
Zerø: Chronicles of Time

The universe nears its end, and the war has no signs of stopping. After a careful consideration, Zyndra takes the matters to hand, and ends it once and for all. But, the aftermath of the battle made everything messed up, and everybody, now, is living in realms

AoiKiyori · Fantasy
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83 Chs

Celestial Territory

After a minute or two of being in the air, Zion then went down and met the four beasts.

"You're quite bold, huh?" The rabbit said as he walked towards Zion.

"Just got lucky." He grinned and rubbed the bottom of his nose.

"This place will crumble down any minute. Want to go outside this place with me?" Zion proposed.

The four beasts was taken aback at first, but they know, that even if they are much stronger than this kid, they will still be hurt if they bite his hand.

"What else can we say?" The crab said as she patted Zhaira's head.

Zion nodded as he then walked towards the exit. Moments later, the cave started to fall, and many debris fell.

Zhaira took a last look on the place before walking out.

Outside the cave.

The inside of the cave was uneventful, but Zion knows that this will become a start of changes in this world.

He then led the five people towards his lair, the underground of the academy.

On the road, he met the two beasts that drove him to the cave.

"It's payback time." He said as he pulled out his guns and barraged the two while using his wings to glide through the air and dodging the two.

It was not that hard suppressing them, and Zion now understood that two spirits don't come in one vessel, but he can upgrade the boots by using the other body parts other beasts or adding some parts that the beasts can inhabit.

This is called Inhabitation, and not the complete Spirit Transfer, and was recorded in the Arcane.

In short, he can add the spirit of the Dark Fire Raven to the laces of the shoes, or an accessory to the boots.

But he didn't do it, instead, he just used the feathers of the two beasts to upgrade the boots.

This one is called Spirit Mutation, where parts of the same species are inserted into one vessel, making the spirit adapt to what's being fed to it.

It happens all the time, seriously.

Although the Verdant Crow is a powerful species, the Dark Fire Raven's species is above it, and so, the Verdant Crow's eyes that were on the boots started to look divine and have the aura of a phoenix.

The Ice Ibis also was added to the mix. The Ice Ibis, a bird of water and ice, created a dreamy white feather collar on the boots.

Another two skills were added to the boots: Water Skate and Night Walk.

Water Skate is a skill that lets one walk above water or not slip through ice.

Night Walk is an assassin skill that he can blend into darkness and become as silent as possible.

The wings also became a five colored wing, green, black, blue, red and cyan.

They can be used separately, or together. The wings also formed a circular pattern at the back of the shoe, and that is where the wings now appear.

After that, they sped up towards the academy, making waves of Stampede along the way.

And that was how the day before meeting his comrades went.


After getting the Sage and Blitzkrieg Transformation, Zion was pretty much sure that he can topple the whole kingdom down, but for the sake of the world, and fighting the Second Catastrophe that will come, he needs more people to fight with him.

Although recruitment was good, apparently, Simon brainwashed the people that Pentagon City Academy is evil and wants to revolt, and he is one of the masterminds. As soon as they see him, they will keep their distance.

Another thing is that when unaffiliated people or selfish ones join, they would want benefits above all others, and become conceited, saying that the organizations want them and purposely try to make things difficult just to get more benefits.

These people are like leeches that will destroy the organization.

And so, Zion had a great idea. If he wants a force, he should have one. A pretty large, that is.

"Mr. Bear, how was your stay here?"

Outside the room, where Vin was studying herbs and biology, he created a settlement for the five people he has.

"It was good, and pretty much livelier than the past cabin we had." He said as he laid his back on the couch Zion has gave him.

"So, did you think about my offer?" Zion took a seat in front of the four others with a serious expression.

The four was startled at first, but they all laughed off.

"Why so serious, brother? Of course we would accept. In fact, we found others who are like us." As if being choreographed with the words of the snake, four more beasts appeared in front of him.

First was a pure red bird, with tiger stripes, lizard tail and tortoise feet.

Second one is a humanoid bull, with the whiskers of a lion and feathers rather than fur.

The third one was a horse, with bat wings, eyes like a fly.

And the fourth one was the most powerful of them all. It was a long dragon crossed with an amphiptere, with a beak and the feet were feet of wolf.

"All of them are chimera?" Zion looked at them one by one.

As he looked at them, he sighed in relief, as he discovered that all of them are C Horn, and the dragon is almost a B Scale.

"Is this enough?" The bear said, looking so smug.

"Yes it is." Zion nodded sighed in relief.

As Zion was to walk away, a pair of scrutinizing eyes watched him. Zion felt it and followed the gaze.

"Bear, is the the human you were telling me about?" The voice was not overbearing, but has the authority of a ruler.

"Yes, he is. I say that although--"

"Words aren't enough. You know what humans did to me, and up until now, I can't go back to my family. And now, you are telling me that you can trust another human after anything that happened to us?" The dragon said.

"We were majestic back then, all powerful and omnipotent, but look at us now, aren't we hideous?" The bird opened it's wings, showing the might it has.

The bull and the unicorn watched the two of them run amok. They were like two spectators but were also predators waiting patiently.

"Then what do you propose?" Zion said in front of the dragon.

It made the others shirk back as they already know that Zion, already powerful as he is, can just fight beasts that are ranked up to U Tail, and T Talon is much for him.

This made him really bold, arrogant, fool and idiot at the same time. Or maybe no.

"I propose a test of whether you have the power or not." The bird screeched.

The dragon looked at him, and nodded.

"A test it is." Zion shook his head in disappointment. He knows that befriending beasts is foolishness, but he still made a deal with them.

The dragon smirked as he looked at the defeated Zion.

"In that case, a stampede will happen in a town near here, and three W Tails are spearheading it. Who will you help? The stampeding beasts, or the town?" The dragon was pleased towards itself posing the question.

"In that case, let me ask you a question. Why are they stampeding?" Zion then asked back.

"I am asking the questions, boy. If you can't choose, then I am out of here." The dragon roared.

"Then I must ask you to stay. I will be back before you know it." Zion then smiled as he put a fingerless glove to his hand. After he strapped it, he went back inside the room.

"Then I must enjoy my tea." The dragon said, sitting down and looking at the sky. The smell of tea is being whiffed in the air.


"What? A territory for beasts? Are you insane?" Keith dropped the packages he was packing when Zion dropped the bomb on them.

"Yes, if we can have their power, we can topple this kingdom in one fell swoop." Louis, who has his hand on his chin, pondered over.

"Mad. You two are madmen!" Keith cannot take it anymore and bursted.

"Calm down, man, it is not that we will be eaten by them. At least, we can fight back." France laughed off.

"You, you and you! What's on your mind? Why are you like that? Cedric, say something to this cousin of yours!" Keith became furious.

"Not my cousin, not my problem." Cedric shrugged him off. Keith looked at Mel and she shrugged of too.

Defeated, Keith could only sit back down and let his tears flow down.

"Why am I surrounded by idiots?" Keith murmured.

"Who did you say was an idiot?" Two cold voices waked him up from his temporary defeat.

"N-n-n-nothing. No one is an idiot." In face of Niana and Celestine's glare, Keith could only swallow back his words.

Aria and Jovanna laughed off at the side. They were completely happy that the one they lost was now here again, in front of them.

"So, what's the plan?" Niana asked.

"Do you still have the items?" Zion then looked at her.

"Yes. I still have them and doesn't use them outside." Niana answered.

"Good. For now, we will have a use for that. Louis, I want you to gather ingredients for me. It is just a small amount, and won't be that costly. If you can give me these things today, I will be more than happy to make you something." Zion discussed.

"Oh? And do you know what things will interest me?" Louis grinned.

"Like this?" Niana stood up. After that, shock was seen from the faces of the others inside the room.

"Deal, you dumb sh*t!" Louis took the paper and then fled from the room.

"You guys will have something like that once Louis comes back. Be patient, all of you will have one." After that, Zion discussed how the plan will go.


Two hours after the meeting.

The stampede will happen any moment, thus Aultocrey was gathering forces to stop the it.

Many other students were also part of the forces they have. While there are students from other schools, only nine people were sent from the Pentagon City Academy, earning the ire of the other schools, and the army.

These nine people were of course, Keith and the others, without Niana and Zion.

The two in question, were already outside the premises, already spying on the enemy ranks.

"Say, this Celestial Territory, do you plan on getting all the beasts on your side? And what for?" Niana asked, while being clad in armor.

The blue theme of the armor gave a striking feature to her golden hair, and the creamy whiteness of her skin. Her facial features gave off a warrior aura, making her look like a valkyrie.

"I told you, we will need them in time. Stop asking questions. In time, you will know of it. What we need to do is let them see that two people can solo a stampede, and you are the spearhead of it. That way, no one can question you." Zion smirked as he put on the boots he created.

"After this, you are telling me everything. Otherwise, I will tell Celestine that you are falling for her." Niana pouted.

If anyone could see this, they will feel so stumped. Niana was like a goddess of war, and her expression is always haughty and prideful. But now, not only she was talking more, she was also showing her feminine side of her.

"Don't be that immature, Leader. You know that it is not true." Zion smiled.

"We will know if that is true or not if the same thing came out from the mouth of a person who saved many people." Niana then smirked evilly.

"Okay, okay, you win. I will tell you after all this, but first, we must finish the mission fast, before they can attack." Zion shifted the topic towards the problem in hand.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go."