
Zerø: Chronicles of Time

The universe nears its end, and the war has no signs of stopping. After a careful consideration, Zyndra takes the matters to hand, and ends it once and for all. But, the aftermath of the battle made everything messed up, and everybody, now, is living in realms

AoiKiyori · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
83 Chs


It was already afternoon of the third day when Ethan and Hiera went back to the place where they will meet.

"You sure took your time." Aves said as he looked at all the spheres that Ethan has on him.

"I don't know what they are, but they are pretty much stronger than the manifestations we have." Ethan answered, picking up a purple manifestation with a spiky outer ring.

"It is strange, but the strangeness is emits is unfathomable." Von also poured almost a hundred spheres from his bag.

Aves and Ven also poured some spheres, totalling to almost a thousand.

Geneva walked as she picked up a small sphere. It was a sphere with green miasma to it, and the outer ring is a circular saw.

"The Lost Dimension is entering it's middle phase. It was prophesied that it will meet more resistance, and a more powerful enemy shall rise from it."

She caressed the sphere and put it back from where it came from.

Suddenly, eight pairs of gazes landed onto her body.

She felt that her heart jumped a little, but she regained composure in the very next moment.

"Yes, it is possible that the one you are looking for is there." Flint walked towards the table as he fished out a sphere from the pool.

"May I have this?" Flint asked.

"No." Aves said as he snatched the sphere back.

"Not unless you tell us what is happening here." Aves pushed the sphere in his chest.

Michonne took the sphere as he started to narrate.

"The Lost Dimension is what you call a piece of the universe deviating from the way it has to follow."

"The universe is a place that promotes growth, permits evolution and seeks infinity."

"The Lost Dimension is the complete opposite. It wants the universe to end, and end fast to gobble up its resources and restart a new universe."

Flint then pitched in, snatching the sphere from Michonne.

"The birth of a Lost Dimension happens when a definite doom is about to happen to the said universe."

"What?" Dahlia was a bit startled.

"Yes, there are other universes out there." Geneva said and sat on Nautilus' shoulder.

"And so?" Ethan was more confused.

"This universe's Lost Dimension is a bit peculiar. It was born back when the First Ruler was inaugurated. You can say that he was the sole cause of the end of this universe."

Michonne then stole the sphere from Flint again.

"Back then, we are unaware of the other universes, and they are unaware of us, but when he reached the peak of power, it was said that the others took it as an uprising of a new power."

"Thus, they decided to test this newcomer and sent Seven Elites, and it was said that they are as strong as the first Ruler."

Flint then slapped Michonne's hand and the sphere flew towards him.

"It was called the Battle of the Seven Gods."

"The First God, is a Light-Bearer God. He is of justice and truth. His light vanquishes evil, corruption and even poverty. His only weakness is that his power only works on who he judge as a sinner and evil. He can't pass on judgment to people that he is not acquainted with. In his battle against the First Ruler, his attacks are ineffective as he can't see a single speck of darkness in him."

"The Second God is the Darkness Distributor God. He is the complete opposite of the First God. He lost to the First Ruler as he understood that he can't exploit the light the First Ruler has. He can't even trick him. In the end, he surrendered and lost."

"The Third God is the Soul God. He controls the dead and living souls. He uses an undead army from the deaths in the battlefield. He also lost to the First Ruler as he protected the souls from being used. He also mastered many weapons, but was met with the unparalleled mastery of sword of the First Ruler. The First Ruler's soul attack wounded him and was sent back to his universe.

"The Fourth God is the Spirit God. His elemental mastery is over the top, unfortunately, he still lost to the First Ruler when he used his Law, the Law that is abhorred by Magi, Absorb. The Law absorbs all kinds of energy, making the user disloyal to the Magi. He absorbed all attacks, and the Fourth God depleted his almost infinite mana."

"The Fifth God is the Sunderer God. He is brawny and all beasts follow him. He also lost when his beasts were all eaten by the glyph of the First Ruler, a gray dragon glyph. They also fought in a melee confrontation, but the same result happened."

"The Sixth and Seventh God came at the same time. It was the Blood God and the Curse God. They also lost for the First Ruler suppressed them both with the use of his dragon and his might."

"After that, it was said that those universes fell and other universes annexed them."

"But, it didn't end there. On a certain day, many powerful figures appeared in our universe."

"There are all kinds of weapon gods, beast gods and even elemental gods trying to annex our universe, but all were repelled, and have their universes annexed by others in return."

"And so, they all ran to the Lost Dimension of this universe."

"But, the First Ruler also received too much damage, so he decided to create a something for the universe."

"The First Ruler used his aether to create a weapon that changes its appearance and specs, maximizing their strengths."

"He then followed them to the Lost Dimension, and used his hex to create dragons to kill and chase the escapees."

"After all of that, he poured out all of his mana to support the dragons and give them elemental abilities."

"With that, he died and his body was found in our universe, and was buried under the Council Tower."

Michonne stole the sphere again, and hid it to his pocket.

"The Second Ruler then was born three years after the death of the First Ruler. His Law, Nullify, was so helpful that no one wanted to fight him. He can nullify even the smallest energy wave, making them fight him in a hand to hand combat, which he is too good."

"But, the impending danger of the Lost Dimension piqued him. When he went inside, the others who went in created a mechanical dragon, trying to go out of it. He fought the dragon, but was defeated by it."

"Having no choice, he used the sword the First Ruler created and destroyed the dragon. After that, his corpse arrived in the Central, holding two swords, one black and one white."

"The black sword was given to the Noble House of Grand, and the white sword was given to the Council."

"The Third Ruler was a man of science. He invented too many things such as the core of Mecha, artificial intelligence and nanomachines. He is a master of electricity, metal and he even made use of physics to create artificial manifestations."

"Though it was a flop, he understood more about the manifestations, giving him an upper hand in the Lost Dimension."

"He saw the Lost Dimension as a place to evacuate, and a place that can be used as training grounds for the youths."

"Through that, the Third Ruler used his Law, Form, to create a world in the Lost Dimension, creating a planet inside it, making life to the utmost of his knowledge."

"The Third Ruler then went back to the Central, and created a tournament that happens once a year. The winner will be sent to that place, and train."

"It was said that he created native life on that place, and all of what happened there was told by him to us, for he shared a network to the other rulers, and they told him of what transpired."

"When he was flourishing as the Ruler, a sudden visit happened to our universe."

"It was an envoy from the Old Empire. It was the oldest universe, and most powerful. The envoy told something to the Ruler, and the Ruler heed his words."

"From then on, a large formation was set outside our universe, and the other universes cannot enter it. Unless someone deactivates the formation from the inside, no one can go in. Also, one of the keys to the formation is one of the items that were stolen from the Council, the Hylos' Fang."

"Then, we discovered that our universe is a Ruler's universe."

"It means that the core of the universe is small, but is bright enough to create five rulers, which the other universes can't do, because even if their cores are large, their cores are dim, meaning that they can only make one or two rulers before the they annex other universe to create more Rulers."

"Then, the Fourth Ruler came. He is a sickly young man, but he is wiser than the others. When he came to the Lost Dimension, he noticed a few changes."

"The escapees have now their own planets, and was attacking the mother planet. He repelled the attack, and came with his seven disciples."

"The seven disciples saw that other universes are trying to enter that Lost Dimension, so they created fifty 'fake' dimensions."

"This served as a filter and a security against the infiltrating universes."

"In the end, the first seven races got a place in the mother planet, and in the middle phase, fourteen more will be sent."

"And it was a big question why the portal isn't opening this time."

"Everytime the portal opens, we hold the tournament so that new blood will be added, but it has been a year but, still no opening."

"And last year, the portal closed before the tournament ended."

"We thought it was just the portal closing itself, but we detected a large-scale spatial magic, and we also discovered that you eight are part of the calamity, that's why we called you here."

A deafening silence came after that.

"Another person was swept up by the current." Flint continued.

"Celestine Axami." Christine walked forward as she picked a sphere from the pool.

"I'll be taking this." She said as she walked out, her face filled with sadness and longing.

"It's her sister." Geneva then picked the sphere from Flint's pocket.

"Hey, why did you pulled it?" Flint was mad.

"The Fourth Ruler then became aware of the impending doom. That the Rulers were the sign of the start of deterioration. In short, we have to annex other universes to strive."

"Thus, he lead a team to annex one of the smaller universes, but then, he was ambushed, together with some of the elders in the council today."

"And one of them is Elder Galvan. When he came back, he held the Ruler's body in his hands, his manifestations are broken and no chance of coming back again."

"The only thing that gave him authority is that the Ruler gave him a chance to use a Ruler's power once."

"Other universes tried to usurp us while the Fourth Ruler was trying to conquer other universes."

"But he saw it coming, so with his life essence, he created a formation that leads all other universes to the Lost Dimension."

"And he created another formation in the Lost Dimension that will send invaders to fifty dimensions in where they will fight each other, hopefully weakening them and sending them to the Lost Dimension for the people in there to kill them all."

"He wanted to divide it to seven waves, but the Lost Dimension somewhat procured its rules and it was divided now to three waves."

"The first wave was done, there are two more waves, and the next waves will be more devastating than the previous one."

"And when the next wave comes, the third wave will arrive shortly, so the portal might pull in people like you to defend the third wave."

An eerie silence covered the whole room.

A moment later, Von awkwardly raised his hand and asked:

"What's with that sphere and you steal it from one another?"