
Zerø: Chronicles of Time

The universe nears its end, and the war has no signs of stopping. After a careful consideration, Zyndra takes the matters to hand, and ends it once and for all. But, the aftermath of the battle made everything messed up, and everybody, now, is living in realms

AoiKiyori · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
83 Chs


"Brother, help me out here! Master's orders!" Oscar was laughing hard. He can't contain his excitement about the sudden appearance of a comrade-in-arms.

Three years ago, in a certain port.

A man can be seen standing. In his front are almost a hundred fishermen with their spears and knives. The man has a conical hat and is wearing a robe.

"I am not here for fighting, I just want to meet the strongest man in this place." The man in the conical hat, Oscar, stepped back a little.

"Then you have to get through us." One man said, while the others are clearly emitting hostility.

Oscar then scratched his head in annoyance.

He then stepped back again, but this time, a person clad in armor took the front of the fishermen.

He is a bulky man with a red dazzling armor and stripes of yellow and black over joints, hinges and nooks. The highlights can make a human puke out because of the dizzying design.

"I am Dariel, may I know the persona of my visitor today?" He calmly asked, making the fishermen shiver in fear. The exchange didn't escaped the man's eyes and he knew that this person in front of himis a man of honor.

"My name is Oscar Lancero, we are from Ur, and we are looking for a descendant of our master!" The man in a conical hat said.

Dariel was a bit confused at first, but he know that these people are far stronger, and Ur isnt a place in this planet, and with that, he came up into a nasty idea that came into this war.

At the center of war.

"Yano! What is the meaning of this?" Vin, holding his sword can't understand the way Oscar knew Yano.

Now, a third party is involved, the war became more savage.

Zeke arrived beside Yano, he looked at Vin and Oscar, then looked at Dariel. Yano and him doesn't have any weapons in their hands, and they look like spectators of the battle.

"YANO!" Vin shouted again, in despair. He knew that he can't beat Yano, and in his situation right now, he won't even manage to procure a strike.

Vin's voice carried a tinge of anger and disappointment. The one he trusted the most, and the one who he learned from- Yano- is now standing beside Dariel. Yano seemed unfazed, but Zeke knew that there is something wrong.

Yano flew up in the air. His fluttering robes carried an elegant scene. The battlefield is now on the verge of ending.

"Oscar, who is your master again?"

The laughing Oscar felt a chill on his spine. Despite of that, he still smiled at Yano. He confidently pointed at Dariel.

Hovering in the wind, Yano took out a sword. The sword is almost a meter in length. He threw it exactly in between Vin and Dariel.

The sword is pitch black in color. The hilt is almost nine inches long and the cross guard is almost five inches long. The strong is two inches wide while the weak is three inch wide. The fuller stretches out until three fourths of the strong. The sword emanates a strong aura that almost all of the people inside a hundred meter radius stopped and looked at the sword.

"My master is him." Yano pointed at Vin and nodded. He then shifted his gaze towards Dariel. He nodded at the man too.

"That sword belongs to the family that we served for millenias and is passed down from generations to generations. The sword is a keepsafe of our masters to ward off evil forces. "

"It is a tradition of our households to serve only one master, and serve him faithfully. And the only way to know who will become the master is to wield this sword."

"The rule is simple, pull out the sword from the ground and gain victory against your enemy. The one who wields the sword, wields the army."

A deafening silence gripped everyone's heart. The grave expressions of the warriors created an aura of disappointment. Doubt and worry is obvious.

And then this happened:

"Fooling around to buy your master time?"

"You think you can fool us by a measly tradition?"

"You think we will believe you?"

"Let's kill them!"

"Yes! Kill them all!"

And then one man gripped his knife and threw it to the floating man. The knife travelled fast and arrived in front of Yano. The man grinned in satisfaction as hs see his blade arriving in front of Yano.


The one who threw the knife fell down on the floor, his knife in between his brows. His breathing stopped, and a sense of fear written upon his face. His limp body on the ground, lifeless.

"Anybody else?" Yano asked. His smirk didn't left his face. And he didn't even lift a finger.

The crowd grew silent. Yano stepped down and stood before the sword. He then placed a magic circle on the ground where the sword is buried deep.

After a few incantations, a hundredfold magic circle appeared on the sword, from its pommel up to the tip. Each magic circle contains a set of glyphs, a set of marks and a set of seals. The first orbits has one of each manifestations. The second ones has two each, the third orbits has three each and the fourth has four each.

Everyone seeing this couldn't help but get anxious on what those represent, but they all feel that power is reeking off. Greed is inevitable, and so is death.

Vin and Dariel started to walk forward as Yano stopped the incantation. His face pale, and his breathing is rapid. He lacked the strength to talk, and just sat behind the sword.

Oscar and Zeke walked towards Yano, and stood beside him. They turned their backs on him and called the two to step forward. Once the two people are in place, Yano stood up again.

He raised his hand up in the air and yelled out loud:

"May the Grand's be united once more!"

And swiped his hand down with might. As soon as his hand arrived at the lowest point, Dariel fired a red beam of light towards the running Vin. The latter changed direction, but the former smirked and the beam changed direction like it has eyes and saw where his enemy will dodge to.

Fire Bullet


Vin was sent flying for almost three meters before stabilizing himself. His feet dug on the ground and his chest is burnt by fire. Suddenly, a green glow enveloped his body and all his bruises, wounds and cuts were healed.

Nature's Touch

Vin then jumped again forwards like a tiger, and met almost a thousand of those beams that Dariel fired earlier. Instead of running away, he ran through them and a brown glow enveloped him.

Earth Defense

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Craters and dusts were made from the destroyed surrounding. Dariel laughed maniacally and stepped forward, his last step towards the sword.

He gripped the sword, pulled it out, only to realize that the sword is still stuck in the ground. He pulled it again and again, yet it didn't budged. He stopped attacking, held it with two hands and pulled it out with all his might, only to be repelled by the sword and flew away for almost twenty meters. Steam rose out from him and he sat there with his butt on the ground.

"How...How can this be?"

Oscar's eyes are bulging out of sockets. His disbelief was written upon his face. And rage sprouted out of his heart.

"I guess the master we will serve is still him." Zeke sighed in relief. His heart gone up and down on his chest as he saw Dariel pulling out the sword.

Vin stopped running seeing the opposition stumble back. The barrage stopped, and he is free from pressure. The army of Dariel was stopped from their clamor.

An eerie silence permeated through the field. The once noisy people got thorns in their throats. Their confidence dropped from a hundred to zero real quick.

Dariel looked at the three men in front of the sword. They looked at him with disdain. Yano stood up and walked towards Dariel in unhurried steps.

Swoosh! Swing!

Two sounds was produced, stopping the three men from approaching. As they looked back, they saw two colors filling up the lands and skies. A warm and elegant white plus a dreary and arrogant black.

"Not bad! May I hold on to this?" Vin swung the sword and it created a black afterslash and a gash on the ground.

"Chosen!" Oscar was dumbfounded. He blurted out a line, and in the next moment, his jaw dropped.

Nobody can move in front of absolute power.

Step! Step! Step! Step!

A series of steps, and their gravitas became stronger and stronger. A heavier power crushed them and their egos down to ground.

"They always say..."

His hands carressing the hilt, carefully touching its intricacies, waved a bit as he walked towards his enemy.

"... when a life is taken from you..."

His seemingly angelic face goes against his coarse and almost evil words. He stepped forward, towards his one enemy.

"... you have to take life of others too."

He then stood before the man, earlier proudful and boasting, now looked like a young boy without knowledge of the world.

"I'm so blessed that the one that take my parents' lives is the life I am taking away."

Swish! Plop!

A sudden streak of black arched and an arm was seen travelling through the air. A scream was heard, like a girl that lost her favorite toy; unsightly and humiliating.

"H-How d-dare you!" After a long scream, Dariel bellowed and tried to stand.

He stomped on the ground and fled. Little did he knew that another sword is on the way he is travelling to. After that, his right foot ran by itself, nowhere to be seen anymore.

His body rolled down on the ground. He stopped when his body rammed against a tree, then vomitted a mouthful of blood.

"Surrender now, or let me chop all your five limbs!" A cold voice was heard, and all of the ones who heard it either felt a chill on their spine, a cold sweat on their backs, an inkling sensation on their crotch, a combination of any two above, or all of the above.

"Do you dare to hurt me?" Dariel sneered, like a cornered rat in front of a tiger.

"Why woudn't I, Dariel? Why wouldn't I?" Vin asked furiously.

"Billions of people, nine continets, they are all protected by powers on par with you; and you dared to hurt them!"

"Thousands of families, waiting for the soldiers you have in this battlefield; you fooled them to have a power you shan't have! You dared to trick them; hurting them in the procedure!"

This time, Dariel smirked and almost smiled. Vin saw this and knew that something was amiss, but it was too late for him to make a move. In the blink of an eye, an unconscious girl appeared in the hand of Dariel.

Her golden hair flows down to her waist, but is too dirty due to having a hard battle. Her dress in tatters, as well  her pants, revealing a few wounds on her shoulders and thighs. There are bruises on her legs, arms and cheeks, but the most eye-catching is a long wound on her back.

But that is not the end to it. On her neck, a sword aimed, while a leg wraps her in her waist. The culprit is a laughing man, who in a way, closed his wounds on his left arm and right leg.

"Do you dare hurt me now, Vin Grand?" Dariel asked with a satisfied smile on his face.

Laughing maniacally, he ripped off the girl's clothes and what they saw is a white chest and stomach, but the breasts are in a bandage, hiding it thoroughly.

"Let go of Zaine! Dariel, how shameless of you to use your own daughter against me!" Vin emanated two very powerful auras,  an untainted one, and a wretched one.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Dariel laughed but all of a sudden, a sound was heard around the planet they live in.


A reverberating, cold sound.

All of a sudden, time stopped for every one. In line with that, two hundred people appeared encircling Vin. A hundred of them wear white and shiny armors, while the other half wore black and opaque matte armors. The designs of their armors are simple, but what's more eye-opener were stars that are embedded on their helms.

Some of them has a star, some have two, but almost seventy five percent of them doesnt have any. The most outstanding of them have three stars, one for the white-armored ones, and one for the black armored ones.

"We greet the new Emissary!" They all bowed and said.