

In the quiet village of Eldoria, nestled amidst rolling hills and lush green fields, there lived a young boy named Zako. From the moment he entered this world, fate had marked him with an extraordinary destiny - one that would forever change the course of his life. Zako grew up in a small village surrounded by mystical forests and ancient ruins. The villagers were wary of his origins and often treated him with indifference or disdain. However, Zako didn't let their judgment affect him. Instead, he found solace in the natural world around him, spending hours exploring the woods and studying the secrets hidden within. Zako's childhood was filled with hardships and challenges. As an orphan, he experienced the pain of loss and the struggle to survive on his own. Despite the difficulties, Zako displayed remarkable resilience and determination from a young age. Raised under the watchful eyes of the village elders, Zako grew up with an insatiable curiosity about the world around him. He was filled with a longing to discover his roots, to understand where he came from, and to uncover the secrets that lay dormant within his soul. Little did he know that within him, the lost magic of the village was stirring, waiting to be awaken. One morning at the age of 19. As the sun began to rise over the lush green landscape, Zako found himself drawn to the mysterious whispers of the enchanted forest. Intrigued by the tales he had heard of its magical secrets and hidden wonders, he decided to embark on an adventure like no other.

With each step he took deeper into the forest, Zako felt a tingling sensation in the air. The foliage seemed to dance around him, as if guiding him towards his destiny. As he ventured further, the familiar sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves gradually gave way to an eerie silence, broken only by the occasional snap of twigs beneath his feet.

It was then that Zako stumbled upon a peculiar clearing. The trees seemed twisted and contorted, their branches reaching out like gnarled fingers. Mysterious symbols covered the bark, pulsating with an otherworldly energy. Zako knew he had stumbled upon something extraordinary.

Cautiously stepping through the clearing, Zako noticed a faint glow emanating from behind a thick curtain of vines. His curiosity overwhelmed him, pushing him forward. He pushed aside the foliage and gasped at the sight before him – the lost ruins of Eldoria's ancient magic casters. The ruins stood tall and proud, a testament to the power and brilliance of those who had come before. Dilapidated stone pillars reached towards the sky, adorned with carvings depicting forgotten spells and enchantments. Ivy snaked its way around the crumbling walls, giving the ancient structure an ethereal beauty. Mesmerized by the ruins, Zako cautiously explored the crumbling chambers. Every step he took echoed through the empty halls, reverberating with a sense of forgotten history. He could almost hear the faint echoes of incantations whispered by the long-lost magic casters. As he delved further into the ruins, Zako discovered a hidden chamber buried deep within the heart of the structure. Upon entering, he found himself surrounded by shelves filled with ancient tomes and scrolls, their pages yellowed and delicate with age. It was a treasure trove of knowledge waiting to be unraveled. With trembling hands, Zako carefully picked up a dusty tome. Its title, "The Secrets of Eldoria's Magic," sent shivers down his spine. He knew that within those pages lay the key to unlocking the mysteries of the ancient casters and harnessing their long-forgotten power. Lost in time and completely captivated by the wonders of the ruins, Zako spent hours studying and absorbing the wisdom from the ancient texts. The more he read, the deeper he fell into the intricate web of Eldoria's magic, unraveling spells once thought lost to the annals of history. But as the day wore on and the sun began its descent, Zako realized it was time to leave the ruins behind. With a heavy heart, he bid farewell to the lost magic casters of Eldoria, vowing to return one day and continue his exploration. Leaving the enchanted forest, Zako felt a renewed sense of purpose and discovery. The secrets he had uncovered within the ruins would forever shape his destiny. Little did he know that his journey had only just begun, and that the magic of Eldoria would accompany him throughout his adventures, guiding him towards his true potential.

And so, with newfound knowledge and an insatiable curiosity, Zako headed back to the village to inform the elders of what he had found.

As Zako wondered back to the village, he could sense an unsettling energy in the air. His heart pounded in his chest as he approached the outskirts, only to be met with a devastating sight. The once peaceful village was now a scene of chaos and destruction. Zako's mind was racing with a mixture of anger, fear, and determination. He couldn't believe the devastation he witnessed in the village he called home. The sight of his fellow villagers being attacked and their homes destroyed ignited a fire within him. He felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility to protect his community and restore peace. In that moment, he knew he had to gather his strength, and confront the god king's soldiers head-on. He understood the risks involved, but his love for his people outweighed any doubts or personal fears he may have had. Zako was driven by a deep desire to bring justice and protect the village and the secrets it holds. As Zako charges into the chaos of the village attack, his heart races with adrenaline and determination. The once peaceful streets now resemble a battlefield, filled with billowing smoke and debris. The sounds of clashing swords and screams of anguish echo through the air, creating a symphony of chaos. Zako's eyes scan his surroundings, quickly identifying the first group of enemies ahead. Zako sees the glint of a sword shine, as he begins charging at them. He grabs the sword as if he was being pulled to it.With his grip firm on his sword, he lunges forward, his every movement fueled by sheer willpower. His muscles tense, ready to strike with precision and strength.The setting sun casts an orange glow over the scene, illuminating the dust particles that dance in the air. Buildings lie in ruins, their shattered windows and crumbling walls bearing the scars of the brutal conflict. The scent of burning wood and sweat permeates the atmosphere, adding to the intensity of the battle. As Zako charges towards the enemy, his mind enters a state of hyper-focus. Time seems to slow down as he dodges incoming attacks, his agile movements resembling that of a graceful dancer. His sword becomes an extension of his arm, slicing through the air with deadly accuracy.

Zako finds himself landing on the ground, amazed at what his body just did. He looks around at the shredded bodies lying around him. He feels and weird itch and his throat and then instantly vomits. He becomes light headed and falls to his knee. Zako struggles to look around and see what's going on. As he begins to fade out he sees a figure approaching him and hears " Worry not my child, all shall be revealed." Before zako succumbed to the intense need to just close his eyes. He saw the glowing eyes. Then black.