocking.

"You're wrong. It's only eleven months, thirty days, twenty-two hours and fifty-six minutes. I finished it at exactly forty-eighth second. Its not a year dude." He grinned, gripping an axe.

"Whatever, i just need the equipments here, and if you want to be free, you will be freed." With that, he waved his hand and all the closets opened. He then closed his hand like grasping something and all the things inside the closets flew out and went to his direction. All of them vanished when they approached him. There were blueprints, armors, weapons, armaments, and a gray book that looks tattered.