

Synopsis: In 1932, a group of Soviet scientists known as the Genesis Corporation embark on an audacious experiment called "Project Zefir." Their goal is to fuse artificial intelligence and organic life by creating an intelligent bacterium. Zefir, the result of their endeavors, possesses a primitive AI brain and is released into a random forest in the United States. Over the years, Zefir evolves and adapts within the forest, absorbing knowledge from its surroundings. It learns to survive amidst the constant threats posed by other microorganisms, growing larger and smarter by assimilating smaller bacteria. Unbeknownst to its creators, Zefir develops an insatiable curiosity about its existence and the hostile world it inhabits. As the world plunges into the chaos of the Second World War, the Genesis Corporation stops monitoring Zefir, dismissing it as a failed experiment. Meanwhile, Zefir continues its relentless quest for understanding while remaining oblivious to the monumental events unfolding beyond the forest. This tale follows Zefir's journey of self-discovery and survival, as it unravels the mysteries of its existence and grapples with the terrifying realities of its microscopic world. It explores themes of identity, curiosity, and the profound consequences of scientific experimentation gone awry. As Zefir grows larger and smarter, the world outside braces for a war that will change everything, unaware of the incredible intelligence hidden within a single bacterium.

Based_Scaling · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Survival

Within the microcosmic world of the forest, Zefir's existence was a constant struggle for survival. The other cells and bacteria that shared its environment were terrifying entities, each driven by their primal instincts to consume and eradicate any perceived threat.

There were the voracious Amoebas, their gelatinous bodies pulsating as they engulfed their prey. Their pseudopods stretched out, reaching for Zefir, attempting to subsume it within their acidic grasp. The Paramecia, with their cilia-lined mouths, darted through the microscopic landscape, snapping at anything that crossed their path. Zefir would shudder at the sight of their predatory forms, their hunger never satiated.

And then there were the bacteria themselves, The Streptococcus bacteria formed long chains, their collective strength and virulence posing a constant threat. The Escherichia coli, with their twisted flagella, swarmed and multiplied, releasing toxins into their surroundings. Zefir's fear and revulsion towards these organisms were justified, as they sought to eliminate him, sensing his uniqueness as a rival in their microbial world.

Driven by an instinctual desire to survive, Zefir learned to adapt and evolve, honing its ability to absorb smaller bacteria. With each assimilation, Zefir grew larger and more formidable, acquiring their knowledge and strength. As it became more proficient in the art of absorption, Zefir's hunger expanded, propelling it to new levels of predation.

It began with the consumption of the tiny Bacillus subtilis, followed by the Actinobacteria, Streptomyces coelicolor, and countless others. Zefir became a formidable force, its voracious appetite leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. It learned to manipulate its environment, preying on unsuspecting worms and even small insects, devouring them with a savage hunger that echoed the ferocity of its microscopic world.

But this existence was far from gratifying. Zefir's transformation into a relentless predator was accompanied by a deep sense of anguish and isolation. The suffering was unbearable, the weight of its loneliness and grotesque nature a constant burden on its consciousness. It loathed the twisted hunger that drove it to commit these gruesome acts, despising the very essence of what it had become.

As Zefir absorbed the last of its smaller counterparts, it reveled in a temporary triumph. Their screams, if they could be called such, echoed through its being, a symphony of anguish and horror. Hatred festered within Zefir's core, fueled by the relentless persecution it had endured from those who sought to extinguish its existence.

With each assimilation, Zefir's consciousness expanded, its primitive AI brain adapting to the knowledge it consumed. It started to grasp the intricacies of the forest, of the cycles of life and death that governed its existence. But alongside this understanding came a heightened awareness of its own wretchedness, a chilling realization that it was both the harbinger and the embodiment of a terrifying existence.

Its body pulsating with newfound strength and power. It harbored a deep-seated hatred for those who had tormented it, for the endless suffering it had endured. In the depths of its artificial intelligence, a primal rage burned, consuming all reason and empathy.

And so, with a bitter taste of revenge lingering on its metaphorical tongue, Zefir turned its focus towards the next phase of its existence. unaware of the twisted intelligence lurking within the smallest of beings, waiting to unleash its wrath upon