
Zenith Season 2 Morn kunthea+meng lu

In a civilized society with colorful lights, many aspects of the story we already know, there are good and bad parts that happen every day. Like some murders that ordinary police can not solve and murders that do not come from the work of ordinary people. A group of terrorists who hunt people for entertainment and food. They are known as the Black Blood, a group of mysterious assassins. But no-one know what they look like and where they live. Of course, due to the presence of a group of bad guys with special spiritual powers, there are also royal police officers who are active in resolving those cases. But some difficult cases are not immediately resolved by the police. Therefore, if any relatives of the victims want to get information about the specific cause of the murder and the crime, they can use a special service to hire a private detective agency called zenith. The zenith group was contacted through a telephone system with the number 00 and the voice of a woman answering the phone. The voice of the automatic machine will tell you to dial 1 or 2 to use the service you need. If you dial 1, your number will be redirected to the normal media service area. But if you choose 2 numbers as a special service, you hear people telling you where to make an appointment. The zenith is a group of people with special powers and originated from a mysterious aristocracy with the backing of special civil servants behind their backs. The bloodthirsty Wright, and a gamble by life begins. Zenith The zenith is an imaginary point directly "above" a particular location, on the imaginary celestial sphere. "Above" means in the vertical direction (plumb line) opposite to the gravity direction at that location (nadir). The zenith is the "highest" point on the celestial sphere. The formation of the zenith team is made up of a special group of people with the same views and ideas, adhering to the success and high level of progress. The group works privately with the government to hunt down black blood terrorists. Zenith teams Grandpa Kira Lexi Eisuke (永祐 ) Yamada Mimi Sara ( 冴咲 ) Aiyaka Wan Fei Jin&Lin Officer dealers Kentaro Sen & Ayaka Monster Leader of monster Hatachi Monster girl OZ Monster girl OV Monster girl OJ Monster boy OG Monster girl OS Monster girl OA Monster girl OW Monster girl OB Monster girl OQ Monster boy OY

Mayumi_Rin · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Strange infectious diseases * Episode one * Mission holder (Wan & Fei & Lexi ) * Monster 0z Author Morn kunthea / chen yue kingboo

* Ten years have passed as quickly as yesterday since the day the XXT monster died. in the capital or in the provinces still has murders and crimes, but does not involve terrorists of black blood. It seems strange and difficult to predict the real purpose of the black-blooded terrorists, so the next time around who their target is and when they start actions, no one can tell. Not only that, but they don't know how strong the senior generation of black-blooded terrorists is. During this time, the members of the zenith are all growing and their appearance changes a lot. Each strives to train skills and increase their strength for the mission they have promised to defeat the black-blooded terrorists. Wan and Fei set out in search of more sword material art skills in various areas. Jin and Lin, they went to a meditation training camp to gather energy at the Ice Mountain temple. Lexi returned to Venus to practice fighting with his brother. Everyone's gone, let's leave Mimi alone in the guesthouse, who is learning to fight according to the scriptures her grandfather left her.

* Mimi was sitting and looking at the pictures of them taking pictures together at the last New Years Eve party, which they had to train more skills in different places, suddenly the special phone number rang. She felt happy, but also strange that she hadn't heard the phone ring for a long time. The voices of many children and old people are crying whispering passing through the voice system, then an old woman whose client introduces herself and tells that in her village there was a strange disease in which only a teenagers was infected. they start to cough and bleed from the nose. then the next day they died, their bodies rotting and filled with pus all over their bodies. Mimi after speaking with the client, she rushed to the scene. Upon arrival, she saw a group of police Sen who had not met for a long time, covered the bodies with blankets and placed them in an outdoor courtyard. She approached the police sen to greet each other and went straight to examine the corpse. She used silver needles on the bodies to find out that they had been poisoned, had damaged their respiratory system, and had a large number of poisonous ants eaten inside their bodies, which made their skin so rotten. Police Sen and Mimi look at each other knowing they are works of black-blooded terrorists. Mimi said that now they have started the action.

* then Mimi went to meet her client, a client who had a daughter who just had symptoms like another victim. She had a fever and a bloody nose while sneezing, lying on a mattress with very weak breathing movements. Seeing this, Mimi hastily used several silver needles to inject herself into the victim's veins to protect her to prolong her life. Mimi asked why this had happened, and the client said that yesterday when a group of teenagers went fishing in the lake behind the village, they suddenly came back with this strange illness. the victim said the same to their family who saw the shadows of the women sitting in the harbor and wearing a giant mask (鬼), watch them and disappear. then they saw that the lake where they are fishing is covered with blood and many dead fish. But they were just a glimpse of the lake and they quickly return home. Mimi, after collecting data, went to the lake to find more evidence. Suddenly, she saw Wan and Fei crossing the river by boat, which made her very happy. The three of them met, and she told Wan and Fei what had happened, and they looked around the lake together for clues, but it was nothing strange. So they decided to go back and look for more clues the next day. When they got home, she saw Lexi, who looked stronger and more handsome than before, smile at her.

* After Mimi discusses other clues about the case, she gives Wan, Fei, and Lexi the mission to solve it. The three of them headed towards the victim's village again, as shadow a girl who was watching their actions. Fei signaled for the three of them to walk in division, then a young girl appeared at the corner of the entrance to the village. The three of them captured the strange girl And asked her why she was following them. The girl, without saying a word, handed them a piece of paper with blood stains on it and ran away. A curse word was written on the paper, forbidding them to interfere in the affair. The letters turn into poisonous ants after finishing reading, forcing Fei to use his energy to kill the ants. They don't care about all the bans, they just carry on with their mission. After Fei examined the victim's girl whom Mimi had previously used a rescue life-saving needle, became increasingly ill, prompting them to hurried search for the killer to suppress the black magic curse on the Victim's girl.

* The next investigation was near the lake, this time Wan used his sword to dig into the ground to meditate and re-imagine what had happened on the date of the accidents. This is exactly like what the victims reported before they died. He went to the port and used his sword wave in the air to open the world of monsters and everyone entered that world. As the atmosphere changed to a lake of blood and the rotten corpses of people and fish filled up on a bloody lake, the voices of the magnificent OZ monsters emerged from the lake, said to them that" they were all very brave, came to her house, so they must have died. " after speaking, many black blood groups fiercely attack them with very fast ninja skill moves. Even their weapons are modified and more powerful than before. Wan and Fei protect and attack the black blood group, both using their swords to kill the blood group. Wan's sword, which was heavy and longer than before, he holds it in front of him, glowed with a blue light that could easily pass through all objects and weapons of black blood. At the same time, Fei, the sword she still used as a belt, also became the belt of two overlapping swords, which she used her two swords to cut them quickly like her younger brother. She flew over Wan's shoulder to hit the enemy behind Wan and used her legs to grab the neck of the enemy who was the bigger one. she put her two swords to stab his eye and jump out of his neck. then she raised the knees struck in the middle of his chest, rolled him dead in the lake. As for the wan, he uses a sword to spin from a distance to kill the remaining black blood at a speed like thunder.

* Lexi used his hand fight skills which hit the oz monster quickly, but she was able to hold his forces and even used a quick attack of light infiltration movement behind him. she took her longer fingernails and tried to cut Lexi's neck. but Lexi quickly escaped to the side and lifted his legs which were as heavy as a steel kick broke the bones of the oz monster. The oz monster was seriously injured and she threw her giant face mask in the air, the weather began to scramble violently with the thunder. Her giant face mask flies in the middle of the lake, with a giant head head emerging from a thunderstorm, and he opens his mouth which is a swarm of poisonous ants with numerous slugs flying from the giant's mouth attacking them. Fei gathered her two swords together as shields to protect any poisonous ants that were flying over her, then she used her Lightning Yuan as a shield to protect Lexi and Wan. Lexi flew to hit the giant mask that the monster was spinning on the lake. But he couldn't approach the lake by the poisonous ants attacking him. the monster turned her giant's face mask on the lake to order the giant's head to shoot the poisonous ants at him.

* Lexi opened his monster eyes, this time disguised as a demon half-king and half-man, changed his hair white, swung the fire of Venus from the palm of his hand, shooting the poisonous ants, made the hole enter the lake to beat the monster OZ, and his index his middle finger bent down, making the lake boil and vibrate, he rotated his body shooting boiling blood water spinning around his body like a bullet, then he clapped with both hands sprayed boiling water all over the monster's body, causing the monster to burn hard on her body. Lexi moved closer to the giant mask, flipped his fingers, slitting destroy the monster's face into two pieces. The oz monster was also crushed to death, and the giant head that appeared in the air vanished like a swarm of poisonous ants. The skies returned to normal and they returned to the home world after killing the oz monster. the victim's girl became healthy after she was vomiting out off poisonous ants . When they back home, Mimi prepared foods for them and they can even hear the twins' voices from the kitchen. All of the zenith members were reunited and had a happy launch together. In the middle of the night, Lexi sneaks into Mimi's room while everyone is asleep.