
Chapter 4: The Love Triangle

We get to his house and I gape at the big house like a mansion that stands before me. I turn to Damian and he smiles but it don't reach his cheeks and so I take it that he lives alone.

We get inside and a little girl opens the door and calls into the house "He is back!" and Damian pinches her cheeks and as we step into the house I welcome the nice cold air conditioning. Damian hands my suitcases to the butler man and he leads me to the kitchen where a girl is cooking something that smells like chicken. He leans over and taps her on the shoulder and she jumps and almost drops the spatula. She gives him a tight kiss on the cheek and turns and sees me there. She has wrinkles under her eyes and on her cheeks and I take a guess that she is his grandma.

"Who might this be?" she smiles at me

Damian smiles "A friend"

She comes over to my side and takes my hands in hers and looks into my eyes "She would make a wonderful mother for Irene" she says

He blushes "I don't even think that Irene would like her"

At that second the little girl comes down the stairs and she looks about 5 or 6 years old. She looks at me and comes over to me with a smile on her face.

I smile too "You must be Irene"

She nods her head "Yeah, my name is Irene"

I shake her small hand and she shakes it back. Damian comes over and picks her up. He leaves up the stairs I guess to put her In bed. The lady turns to me and smiles "My name is Sarah and what's your name?"

I smile "My name is Zelda"

She nods "That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl"

I blush "Thank you. I have a question"

She nods for me to go on

"Is Damian Irene's father or is she his sister?" I frown

She laughs so hard she is left coughing "No! She's his daughter. A fee years ago his ex came by and she left Irene I. the steps in the rain and Damian saw a note and just decided to take her in since she was his."she says and when she is done she looks behind me and goes back to cooking.

I turn and Damian is standing right there.

He looks down at me "And you can't ask questions to my gram cause she doesn't like speaking much"

His gram turns and smacks him with the girl spatula and he cries out in pain.

She laughs "This girl is the one girl you bring home and she is beautiful and ki d and isn't as attached to you as you make those other one night stands" and with that she finishes and sets down two plates and I begin to eat and Damian is silent as he watches me eat. I finish in 10 minutes and Damian shows me to my room. He leads me to a nice room with a bed fit for two and he blushes when I frown.

"I don't have a spare bedroom so we have to sleep together for now" he says

I sit down on the bed and lay back "That's okay"

He takes a step back "I'll just be outside if you need me"

I get into my nightgown and lay down under the covers and close my eyes. I wake up sometime in the night and feel warm solid behind me and a bump on my ass. Not again!

I slowly get up and my stomach does a flip of its own. I run to the bathroom and throw up and stay there for a good 20 minutes.

"Are you okay?" Damian knocks on the door and when he sees me not on the toilet and by the toilet instead he goes to my side.

"Your pregnant!?" he practically shouts but I lay my mouth over his and kiss him to shut him up. I break away and put a finger to his lips and he shushes. I put my head down and finally am able to stand up straight. Damian is silent as I get a different outfit on and he breaks the silence.

"He got you pregnant and you didn't abort it?" he cries out and grabs me

As he runs down the stairs and out to the backyard he shouts "Your pregnant!?" he is now bright red

I nod "Yes I am pregnant. He kind of wanted it and I even wanted to abort it but he threatened me not to but never told me why"

"Let's go. Listen, he's not here so we are getting an abortion today before it's too late" and when I look down he pales.

"It is too late to get a abortion" I say

He nods and sees tears in my eyes so he hugs me and we go inside and he calls the OB doctor and an hour later she arrives at 3:40 in the morning. She sets down her tools and gets a paper and pen out.

"What is it that you called me for?" she asks

Damian smiles and she blushed "Is it possible for her to get an abortion?"

She nods "Yes she can but it's not a thing girls do when they are weeks in already. It'll work faster than normal and in like a few days the bump will be gone" she takes a note

"Okay, let's do it" I nod

Damian gapes "Are you sure? I mean it affects Manuel also you know" and when he says that I shout

"Just get it over with" I say

Then, he lady takes a exam and when I get the need she pales.

"What's wrong?" I ask

She turns to me "You can't have an abortion now"

"Why?" I ask

She looks at Damian and then he gets up and leaves with a look of guilt.

She takes a deep breath "From now on you should stay awake when your with a guy and wait till the male falls asleep cause I think Damian...I think he may have had sex when you weren't awake." she says

",So? what does this have to do with the baby?" I ask

She pales again as she looks at the baby on the machine "It's because your having twins"