
Her kingdom made of friends and family.

"You mean to tell me that you haven't found her yet?" Claude said in irritation.

Infront of him was a gaudy full body mirror reflecting the warlock instead of himself.

"I know where she lives but I can't find her location." Lucas said tiredly with prominent bags in his eyes due to lack of sleep and constant dodging through sabotages.

Truly. The aristocrat faction in the clocktower mages association are an irratating force but it was better than the mess in Obelia. At least these people have standards in class. They aren't stupid enough to attack at school hours. Not to mention, He was learning. Actually Learning. which is 'what the f*ck? '

"How is that any different? Useless!"

Lucas this got ticked off in annoyance with his left eyes twitching. "I am at my wits end with you, your majesty. I am already doing the best I can keeping my test results up! I doesn't help that the clocktower's aristocrat mages faction sees me as a pest thus proceeding to sabotage me every chance they get. Not to mention hiding my abilities to make sure I don't get myself on an operating table in the name of research!"

When he came and infiltrated the clocktower his mission was to search and bring back Athanasia De Alger Obelia, Now known as Athanasia Harmonia Sweinorg, to where she belong but with her presence and reputation it was nearly impossible. The only way to get close to her was to be a recognized prodigy in the eyes on Lord El-Melloi II in order to be personally invited to her.

At first he was confident. After all, he was Lucas the mage who live for many centuries who is also known as the strongest and most knowledgeable mage of Obelia. but that ship didn't go well once you are in the eyes of Lord El-Melloi, Aka. Waver Velvet.

To put it simply, His essays was shit. His public oral performance was an embarrassment. His knowledge on public magecraft is null. His advance skills on magic alone would make him a target for a sealing designation, which he had no choice but to holdback and use magic that are less suspicious. His only saving grace he has is that he magical practical combat skills.

It was a great big blow on his pride as a mage that he nearly didn't get accepted in this instituction due to his low test results. He had to secretly cheat in memorizing every lessons and books that given access to him with his magic just to get his results up to the top. but that was his first of his many mistakes.

With his results being at the top students of his class he got many negative attention from children of the Noble Mage families, all who didn't want to accept that a lowlife orphan commoner was better than them. Which result of him getting sabotage and assassination attempts in his every move. Lucas had lost count how many attempts were sent to him after it reached the 57th. And after each failed attempt they got more and more creative to the point that he would say that 'paranoia' became his best friend with 'insomnia' as his part time lover.

He nearly gotten killed 5 times before the relationship was official. And it's this of these thoughts he knew he sounded insane. But at least it's better than Obelia.

"Then what information do you have to contribute regarding to her location." Claude retorted back.

Lucas rubbed his face with his hands to lessen the headache. "Difficult and impressive to say the least."

"Explain." Claude gestured him to continue.

Lucas sigh as he pick up a written paper beside him on his desk and reports. "She lives on a hidden island named Fidemia, that was created by her subordinates inspired by some place called the Wandering sea. And like the Wandering sea it only appears once in a year except the date is placed differently which is on December 16th."

"And you can't get in?"

Lucas temper shot up and explodes. "Even if I did, she wouldn't be there! She is another dimension performing her task. The only way for me to meet her is forge a connection within the institute, meet her Sons to aquire a sponsorship and then get invited to the Island like the rest of us students! Why do you think I'm working too hard in these studies!?"

Claude froze at the one shocking information he noticed. "....Wait... Sons?"

Lucas knew what the Emperor was thinking and explain further. "She have pure blooded children with only her own blood and magic. I don't know how but some miracle happened due to prana overload which got herself pregnant to twin without laying with anyone, thus no sire."

To be honest, he didn't know how was also possible. Yes, when Obelian magic was too much for the body they would create another life form that would be there temporarily be the sorcerer's side but it was always in a form of a beast not a humanoid being. even if it was the gender and feature would have been in an exact clone to the original.

But he had seen them. Both of them. it wasn't possible yet it was there. They have different personalities, genders, little different features, and souls. Gilgamesh was a ruby-eyed copy of the Emperor but a loud personality while Cloud is a male version of Athanasia with spiky hair with the Emperor's personality.

They bleed, think, learn, talk, walk, express like a human and not a beast. it was confusing him to no end. It shouldn't be possible. They couldn't exist unless there was a sire or a magical essence of a male with a compatible wavelength of Athanasia herself.

The Emperor wrinkles his brows in a deep thought. "Twins. Two princes of Obelia with no sire only magic overload."

"It's Prana actually, but yes." Studying and spending time in the clocktower made Lucas acclimate and thrive his knowledge.

"And anything else?" Claude looked away and watch Jeannette who was studying with her tutor beside her from his window.

Lucas stressed out. "Not much. She is literally protected in and out of this nightmarish association! Noble Mage Families fears her new adopted grandfather, regular Magi respects her, students looked up to in awe, the church sees her as a treasure. She has an army that even a single one of the soldier can bring down or take over countries. And this not counting her children. She has created a hidden magical miniature Kingdom composed of warriors that followed and swore loyalty to her! You want me to bring her back but the backlash of her negative cooperating is a problem and the risk being followed by her own magical army are disastrous. The Princess Athanasia De Alger Obelia that we used to know is completely unknown. Other than the rumors in the Clock Tower, she is really hard to catch. Her new grandfather of a Vampire is someone we cannot handle and he guards her like a dragon protecting his treasure. He is powerful, you know this."

Claude stood up as he prepared to leave to his office. "We will handle them. For now, find a way to get to her as soon as possible and capture the first moment you get. including both her sons."

Lucas looked at him incredulously. "Didn't you hear anything to what I just said?"

"Do it. While your at it, give me reports on her sons and eyes on them." Claude ignores him and orders home before he closed the doors.




Lucas looked at mirror that now reflect nothing but himself and cursed. " ... Bastard."


There was something that the Clock Tower mages association do not know about the Kaleidoscope's first jewel and that is her new develop personality and hobbies. her newly develop hobbies was not something he can publically say due to being the nature of it, though that was probably Zelretch's own fault.

Athanasia's one of her new hobbies are collecting her enemies-turned-friends-now-her-attack-dogs.

These aren't just normal enemies, these re known enemies that are mostly consist of magical or prodigious talented enemies that ruin countries or destroying continents just for fun. In the other words, they are mentally unstable that they see killing as a sport.

And Athanasia knows this but doesn't care. She knows that some people would call her insane and crazy for befriending enemies and turning them into deadly warriors, fighters, or assassins ( albeit unknowingly) but to her it's fine. (To her grandfather and psychiatrist? No. it's not fine.)

But luckily, Zelretch was able to do damage control through gies contracts. it was a miracle none of them had fallen in love with her or worse Athanasia falling in love with someone who he did not approve.

With careful planning and eyes he made sure that none of them would even look at his Jewels other than Masters, Leaders, Superiors or Family. Zelretch did everything. from destroying idiot Mages Families, Sending his Jewels to different dimensions in the name of lessons, Creating a dangerous reputation for himself and getting Alaya and Gia's champions as Athanasia's children, Finding other people soulmates, To guiding her to create a kingdom she unintentionally created. All in the name of keeping her untouched.(Which the church wholeheartedly agreed.)

All for protecting his granddaughter. And the Chaos that comes with it.

"Hmm..." Rin Tohsaka looked at the window at corner of her eyes contemplating wether she should kill the spy or not.

Naturally this caught Luviagelita Edelfet's attention as well. "Oh?"

"Well well. Isn't this interesting." Zelretch, had long noticed this, felt amused of the intruder spying on them but does not make a move or order to get rid of it. Which made both the girls relax but their guards up.

Athanasia who was distracted from her by her paperwork looked up as she didn't notice something wrong due to exhaustion. "What is?"

Luvia only smile at her in assurance. "Oh nothing."

Athanasia just smiled as she returns to her paperwork.

What Athanasia doesn't know would not make her angry for now. This wasn't a threat. Only that someone is spying on them, Athanasia specifically.

Next chapter