
Zenno: The Virus System

The_Demon_Child · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Beginning of a Long Journey




"where the fuck am I?" said a black haired teen in a forest. confused and in pain the teen started panicking after noticing one crucial thing.

"Why don't I remember anything!?"

'who am I!? Why am I in middle of a forest in pain!?'

'I want my mother but I don't even remember who my mother is...'

'what am I gonna do panicking in middle of a forest...'

'Get Up.'

He stood up after his panic attack and started walking in a random direction.

after walking for what he assumed to be fifteen minutes, he found a cabin and he heard someone inside. the door was slightly open and he saw a man stumbling around.

(PoV switch: Protagonist)

I would say hello if it wasn't for the stench of rotting flesh and the fact that intestines were hanging out. My conclusion is zombie, so I conveniently found a woodcutting axe.

I knocked on the wall with the axe and his head literally snapped in my direction, he started limping towards me.

'Fucking zombies....'

The Zombie lunged at me as soon as it got close so I kicked him back into the room, after getting my balance back I lifted the axe above my head and swung down as hard as I could. Unfortunately I missed and the zombie took advantage of that and stumbled back up and tried lunging at me again.

luckily I yanked the axe back up and slammed the axe into it's head crushing it.

"Fuck me that's disgusting"

green and red goo fell out of the skull as the brain was no more. whatever these zombies are they aren't normal.

I hefted the axe onto my shoulder and starting looking around the house. I ended up finding some clothes that didn't fit as they were meant for a woman, but I did find a gun.

The gun I found was a simple Glock 17 using 9x19mm, It had a normal 17 round magazine. there was also a box 9x19mm bullets and another 17 round magazine for the Glock.

I also found keys to something in my jacket pocket somehow.

I don't know what I would have but I guess the keys go to something.

I haven't found anything else so I'm going to move on.

- PoV switch: Narrator -

The Abnormal Teen left to wander the forest once again.

After walking for who knows how long the teen found a mansion.

'strange..' thought the teen

'why does the fountain have a manticore as the statue? I mean it's cool as fuck but why all the gothic decorations?' thought the teen

the teen walked through the garden full of red apple trees and red roses. Eventually the teen got to the front door and pushed it open.


'Shit that's loud.' thought the teen

After entering the mansion the teen wandered the halls looking for food and a place to sleep.

"there's got to be something in this huge place" the teen said as he wandered into the one place he shouldn't have.

- PoV switch: Protagonist -

after wandering aimlessly through these long ass halls, I finally found something.

A door to a thing. A thing I will see when I open the door.

One issue though. My legs won't move. My gut is screaming at me to run away from this door. What is wrong with me?






"You don't have to worry so much." a young teenage girl said to her older brother at the park.

"It's just some guy who confessed to me, How bad can he take it?"

"Men can get pretty obsessive. Anyways please be careful." said the older teen

"Fine, anyways I gotta get to the grocery store or mom will kill me, see you at home Nathan"

"See ya"


- PoV Switch: ????? -

'What an interesting human...'

'I wonder what he'll do if I set him free'

'ooh... but his blood tastes so good...'

'wait, he'll taste better if he grows.'

'yes, I'll help him grow and get stronger for an even better taste. like mother did to father.'

- PoV Switch: Nathan / MC -

I awoke to a head splitting headache, with fragmented memories flooding my mind. At least I remember my name.

Nathan Leviathan.

I'm 18 and I'm from Florida.

My hobbies are reading, mechanical engineering, guitar, writing, drawing, cooking, and hunting.

I had a family, a mother, no father, and a younger sister.

I don't remember her name.

Her face is a blur.

All I know is she was hurt because of me.

I should get moving, I am not where I passed out. I seem to be in a bedroom.

I see some food with a note by the door, someone knows I'm here and they didn't harm me, strange.

I read the note and what was on it was pretty strange to say the least, look for yourself:

'Hello human,

I can't have you die on me when you can be even more delicious so please get healthy and strong for dear old me.

love you hoomie~


What a strange way to write to someone...

This person obviously helped me for personal gain, but what would they gain?

They said they want me to be more delicious...

I'm either dealing with a creepy cannibal or I'm dealing with a vampire or succubus. Hopefully the latter because most degenerates know why. Wait why am I a degenerate?

Oh, because I was a pervert. Well not a bad one like a certain boob dragon guy. What I mean is flirty and I look and give compliments.

Anyways, Whatever this person is planning probably isn't good for me. I need to get moving.

- PoV Switch: Narrator -

Nathan looked around the room after eating, luckily he found a vent. He used the butter knife to unscrew the vent and crawled inm

After squeezing himself through the vents he eventually got to an opening leading into a dark corridor.

Nathan quickly decided he was tired from squeezing through vents so he exited the vents. Falling to the floor, he looked around and found a lit lantern, he picked it up and started walking through the corridor.

Nathan wandered around the corridors for hours on end, eventually he found a door covered in locks. Luckily they were bolt locks, so Nathan unlocked the door to find a room with a glowing fiery red octogram in the middle of the room.

'What. And I can't stress this enough, The. Fuck.' thought Nathan staring at the obvious demonic ritual wearing a deadpan expression.


"Why can't there be a cafe or a cat?" Complained the brain damaged teen

{"Why can't you shut the fuck up?"}

"Who. The. FU-"


{"Sorry about that."}

["that'll be the end of this chapter."]

{"this humble narrator wishes you a fine day."}

"I just want to know what the fuck is happening."

["Shut up MC."]

"Oh fuck yo-"