
Chapter 3: No Games

I wake up to a soft touch on my head and I smile. I open my eyes and see Manuel there with a set of clothes on already. I slowly get up and feel like throwing up all of a sudden. I scramble out of bed and make it to the toilet just in time. Manuel Pat's my back and rubs his hand up and down and I put my hand to my forehead. I look at Uncle and he smiles.

"I'm not ready for a baby Uncle Manuel." I whisper to him

His anger is evident on his face "I don't give a shit because I love you and we'll be fine with the baby since I get payed and you have a social security account and you get money from it"

I swallow the lump in my throat and keep talking "But I just don't know how to be a mom yet"

He frowns "Don't worry about that yet, baby"

Later that day we go to the OB-GYN and I get checked right away. I sit in the hard table slash mattress and wait for the OB Doctor. A lady comes in with a clip board and smiles at me. She looks over at Manuel and frowns.

"Who are you?" she asks

He smiles "If I tell you will you keep it hush hush?" he whispers

She nods

"I'm the father of her baby. I am also her uncle" he notices the look on her face and goes from serious to straight.

I smile at her "How far along am I?"

"Well, it says here that you 3 weeks pregnant but you said that you only had sex twice yesterday and today so I guess you also had sex somehow and lost your virginity but didn't know about it or feel it" she clicks her own and stares us down with hate.

I turn to Manuel and slap him on his face "You bitch!"

He looks at my and blinks "I just couldn't help myself"

I start to cry and the lady shuffles on her feet "You can still get an abortion if you want"

He looks at her "Hell no!'

I gasp "Your not serious right?"

He shakes his head "No abortion for our first baby"

I nervously fiddle with my pinky finger "Fine, but you owe me"

The lady hands me a paper and I stare at the black and white and gray photo of my baby.

He looks at it too and laughs "That thing is inside of you!?"

I nod "And it'll get bigger and bigger by time until my ninth month comes along"

He shakes his head "And it's my baby"

I nod again "Obviously. Who else could be the father?"

He smiles "I wish I could've had this chance sooner rather than later"

I hit him in the arm "Your lucky that I love you so much"

The lady comes back in but she's not alone cause by her side is the one person we ever wanted to run into. The Police Officer my mother sent to get Uncle Manuel. I hold onto his arm tight and stare the officer down. He smiles a pearly white smile and steps closer.

My uncle holds my arm also "Don't even think about that" he motions to the handcuffs on the officers belt. I frown at the mention of getting him arrested. Suddenly, he officer grabs my uncle by the shirt and pins him to the bed and cuffs him.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you do or say can and or will be used against you. You also have the right to an attorney if you can't afford one then one will be appointed to you by the police" he sighs and leaves with him and the lady has her head down. I scream at her when they are out of earshot.

"Why the fuck would you do that you dumb bitch?!"

She steps away slowly as I tell at her "I could have gotten fired if I didn't say anything cause they listen to us outsider the door if anything goes wrong"

I fume "Are you fucking kidding me!?"

I get up and leave the doctor's office and get into Uncle Manuel's car and I drive to the police station where they must have taken him.

As I park in the lot I see then taking him inside and I follow closely but not too close behind them. They go inside and we enter into the main building. I stop and run after then and grab my uncle's arm from then and pull him to my side. He stares at me like I am a complete freak. A police officer comes up and pulls me away from him and I don't know what came over me but I stop struggling. I turn around and cry into the guys shoulder and let my tears fall. He holds me to him and I feel him move to a chair and he sets me down and sits next to me so I can let my tears fall. When I am done I look up at him and notice that he's from my Science class when i was a freshman so he must have been a senior since I was in the honors class. He smiles at me and stands up.

I smile back at him "Hi, I think you were in my science class when I was a freshman"

He frowns but then nods "Yes as a matter of fact I was in the same class as you"

"How old are you now?" I ask

"Well now I am 20" he says and sits back down

" I just turned 18" I say

"What's your name? I can't seem to remember" he asks

"My name is Zelda and what's yours?" I say

"My name is Damian Johnson" he shakes my hand and holds it for a second longer than necessary. I eventually have to go to questioning so I get up but it turns out to be the same guy from before. I sit down on the chair and look at him as he walks in a circle. He sits down across from me and starts asking questions about Uncle Manuel and I learn that he raped 7 other girls before me but none of them were kept alive. When I leave he station Damian stops me and brings me to his car. I pull us to a stop confused about why he is taking me away over here.

He turns to me "Stay at my house since the police think your uncle has other guys that kill the girls he raped so we got to hide you someplace safe. He unlocks his car and I get into the passenger seat. As we drive away I feel sick but I hold it in for the whole ride.