


My heart skipped a beat.


I waited for a while for his answer. Unlike the usual, no answer was heard.

"Yoongi?" I called for him again. "Yoongi are you still asleep?" It took a few more calls but he didn't answer. Was he still in deep slumber? But it's already past noon.

Yoongi wasn't like this. He always answered when I called him, whether it was through my mind or through my voice.

"Taehyung. Have you seen Yoongi this morning?" I asked him as we were both having a break from our duties.

"No, I haven't." He smiled at me but for some reason, I didn't have the energy to smile back.

"Maybe it's his day off?" He suggested as he sips from his cup.

"Yoongi's day off is two days from now." I answered in a worried tone. "And besides, I could still hear his thoughts even if he is in day off. I could also hear his thoughts in his sleep." I explained as my eyes start to shake. Something was awfully wrong.

"Maybe he's in death sleep?" As those words slip from his mouth I froze.

I stood up and left to find Yoongi.

Death sleep meant that he won't have any dreams. However, his thoughts won't be heard by anyone. They would be stuck in thousand years of darkness. His regular naps could feel like centuries to him.

Adding the word death, he could be dead.

Armies. That's what we call ourselves. We are supernatural beings existing to protect the almighty universe from the almighty universe itself. Our purpose is not to protect the universe from those who wish you destroy it but to protect the universe from destroying itself. All because, there is no other existing being than the universe.

This universe I talk about is a singular being with a large number of existing beings living in it. Us Armies, define the universe as one. No one is higher or lower except from us and the almighty council.

We Armies have no official gender. Unlike, from the rest of the world, we have the freedom to fall in love with whom we choose to, without offending a belief of some sort.

Just like that, I fell in love with Yoongi.

Although, we are told that we are the highest forms beings of the universe along with the council. It is not our duty to decide our destiny. It is the duty of the almighty council.

That means I, Park Jimin, could lose my love, Min Yoongi, if it is the will of the almighty council.

We have the ability to hear each others thoughts, whether we are conscious or not. It will only stop in death sleep or in death.

I knocked on Yoongi's door.

"Yoongi." I called his name again.

Still no answer.

"Yoongi goddamn it! Open this door!" I started slamming it in frustration.

"Yoongi!" I screamed and started banging the door loud enough to wake him up if ever he is in death sleep.

I wouldn't want my love to be locked in thousands of years in darkness.

"Yoongi please!" I started shaking in frustration.

Using my small hands, I broke his window. Just like I suspected, my Army dust started falling out. I was slowly starting to loose my dust.

I broke into his room only to find his bed covered in Army dust.

Yoongi's Army dust.

"Yoongi?" My voiced cracked as I looked in the room, hoping it was a prank and he would jump out of somewhere.

I checked under the bed, the pillow, everything.

Yoongi's gone.

"Yoongi, where are you? Please answer." I started falling on my knees, tear falling one by one in frustration.

"Why are you not answering love?"

"I've been calling you, Yoongi."

"Where are you?"

"Yoongi, you wouldn't want me to cry right?"

"Why is your Army dust everywhere?"

"What happened, love?"

I was breaking down. With the huge amount of Army dust everywhere, it looked like he was gone.

"Yoongi!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Yoongi why are you not answering?!"

"You can't be gone!"

"Yoongi you can't be gone just like that!"

"We were supposed to work together today, right?"

"We were supposed to play tonight!"

"You said you'd cook for me!"

"Yoongi, please" I cried.

I couldn't hear a bit of his thoughts.

Where is my love?

I touched his Army dust. It felt a lot like him. It's him, I'm sure.

Yoongi's gone. My love is gone.

I won't see him anymore.

I won't get to tell him how much I love him anymore.

I won't get to tell him that I'd protect him better than the almighty universe.

I won't get to hold his hand.

Not anymore.

No more Yoongi.

Just Jimin.

"No, no. Please no." I sobbed.

"I don't want to be anywhere without you." I cried with my face on his bed. I can smell his Army dust and it smells a lot like him. It almost felt like it is him but just dust.

"Yoongi, don't leave me please."

"Oh my god, Jimin." I heared someone in my head.

But it wasn't my love.

It was Hoseok.

"I've been hearing you cry. Where are you?"

"Hoseok, Yoongi's gone." I wiped my tears with my small hands covered in Yoongi's dust. Now his dust is all over my face.

"What do you mean he's gone? Didn't he just go to the council yesterday?"

"Come here at his place, please." I was too weak. I hugged my legs to my chest and continued to cry, waiting for Hoseok. Yoongi's dust started to stick on me due to my crying.

"Jimin, oh my god." He came.

"Is this Yoongi's dust?" He came down to the floor where I was sitting. He lifted my chin as I was looking down. "It's all over your face, sweetie."

"Hoseok, he's gone." My voice was strained from the sobbing.

He used his hands to wipe away the tears and dust from my face. Now his hands hands were covered in dust.

"It is Yoongi's." He formed a fist. "And yours."

His eyes widened when he noticed my hands. They were aggresively shaking. He took them and squeezed them, making it smaller than it seem. That made some more of my dust come off.

"Why do you have wounds? Jimin did you cut yourself?" He exclaimed.

The way he hold my hand, it was very much different from Yoongi.

Hoseok was one of my best friends. He thought me many many things I didn't know I was capable of doing.

Armies are dedicated to their duties. When I was younger, I didn't have anything but work. When Hoseok came along, I learned happiness that wasn't because the almighty council rewarded you for your outstanding performance. I learned happiness as what happiness is.

We hang out a lot with Taehyung and another friend named Jungkook along with Yoongi.

Hoseok and I cleaned the dust off ourselves. "Let's go visit the council. They called Yoongi yesterday. They should be the last one Yoongi talked to."

But I was the one he talked to last night.

"I heared that." He chuckled. "Come on." He put bandages on my wounds to prevent anymore dust bleeding out.

They were still shaking vigorously. A lot of my dust already flowed out. I felt tired and sick.

All because Yoongi is gone. My Yoongi is gone.


"Come on Namjoon. I know you have an idea what is happening." Hoseok slammed on Namjoon's desk.

"Hoseok, as much as I want to help, I cannot do that." He answered.

Namjoon is also one our friends who apparently gained a position in the almighty council. Not because he gained it but because it was decided by the council.

That means if the almighty council decided for him, Kim Namjoon, to be an Army again, he will.

"Namjoon please. We don't have any idea where he's gone to." I begged on my knees crying again.

"Jimin I ca-"

"Namjoon, just answer my question please."

"Is Yoongi gone?" My voice cracked. I looked like a complete mess but for Yoongi I begged.

"Jimin, you do know that the council has decided everything right?"

I knodded. "Why did you decide that I lose him?" I asked.

"I didn't do anything wrong!" I scoffed. "Yoongi and I were happy together then you suddenly decide that he's gone!" I cried. "Why?"

"Why did take him away from me?" My bandage felt lose as I kept shaking with a lot more dust I am losing.

"Jimin, please calm down. You're hurting yourself." Hoseok was holding me from completely falling down.

"I did all my duties as an Army, Namjoon." I hissed. "Yoongi did the same."

"Everything was fine until you took him!"

"It's not even for you to decide when we stop what we had. It was for us!"

I continued on screaming at him while he just stared at me. Hoseok was holding me down.

This wasn't the Namjoon I knew.

"This is unfair!"

"This is what you did when Seokjin came missing right?" I mocked him.

"You cried the same as I am right now but then you come telling me that the council decided this!"

"How could you just let him go? Not knowing why he was gone?"

"Jimin, don't mention Seokjin in this." He answered with a suddenly soft voice.

"No, Namjoon. Stop deciding somebody else's life!" I screamed.

"Park Jimin!" He raised his voice and stood up with authority.

"I am a member of the council. I am not the council."

"Whatever is bound to happen, it is planned, studied and it is decided by us." He came forward and started cleaning my messy face.

"We make sure that it is right and just."

"It's not right for you to suddenly take my love away!"

"It is our right Jimin."

"Although it hurts me as well as a friend of you and of Yoongi. It was an almighty truth."

"Namjoon, I don't understand." I held his wrist as he wipes my tears.

"My friend, I lost Seokjin the same way you did." He muttered. "But it was for the good of the both of us and those who are affected."

"But why?"

"Please help me Joon." I pleaded once more.

"Yoongi's gone, please."

He closed his eyes and leaned again forward.


"Please remember, Jimin."

"Everything has already been decided."

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