
Another Inamorato- 1

"You look beautiful, Princess Amelia," Eva commented which made Amelia smile. "Your husband would indeed be lucky"

Amelia sat facing the mirror while Eva braided her hair. It was a sunny day in the land of Scrollrealm; just like on other days, Amelia was being dressed to meet another suitor.

"I heard he's good-looking and the son of Lord Richardson. I hope he interests you, Milady," Eva said as she weaved Amelia's hair.

Amelia sighed hearing Eva. Like other days, today was going to turn out rough if she rejected the man. She could see and hear her father scolding her if she messed things up.

"Not to worry, Milady. Who knows, he might be the one to pique your interest"

After sorting herself out, Amelia walked out of her room to the meeting room. Her father and two other men chatted casually. Hearing the door creak, the three men turned their heads to the person who dared to intrude on their peaceful moment.

"Greetings, Father. The ever-young king of Scrollrealm," Amelia greeted her father before turning to look at the others in the room. "Greetings to you, Lord Richardson, and to you too, sir Richard"

Lord Richardson smiled before nodding. The girl was indeed as her father had described her. Golden blonde hair with beautiful blue eyes that sparkled along with her dress. The. perfect match for his son..

"My dear Amelia. The fairest in all of the lands. I'm a lucky man to have you. Come sit," King Collins gestured for her to sit next to him. Amelia gulped as she took some steps forward before eventually sitting next to her father. "Lord Richardson, this is my Daughter Amelia Sunfield. Is she not as I described?"

Lord Richardson nodded his head, fixing his eyes on Amelia who felt nervous with every passing second.

"She looks far better than you described, Milord. I wonder what she treats her skin with. How could a person be blessed by the gods with such skin?" Lord Richardson asked, still taking in Amelia's appearance. Truth be told, Amelia looked nothing less than a goddess walking in the realm of humans. Her skin which looked tender and soft lured the Lord. He wished he was the one seeking her hand. Noticing his stares, Amelia smiled hoping to deter his unwanted stares. "Milord, how has she not found a suitable man ever since? She's too beautiful to be real"

King Collins chuckled deeply before replying,

"You see, my daughter is very picky. Why wouldn't she? A beauty would not marry anything she sees, instead, she would marry one suitable"

Lord Richardson who looked drawn to the girl rubbed his mustache before nodding. "I can tell, Milord. I'm sure she'll find my son worthy of her heart. Why don't we leave them alone to speak and familiarize themselves?" Lord Richardson suggested. As if agreeing with him, King Collins stood up and walked out of the room with Lord Richardson.

This was the moment Amelia feared the most. She looked at the man in front of her who had black curly hair and black eyes. He looked just like his father, the only difference being the mustache on his father's face. Amelia clutched her dress anxiously. In the space of one month, her father had introduced her to fifteen different suitors. Being Amelia, she rejected all. Rejecting this one would lead to another scolding from her father. It was something she didn't want to experience. Then, does that mean she had to accept the man?

Sighing, Amelia spoke up,

"Sir Richard, it's nice to see you in person. I've heard decent things about you"

Richard returned her statement with a smile before speaking, "Likewise. Princess Amelia. I've heard so many things about you. Seeing you in person is a privilege many seek for. And if you permit, I'll like to know you better"

Amelia plastered a fake smile on her face. The man spoke decently, but then...

"A pleasure it would be, Sir Richard. But you see, being a princess isn't easy. I have duties and little spare time. Whenever I'm having a reasonable amount of spare time, I'll arrange for us to meet"

Amelia hoped this would drive the man off for now. Hearing him speak no more, Amelia rejoiced within.

"Princess Amelia. The way you say it makes it seem like you're driving me away," he said and Amelia's eyes widened. "Not to worry, my parents are holding a tea party this weekend. Friday to be specific. I'm inviting you as my father would also be inviting yours"

The men left their children in the meeting room to familiarize themselves. "A tea party this Friday at my house. Would you grace it?"

King Collins gave it some thought before replying,

"I'm afraid not, Richardson. My daughter would be there to represent me. I'll send a guard to accompany her"

Lord Richardson nodded.

"It must be lonely for Amelia. Poor child. Might I send my daughter to stay with yours for some time?" Lord Richardson questioned.

"She never complained about loneliness. My daughter is unique, just like her mother. How unfortunate she isn't alive to see Amelia all grown up," King Collins replied. "Having another here is a relief. My wife's siblings would be joining soon for the forthcoming event"

Lord Richardson turned to King Collins in disbelief.

"You still call her your wife even though she's no more? And what forthcoming event? My memory seems to betray me"

A servant passed by with a tray. King Collins reached out to a cup of coffee on the tray and gulped it in at once before dropping the cup. The servant quickened her steps in respect and walked away from the men.

"Yes, Richardson. She's everly, my sweet wife. As a king, I'm supposed to be remarried but the love.. Oh, love has blinded my eyes. I couldn't remarry," King Collins said before continuing, "The event. It's been announced for some time now except the message didn't reach your land"

Lord Richardson raised a brow. Was the king doubting him?

"My king, it never reached me. If it did, I wouldn't act so oblivious"

King Collins nodded in response to Lord Richardson.

"My daughter needs her own royal guard. Apart from Eva, her royal maid. The finest warriors from all the lands would assemble the day after tomorrow to fight. The strongest wins and becomes appointed"

Lord Richardson let out an 'Oh' before saying,

"It reached me but I failed to respond. Pardon me, Milord. I have no fine warrior to participate. Shame on me"

King Collins sighed as they left the hallway to the outer side of the castle. The harsh ray of the sun hit their eyes making them squint a little.

"The sun now is very harsh. I'm glad I have a good carriage that would protect me from this Sun," Lord Richardson said.

"How is your wife doing, Richardson?" King Collins asked the man who seemed to be struggling so much with the harsh sun.

"Fine. I am building another shop for her in the land of Eastquake. She's really earning from her seams," Lord Richardson replied to King Collins.

"Very well then, let's go back to the children. I hope they're done conversing now"

The men turned around, heading back to the meeting room.

Meanwhile, in a different part of the mansion, the maid who had served the King coffee dropped the tray in the nearest kitchen. She made sure she was the only one there to avoid suspicion. The last thing she wanted was being caught so early; not like she planned to be caught anyways. A mischievous smirk played on her lips as she dropped the tray and kept the cup in it's place. She pursed her lip and a certain excitement filled her. It was one thing to see your enemies die, it was another to kill them with your very own hands.

"I'll pay you all back. One by one, you'll all die. Then I'd have the kingdom all to myself," she muttered before stepping out of the kitchen to blend in with the other servants.

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