
The Party pt 1

I hop into my car to pick up Jaudia, I hope she's ready because she sure takes a long time to put a dress on.

 "Wow Jaud! You're already here, your dress is cool too, it's simple and elegant, nice." " Thanks." She says as she gets in. " So, Jaud, who's your dress by? I've never heard of it before." " oh, it's a new copy of the 1962 version of De'louts Sagma Emerald." " Nice, though didn't De'lout die in like the 90's?" "Yeah, this dress is just a copy. Anyways your dress is nice though, looks like Lisa's newest version." " Yup, sure is." "So who's coming to the party?" " girl, why are you asking me that, everyone, in The Group." " Oh." Jaud's face seems to saden. " hey, what's wrong?" " I, uh, got kicked out." "Whattt! By who?" " By Mira, it turns out that to be in the group you have to have over 120 million followers." " Well how many do you have?" "....82 mil" "Oh, didn't you use to have 110?" " Yeah, but my videos haven't been getting as many views lately, and then my followers dropped." " Oh, who even made that rule?" " Mira, she's the creator of The Group." "Yeah, i know that but isn't Mira that sweet girl who did advertisements for famous makeup brands?" " Yeah but she changed, she started modeling too, and now she's at 158 million." " Oh wow." "There's probably a bunch of people who had to leave The Group because they didn't have over 120 mil. Do you think they will let me in Zeil?" " Oh course they will, only if you're accompanied by someone with over 120 mil." "But how do you know, you didn't even know that the rule changed." "Because, before you used to only need 20 million to get in, and that was the rule then." " Oh." "Well anyways enough of that, we're here!" Me and Jaudia pulled up to the lakeside and we saw a huge yacht right in the middle of it. It was a beautiful sight. It was just past dark and there were dangling lights and music, overhead a check in booth in the front of the lake, It said: The Group yacht party, hosted by @Miraastarz. I jumped up and squealed, " Come on Jaud come on! Let's have some fun! 

Me and Jaudia soon walk up to the gate, there are two big security guards with large paper boards with guest list names. " List your Tiktok name and follower count," The 1st large guy says. "@zeilheartci, 128 million." " You." " Uh.." I see Jaud freeze, she makes a face like I knew this wouldn't work. "@Jaduaiatrends, 82 million." "Zeilici, you may enter, Jaudia, you are prohibited from entering, I suggest you leave." " Wait, but I thought since my friend Zeil can enter I can kinda, like accompany her!" " No, you may only enter if you are in The Group made by @Miraastarz." "Jaudia looks so sad, it's okay Jaud, there's always another party." Just then Mira and her friend Kaital come over, Zeilici ! I'm so glad you could make it, what seems to be the matter?" " Oh, I'm just leaving." " Aww, why is that?" " My friend Jaudia here isn't allowed to enter." " Why is that, is she not wearing the appropriate clothing for this party?" " No, she was kicked out of The Group." " Kicked out? Oh, well that's sad to hear, Only The Council are allowed to kick someone out, who kicked her, and why?" 

Oh, The Council, they are the top leaders of The Group. They have the most followers and they are the creators of it. They are in charge of all of the events and parties and hold together the top TikTok'ers. They are 3. Sabvi, 2. Kaital, and 1. Mira, the original creator.