
Zeke And Pattie

Highschool. A time where teens begin to discover themselves and prepare themselves for their journey into adulthood. Highschool is said to be the best time for people, creating memories and many friendships. While for some they would agree. For others, it's not always the case. Some teens face the difficulties of bullying by other students. Bullying is usually noticed and dealt with by teachers and principal in the school. Unfortunately, there are times when it can go unnoticed. Being right under someone's nose. Zeke Jensen is one of those people who has gone unnoticed. Up until Pattie Clarence becomes a part of Zeke's life. Seeing through the cracks that no one else can. Pattie dives into the journey that is to shed light on the bullying Zeke endures. Unravelling many secrets and forming an unbreakable bond like no other.

Zambie_xD · Realistic
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26 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Two: Pattie

It's been about a month since Lani has become a regular addition to our lives. The three of us would meet up at lunch everyday.  We would hang out on a daily basis too. At least twice a week. We brought Lani to our spot, the hill as we called it. Unless it got really cold, then we were usually by the hill. It was becoming more difficult to sit on the hill as it was the middle of November. Candian weather is unpredictable by this time.

It was nice having a female friend to confide in about certain topics that you wouldn't talk with to a guy.  Even though I could and would tell Zeke everything if it was needed. The most common topic that most girls don't talk about too much with men are our periods. Pain that only another female can understand. Most guys get uncomfortable when it's brought up anyways, so I was sparing Zeke in the end. 

Also, if Zeke could trust Lani then I could too. I trusted Zeke's opinion in people as well.  She was starting to become close and special to me and it was nice. Zeke was always going to be my best friend of course. Nothing could come between us

 Lani and I hung out a few times just the two of us too. My parents liked the fact that I could also find good friend in the same sex as myself too. To be honest, I felt bad for Zeke not having a good male friend to trust. Though, he did bond really great with my brothers, Fredonia and Kevin. They weren't far off in age, only a few years difference.

On a completely different note, the principal also never reached out to me about looking into the bullying report I made too.  Just showing how much the school cared about their students. It was disappointing. A good outcome is Zeke hasn't been bothered by Charlie Love either. It probably helps that he's almost constantly near me or Lani nowadays, so Charlie hasn't had an opportunity to bully Zeke. Charlie tends to harass Zeke when he's alone. Zeke is no longer wandering the halls alone most days. The three of us were currently gathered on the bleachers. Lani was currently telling a funny story she had at work.

"...and so, we ended up getting the dishwasher to cut flour for like an hour! It did absolutely nothing. That poor kid, he looked like we wanted to blow everyone's head off. As well as laugh. The look on his face as we swept the flour back into the bin was priceless!" Lani told in between laughs. Zeke and I chuckled at her story.

"That's so cruel, but definitely funny." Zeke snickered. I agreed with that.

"Honestly, I feel like I'd be gullible enough to fall for that." I admitted.

"I think we can both agree on that." Zeke noted. I smirked at him in return.

"Well, you're good at spilling flour everywhere. On yourself and me. You're the messy one." I fired back. Making Zeke's green orbs roll at me from the memory. He couldn't hide the grin on his face though.

As we were talking and just enjoying the day,  I saw two figures walking towards the direction of the bleachers. As they got closer, I could identify them. Charlie Love was one of them, making my guard stand up. Zeke had let Lani in on a bit about the abuse he's gotten from Charlie and has become protective over him too. Us to girls became protective mother hens over Zeke.

I tapped both their shoulders to alert them of Charlie marching in or direction. Immediately, Lani and I sat closer to Zeke to guard him. I also noticed the second person was that ginger boy from the mall. The one that Zeke had spoken too. Zeke still hasn't told me what happened after I left, but I respected his privacy. Though, it brought concern to me that he couldn't confide in me after everything we've been through. I guess there were still some things we needed before revealing all of our secrets.

Zeke recognized the ginger boy immediately. His expression hardened. His assumption is that this boy and Charlie are trying to arise out of him. I didn't know the details of why the two of them were keen on harassing Zeke even more. Also, I also didn't know what reasons Zeke may know about their choice to bother him. There was definitely a conflict in the past between Zeke and Charlie that only they know about.

They stood at the bottom of the bleachers, looking up at us as the three of us sat near the highest points of the bleacher. The red headed boy's eyes quickly darted to Zeke. Zeke met him with angry green ones.

The boy met eyes with Charlie. "Charlie, please explain to Zeke who I am." The boy said simply. Pointing in our direction.

Charlie stared Zeke down, (more like up as Zeke was high up on the bleacher) with the usual hatred he held for him. I could never understand why there was so much hatred towards him.

"You seem to be rather stupid if you don't know that this is my brother Aiden Love. Also known as Aiden Marlins. Besides myself, you should know him without an instinct. And why the fuck would I send a doppelganger of my brother?" Charlie barked. So one of my answers was answered.

 The connection that Zeke and Charlie had was through his younger brother. And turns out that Aiden was the one in the picture that Zeke showed me of his friends group. The special friend he also referred to in his journal entries.

"To fuck with my head even more! After all the shit I've endured from you, I wouldn't be surprised. Also because Aiden is dead! You constantly reminded me that he's dead!" Zeke yelled back. Feeling his own sense of anger rise.

Aiden was fuming himself in a mass confusion. "What the hell does 'he's dead' mean?!" He asked.

Zeke turned back his attention to the boy. He went silent and his face was filled with pain. "He died! He committed suicide! That's what! Didn't survive the attempt!" Zeke became quiet. The secret to the deepest source of pain was the death of his best friend.

The ginger haired boy swallowed hard and shuffled his feet. "It's true that I made an attempt to kill myself, but I outlived it." A new expression appeared on Zeke's face. One I couldn't read. But, he was utterly confused. But, still not completely convinced.

"It's true, Aiden did live. I lied." Charlie mumbled.

Zeke blinked a couple times, many emotions and thoughts running through his mind."What do you mean you lied? You showed me the newspaper article and the funeral shit!" Zeke demanded. His voice was quiet, but harsh.

"I got someone to create fake ones. They were fakes." Charlie confessed.

Aiden was even more angry towards Charlie. "Why would you do that? What have you done to him since I have been gone?" He muttered between his teeth.

Charlie Love showed guilt towards his brother. "I lied to mess with him. To get back at all the shit he put you through. I didn't think he was that spaced out of society that he would believe me for long... I guess it shows how real of a loner he is, and deserves to be. He abandoned you, took away my best friend then hurt you both." Charlie spat at the end. Not meeting Aiden in the eyes or Zeke's.

Aiden without hesitation slapped his brother. Furious about the huge lie that had consumed Zeke's life for a long time. "What the fuck! You are a despicable person! Zeke didn't do anything to me! I sunk into depression and a battle that led me to choose my choices..." He paused for a second. Deciding to be brave on behalf of Zeke.

"...I didn't ask to be trapped and hating the way I was born. I'll be damned, it sure as hell wasn't Zeke's fault that I knew deep inside I was supposed to be a guy!. He was the one who could see that and accepted me either way! Pushing me to learn to accept myself and that it was OK that I am trans, queer and a little weird. I was so consumed in self hatred and the hate I received that I forgot that Zeke was my light. It also wasn't right for him to be trying to save me either. That wasn't professionally his place to be a doctor or therapist. Zeke did one hell of a job of being a friend though.  You decided and created a sick lie about me." He snarled.

I piped in finally. "It also doesn't help that Charlie was constantly bullying Zeke too. It has been severe emotional, mental and physical abuse. I've seen his face black and blue.  He was on the brink of the same path Aiden took. I stepped in because I saw a depressed kid on the brink of being suicidal.  All because of you and the suffering he had to go through, and that sick horrible lie! Of course Zeke would believe your words! You used it to your advantage to play a sick mind game." I say with venom through my teeth.

Aiden's eyes watered up. Brining a fist to his mouth to swallow back any cries he had for Zeke. I looked at Zeke to see him even paler than he was naturally. His eyes wide with tears as he received new information. Wrongly manipulated information he had the right to know. He just stared as he was taking in the news. Lani stayed silent as this wasn't quiet her fight, but stayed close in support of Zeke. Her own set of eyes were watering.

Aiden looked back at my direction. Looking for more details. "It's also been going on since the 9th grade. I didn't meet him until the tenth grade. I wasn't close to him until April of that year. He's been dealing with it for at least two years. Alone and no one to back him up. While also suffering the loss of his friends from grade school on top of that." I say.

Aiden turned his attention to Zeke. "I'm so sorry Zeke for what I put you through all because of my own selfishness. I shouldn't have let those bullies get to me on the night of the party;" He dismissed continuing his sentence.

Zeke remained as if he was zoned out, but he was definitely aware of every word being said. Eyes glossy and cheeks shining from the tears that poured out.

I walked closer to Zeke. Standing in front of him. His watered eyes met mine. I brought him into my embrace.  One that was much needed, one he waited far too long to receive. He stood still as I held him. His body was trembling from the overwhelming news and emotions consuming him right now. He quickly latches onto me with his own arms. Feeling his body shaking even more as he broke down. All the false truths and pain he went through were a mere sick game for his abusers.

I looked up to Aiden yelling and telling Charlie off for the things he's done to Zeke. Cursing and all."At least I'm not a fag like Jensen!" Charlie screamed which we all heard. Zeke stilled at that.

Then all we heard was a loud slap. Aiden had slapped Charlie as a result because Aiden was trans. There was nothing wrong with that. And Charlie looked like he instantly regretted that. As he did love his brother. 

"Fuck you! I'm more of a queer mess then Zeke is.  I thought you had my back about that as your sibling. He didn't abandon me! I pushed him away as I saw him falling in love with your best friend! The one you abandoned because you're a homophobe! I didn't want Zeke to be friends with me when all my problems seemed to revolve around my gender. " He screamed.

Lani pipped in. "Zeke is not gay. Not that it fucking matters. He's got some attraction to girls at least. This guy also carries some heavy feelings towards someone that is female." Zeke froze in my arms.

"How the hell would you know if he's not? He's never had a girlfriend." Charlie taunted. Being the idiot he was, he received another slap from Aiden.

Lani's eyes widened and her cheeks went pink. "We shared a night together." Was all she said and tucked some of her curly blonde hair behind her ear. I was going to have to chew Zeke's ear out for more details later about that.

"I also know who he has feelings for but, I'll stop there so I don't get my head ripped off." Lani whispered out.

Aiden sent more daggers to Charlie. "Just get the fuck out of here. Don't think I'm keeping quiet about this to dad. I'm going to make sure to report your ass. You're no brother of mine. You were right,  Aiden Marlins did die and so did Aiden Love. I don't want to ever be associated with you. You're dead to me." Aiden snarled at Charlie and shoved him away. Charlie just stormed off, looking like his world just shattered. Charlie did truly love Aiden, as pitiful as it was.    

I just kept holding onto Zeke. Now I understood more to why Zeke said he killed his best friend as well. I managed to bring him back to the bleachers to sit down. He just let out all the agony that was running through his mind. I was cradling him like how he cradled me at the mall. This was a more recent and serious situation because the beatings he has gotten would be considered a crime. I also didn't know how often that occurred either.

Lani came over and sat down beside Zeke on the opposite side and wrapped her arms around him too. Showing that more than one person cared and loved him. Aiden did the same to Zeke. Despite the damage they had between the two of them, they loved each other dearly. And Aiden wasn't tolerating  the things his brother has done either. It took a lot for Aiden to do that too because he loved his brother.

We all held Zeke, reassuring him that none of us were going to abandon him. "Zeke and Aiden, the two of you are going to need to tell us what happened at that party. That's when everything seriously turned out wrong for the both of you." I whispered.

I heard Zeke and Aiden both hesitantly agreeing to reveal the truth of how things turned upside down. "Also, it seems your ex plays a huge role in this too, Zeke. I know, it hurts but I need you to be brave for me alright? We're never letting you go." I noted.

Zeke sucked in a shaky breath and nodded. "I guess you 're going to find out either way, cause the story I'm about to tell is when I met my ex. All because I fell in love with a guy, all this shit happened."

I shushed Zeke. "Don't even start with that. We all know that's not true. I could care less either. Don't forget my brother George is gay.  Please, now focus and be strong just for a little longer alright?"

    "Alright. For you, Pattie, and all those who've been hurt on the way. As well as those who are new and entered my life. I'll tell you everything." Zeke squeezed my hand, fearful and afraid. I held it tightly as he began to reveal his truth.