
ZED’s Awakening: Souls of the new epoch

Donabuis_Cronus · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Echoes of Power

In the heart of a Tokyo reborn from seismic upheaval, beneath a sky streaked with the auroras of newfound abilities, Kai stood alone in his fractured dormitory. The remnants of his old life lay scattered around him, a stark contrast to the glowing interface of "The Program" that hovered before his eyes. It was here, in this solitary bastion, that Kai began to comprehend the full weight of "ZED."

The city outside was a symphony of chaos and wonder. People, empowered by their newly acquired abilities, tested the limits of their skills in the open, their laughter and shouts echoing through the streets. But for Kai, the discovery was more introspective, a journey into the depths of "ZED" and the soul-based economy it entailed.

As night deepened, Kai ventured outside, his steps measured amid the ruins. The spectral roulette had spun a new social fabric, weaving destinies with threads of randomness. He passed individuals exhibiting their powers with pride or trepidation, the glow of their abilities casting surreal shadows on the broken concrete.

Kai's first encounter was with a young woman, her hands aglow with a soft blue light that mended the shattered storefront of a small café. Her skill, Kai surmised, was in the B-tier, a manifestation of restoration. He watched in silence, a sense of kinship stirring within him for these individuals striving to find their place in this altered world.

His contemplation was interrupted by a sudden commotion. A group of individuals, their abilities crackling with raw energy, were harassing a man whose power seemed no more than an A-tier, barely visible as a faint shimmer around his hands.

Kai's instinct was to intervene, but he hesitated. "ZED" pulsed within him, an eager shadow waiting to be unleashed. Yet, he remembered the weight of the souls and the destructive potential of "Devour." With a clenched jaw, Kai stepped forward, his presence alone drawing the attention of the aggressors.

"Problem here?" Kai's voice was calm, but the air around him thrummed with the unspoken threat of his power.

The leader, a woman with sparks dancing around her fingers, sneered. "Just teaching this low-tier his place. This world's for the strong now."

Kai's eyes narrowed. The imbalance of power, the cruelty—it was a scene he had feared would unfold in the wake of "The Awakening." He stepped closer, "ZED" simmering beneath the surface.

The confrontation was cut short by the sound of sirens. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police, now equipped with their own abilities, arrived on the scene. The crowd dispersed, the momentary clash a reminder of the fragile order that hung by a thread.

Walking away from the scene, Kai's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. The incident had highlighted the harsh realities of the new social order. The roulette had not only bestowed powers but had also sown the seeds of division and conflict.

As dawn approached, Kai found himself atop a hill overlooking the city, the first light of morning illuminating the skyline. He opened "The Program" interface, his finger hovering over the "Store" submenu. It was time to understand the true nature of his soul-based economy, to figure out how he could use it to bring some semblance of balance to this chaotic world.

He spent the next hour exploring the store, understanding the value of souls and how they could be traded. Each item, each ability, had a cost, and Kai realized that his unique position could be used for more than personal gain. He could help those less fortunate, provide a haven for those caught in the crossfire of this new era.

The sky brightened, casting its golden light on a city caught between ruin and rebirth. Kai's resolve hardened. He would not just be a spectator in this world; he would be a force for change.

With "ZED" as his guide and the soul-based economy as his tool, Kai stepped into the day, ready to face the challenges of this new epoch. He was not just a holder of power; he was a guardian of balance in a world that teetered on the edge of a new order.

As he descended the hill, the city of Tokyo stretched out before him, a canvas of potential and peril. This was his domain now, a place where he would leave his mark, not just as a power-wielder, but as a beacon of hope in a world that desperately needed it.

Kai's contemplation of the city was abruptly interrupted by a sudden, resonating announcement from "The Program," echoing not just around him but seemingly across all of Tokyo. The interface before him shimmered, and a new message materialized:

"Announcement: Introduction of Ability Points and Character Levels. Personal strength, intelligence, wisdom, mana, and other attributes are now detailed in the 'Stats' menu. Depending on your level, you will receive stat points to enhance your abilities. Starting with three points per level until level 5, after which it increases to five points per level. Engage with the world to gain experience and ascend your potential."

Kai's eyes scanned the message, his mind racing with the implications. This new layer of complexity added depth to the abilities and a tangible measure of growth and progression. He quickly opened the 'Stats' menu, noting the various attributes listed: Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Wisdom, Mana, among others. Each was a raw measure of his capabilities, and the potential for enhancement was both intriguing and daunting.

As he explored the new features, another announcement chimed in, further expanding the scope of this already vast world:

"Attention: The 'Outside World' has been unlocked. Gates, Temples, Portals, and other forms of spatial manipulation have appeared across Tokyo. These gateways lead to realms beyond our own, some harboring foreign races intent on conquest. Engage these new challenges to defend our world and claim rewards."

Kai felt a surge of adrenaline at the prospect. This was not just a battle for power within Tokyo—it was a defense against external threats, a fight for the very survival of their world. The mention of gates and portals hinted at vast, unexplored realms and formidable adversaries.

He decided to investigate. Leaving the hill, Kai ventured toward the nearest gate, located in what used to be Ueno Park. The park was transformed, its once peaceful grounds now hosting a towering portal, its swirling vortex a gateway to an unknown world.

As Kai approached, he could see others gathering, their expressions a mix of curiosity and trepidation. A few brave souls stepped through the portal, their figures enveloped by the swirling energy before disappearing entirely. Kai knew it was only a matter of time before he too would step into the unknown.

Returning to his store, Kai found another update from "The Program." It detailed the new pricing for ability points in the store. Traditionally, one ability point cost 10,000 gold, a steep price for most. But in Kai's store, the cost was set at one soul per point—a reflection of the unique economy he operated within.

This revelation set his mind ablaze with possibilities. His store could become a crucial resource for those seeking to strengthen themselves against the threats emerging from the portals. He could help shape the defenders of Tokyo, influence the balance of power, and perhaps turn the tide against the encroaching darkness.

In the days that followed, Kai learned of the major portals that had appeared across Tokyo. Each led to a different realm, each with its own dangers and rewards. The most formidable was known as the "Temple of the Celestials," a gateway to a realm where beings of immense power resided. Those who ventured there spoke of battles so intense they pushed the limits of their abilities to the brink.

Another was the "Abyssal Gate," a portal to a world on the brink of destruction, its inhabitants desperate and ruthless. The battles there were chaotic, a fight for survival against forces driven by despair.

Kai realized that these portals were not just threats but opportunities—for growth, for understanding the nature of "The Program," and for uniting the people of Tokyo against a common enemy. He also recognized the potential role his store could play in this new chapter of their existence.

As he prepared to explore the portals himself, Kai felt a sense of purpose that went beyond personal power. He was no longer just a participant in the post-Awakening world; he was a key player in shaping its future, a guardian standing at the crossroads of destruction and salvation.

With "ZED" at his command, and the soul-based economy of his store as his resource, Kai stepped forward into the swirling vortex of the nearest portal, ready to face whatever lay beyond and to carve a path for Tokyo in this new epoch of challenges and wonders.

As the city reeled from the revelation of the portals, Kai strategized his approach to this new, formidable aspect of "The Program." The streets of Tokyo were filled with a palpable tension, with people gathering in small clusters, their conversations a mix of fear and determination. The uncertainty of what lay beyond the portals weighed heavily on everyone's minds.

Kai knew he needed to be cautious. His first foray into these uncharted realms would be a test of his abilities and his understanding of "ZED." He decided to target a smaller breach, one that had been reported in the outskirts of the city, where an encampment of an imp-like race had been established.

These creatures were described as smaller and less formidable than goblins, with a dark brown hue and tails, but their faces bore a strange resemblance to humans. Their primary strength lay in stealth, making them a challenging yet manageable adversary for Kai's first encounter.

As he made his way toward the encampment, Kai's thoughts were interrupted by the panicked voices of the city's inhabitants. A group of people, their faces etched with fear, approached him.

"Have you heard? Strange creatures are coming through the portals. They're everywhere!" one of them exclaimed, his voice trembling.

Kai nodded, his expression calm. "Yes, I'm heading to one of the breaches now. Stay safe and avoid the portals if you can. The authorities are doing their best to manage the situation."

His words seemed to offer little comfort, but the group thanked him and hurried away. Kai continued on, his resolve hardened. These portals were not just a threat but a source of fear and chaos. He had to act, not just for himself, but for the people of Tokyo.

Kai approached the encampment, his senses heightened, attuned to every movement within the shadows. The imp-like creatures, seemingly unaware of his presence, continued their stealthy patrol. Kai knew this was the moment to test his mettle and the full extent of "ZED."

With a silent command, shadows converged around his fists, forming tendrils of darkness. He targeted the closest imp, striking with precision. The creature let out a sharp cry as it was enveloped in darkness, and Kai felt a jolt of energy as he absorbed its essence.

Emboldened, Kai moved further into the camp. The imps, now alerted to his presence, swarmed around him. Their agility was remarkable, but Kai was faster. With every strike, he absorbed more of their stealth abilities, becoming a whisper in the night, a phantom amongst his foes.

The creatures fought with a desperate ferocity, but they were no match for Kai and "ZED." He moved through them like a specter, his power growing with each encounter. The tendrils of darkness became extensions of his will, striking with lethal precision.

As the battle reached its climax, Kai's thoughts echoed the moment in his dorm room. But this time, there was no hesitation. His intent was clear—these creatures were a threat that needed to be neutralized.

With a surge of will, he unleashed "ZED" in its full capacity. The shadows around him expanded, engulfing the encampment in an abyssal embrace. The cries of the imps were silenced, and a profound stillness fell over the area.

"670 souls consumed," the interface of "The Program" announced, its voice emotionless. "330 souls converted to currency. Mini-boss monster eliminated. Special reward: 10 souls. We recommend you loot the surroundings. You never know what one leaves behind."

Kai exhaled deeply, the adrenaline of the fight slowly ebbing away. He began to search the encampment, his eyes scanning for anything of value. The ground was littered with various objects left behind by the creatures—daggers with sharp, curving blades, coins of an unknown metal, crafting materials, and pelts of fur.

As he moved deeper into the camp, Kai discovered the dwelling of the mini-boss. It was a larger structure, more fortified than the others. Inside, he found a stockpile of items—a treasure trove of sorts.

Amongst the hoard, one item caught his eye—a cloak woven from shadows, pulsating with a familiar energy. It resonated with "ZED," enhancing his control over darkness. Alongside the cloak was a high-ranked dagger, its blade shimmering with an otherworldly light, far superior to the ones carried by the lesser imps.

Kai collected the items, feeling a sense of accomplishment. This encounter had not only tested his abilities but had also provided him with valuable resources. The cloak and dagger were significant finds, likely to aid him greatly in future battles.

As he stepped out of the encampment, the sun began to rise, casting its light on the aftermath of the night's events. Kai looked back at the silent shadows, a reminder of the power he wielded and the responsibilities that came with it.

With new items in his possession and a clearer understanding of his abilities, Kai was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The portals had opened a door to a world of unknowns, and he was determined to explore every corner, defend his city, and uncover the deeper mysteries of "The Program."

As he made his way back to the city, Kai knew that this was just the beginning of his journey in this new epoch, a journey filled with danger, discovery, and the unrelenting pursuit of understanding the true extent of his power.

Shadowweave Cloak

Item Type: Armor (Cloak)

Rarity: Rare

Requirements: Level 10, "ZED" Ability User

Description: This cloak is woven from the very essence of shadows. It moves with a life of its own, blending seamlessly with the darkness.


Shadowmeld: Increases the user's stealth ability significantly, making them nearly undetectable in low light conditions.

Dark Resilience: Reduces incoming magic damage by 20%.

Evasion Boost: Improves the user's agility by 15%, enhancing dodging capabilities.

Shadow Echo: Once every 24 hours, the wearer can create a shadow duplicate that can perform simple tasks or act as a decoy for 30 seconds.

Mana Regeneration: Increases mana regeneration speed by 10% when in shadows or during nighttime.

Compatibility: This cloak is particularly effective for users with shadow-based abilities, enhancing their control and potency.

Whisperblade Dagger

Item Type: Weapon (Dagger)

Rarity: Epic

Requirements: Level 15, Proficiency in Stealth or Melee Combat

Description: The Whisperblade Dagger is a masterfully crafted weapon, its blade forged from a mysterious, luminescent metal. It emits a soft glow, resembling starlight.


Silent Strike: Attacks made with this dagger make no sound, regardless of the environment.

Shadow Pierce: The blade can pierce through most magical defenses, increasing effectiveness against spellcasters by 30%.

Critical Hit Chance: Increases the user's critical hit rate by 20%.

Swift Recovery: Reduces the cooldown of agility-based skills by 10% when equipped.

Life Drain: Each successful hit drains a small amount of life from the target, healing the user for 2% of the damage dealt.

Precision Enhanced: Improves the user's accuracy with the dagger, making it easier to hit vital points on opponents.

Legacy Trait: Each enemy defeated with the Whisperblade grants a small amount of experience towards the user's next level.

Exhausted from the night's events, Kai trudged back to his dorm, the weight of his experiences heavy on his shoulders. The adrenaline that had fueled him through the battle had dissipated, leaving him feeling drained. As he entered the familiar confines of his room, a sense of unreality washed over him. The events of the night seemed like a distant dream, yet the items he carried—the Shadowweave Cloak and the Whisperblade Dagger—were tangible reminders of the reality he had faced.

Collapsing onto his bed, Kai didn't even bother to undress. The exhaustion enveloped him like a thick blanket, pulling him into a deep, dreamless sleep. It was a sleep of recovery, both mental and physical, a necessary respite from the chaos of the new world he was navigating.

When Kai awoke, it was to the soft glow of morning light filtering through his curtains. For a moment, he lay still, gathering his thoughts, the memories of the previous night gradually piecing themselves together in his mind. He sat up, a sense of urgency propelling him to action. He needed to understand the full extent of what had transpired, particularly the effects on his abilities and stats.

Opening the interface of "The Program," Kai navigated to the 'Stats' menu. The display that materialized before him was a revelation:

Level: 28

Skill Points Available: 137

His rapid ascent to level 28 was a testament to the potency of his recent encounters. But what truly caught his attention were the additional stats now listed: Dexterity and Proficiency. These new attributes, particularly Proficiency, resonated with Kai. It aligned perfectly with his natural inclination towards learning and mastering new skills.

Kai deliberated over the distribution of his skill points. His strategy was to enhance his core strengths while addressing any weaknesses that could hinder his progress. He allocated the points as follows:

Strength: Increased moderately to enhance physical combat capabilities.

Agility: Significantly boosted to complement his stealth approach.

Intelligence and Wisdom: Raised to improve strategic thinking and magical understanding.

Mana: Enhanced to ensure sustained use of abilities.

Dexterity: Improved to aid in nimble movements and precision in combat.

Proficiency: Heavily invested in to accelerate his learning curve and mastery of new skills and abilities.

Satisfied with his allocation, Kai felt a surge of power coursing through him, a tangible increase in his capabilities. He stood, feeling more agile, stronger, and acutely aware of his surroundings.

It was then that he turned his attention to the Shadowweave Cloak and the Whisperblade Dagger. He lifted the cloak, its fabric cool and smooth to the touch, almost like liquid shadow. Draping it over his shoulders, he felt an immediate connection, a sense of oneness with the darkness around him. The cloak's abilities were a perfect match for his "ZED" power, enhancing his affinity with the shadows.

Next, he picked up the Whisperblade Dagger. The metal was light yet sturdy, and the blade emitted a faint, ethereal glow. As he held it, a sense of calm precision settled over him. The dagger felt like an extension of his own body, a tool that would greatly amplify his combat effectiveness.

Fully equipped and with his stats optimized, Kai felt a renewed sense of purpose. He was no longer just a survivor in this new world—he was a force to be reckoned with. His experiences at the encampment had not only strengthened him but had also given him a clearer vision of his path forward.

Stepping out of his dorm, Kai gazed at the cityscape before him. Tokyo, with all its chaos and potential, was a ground for him to test his limits and to protect. With "ZED," the Shadowweave Cloak, and the Whisperblade Dagger at his disposal, he was ready to face whatever challenges "The Program" had in store.

As he set out into the bustling streets, Kai knew that his journey was just beginning. There were more mysteries to unravel, more battles to fight, and a destiny to fulfill in this ever-evolving epoch. The path ahead was uncertain, but Kai was resolute, equipped not just with powerful tools and abilities, but with a determination to carve out his place in this new era.

Kai's Full Stat Screen:

Level: 28

Experience: 8400/12000

Skill Points Available: 0

Primary Stats:

Strength: 60

Agility: 85

Intelligence: 75

Wisdom: 70

Mana: 100

Secondary Stats:

Dexterity: 80

Proficiency: 95

Health Points (HP): 1150

Mana Points (MP): 1200

Stamina: 900

Combat Stats:

Attack Power: 350

Defense: 300

Magic Resistance: 280

Critical Hit Rate: 25%

Special Abilities:


Devour: level 5

Stealth Mastery: Level 7

Shadow Manipulation: Level 6