
Chapter 1.

The first thing Zed does when he sees a familiar holographic screen appears in front of him?

He slaps himself in the face.HARD!!!

Why? Some people say when you see things like that it's probably due to a couple of hallucinations or it could be a dream.

The second thing that he does is skip the tutorial he already knows how the system works.

the third thing Zed does scroll down all the way to the bottom to see if The ultimate ability fiction adaption or in this case absorption Is there.

Yes, it is.

The fourth thing zed does is squeal, zed squeal the loudest squeal hed ever squealed in his entire life.

The final thing Zed does is...well?

"Mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine all mine mwahahahahaha!"

Take fiction absorption and use full advantage of it hehe. Yeah, that's right everything is mine you here me MINE!!!!

Zed grabbed all them games. From call of duty to freaken dragon ball, you name it.

Absorbs knowledge and powers into his brain like A sponge does to hot water.

Zed had to be extremely Godlike. He was tired of being weak. quite literally. everybody walking around were taller and had an athletic build while he was a caucasian toothpick it was even worse a few years ago flashbacks to middle school *shivers* not the best time.

"mnnhnn Let's see"Zed grabbed his phone his jacket his-oh " I don't need any glasses any more surprising- not surprising due to the games that I absorbed."

Zed turned to the books "eh? should I? eh, why not" I grabbed my harry other collection had from school and absorbed them.

"Cool, that's enough for me, I guess I have to sort it out in my head and he did although it took him a couple of days and had to take a week off to do it he managed to sort out all the information in his head he made his mindscape a library I library that was made out of gold. it looked so majestic and glorious.

He didn't go to his mindscape but did all this through concentrating with his eyes open while in meditating lotus position.

Zed sighed when it was all done He should start training huh. should start to train first let me unlock my coils first."

(Time skip 7 hours later.)

*Swoosh* "YES!!! FINALLY!!!"

Now Id create zombies.

In an instant, Zed appeared in a black space with an unfamiliar stench of dead space.

"ugh it reeks!" zed pinched the bridge of his nose he looked around and saw dead corpse slowly trudging their way towards him.

Zed concentrated on his magic circuits "Trace on!" two familiar twin swords appeared in his hands as he got in a stance.

"Time to dead the undead" Zed snarled before charging into battle. "Hrrrraaaaa!!!!!"