
Chapter one

Squeezing through the mass of sweaty bodies and scantily dressed females, Zoey staggered, trying to find the bathroom on time, it was really a hassle going to a club for the first time, and her best friend who was supposed to help her out had run off to God-knows-where, probably for a good fuck.

Zoey pushed the bathroom door open and bent down towards the toilet as she heaved, trying to get all the nonsensities out of her system.

"Crazy day, huh?" A voice said from the other cubicle.

"Hmm hmm" Zoey hummed in response.

"Here's a tissue, a bottle of water and your purse, you dropped it just now" the woman said passing her a wad of tissues and her purse.

"Oh, thanks. Could you please lend me your phone for a couple of seconds, mine's dead and I need to call my friend to tell her I'm leaving" Zoey said to the lady.

"Oh, sure, here you go" the lady said as she handed Zoey her phone.

"Thanks" Zoey whispered as she dialled Amy's number but it went straight to voicemail.

"Beep...This is Amy, don't call me again, I'm out for a good fuck" Amy's voice said from over the phone and the line went dead.

'That crazy bitch....I wish I had a good fuck tonight too' Zoey thought to herself,but hurriedly shook her head to disperse the naughty thoughts in her head and she handed the phone back to the lady.

"Thank you, Miss..?" Zoey asked

"Emily, it's Emily" The pretty brunette said as she smiled kindly at Amy.

"I'm Zoey, it was nice to meet you" Zoey says as they shook hands

"Same here" The lady said and turned around to touch up her makeup.

"Thank you once again" Zoey says, stauntering out of the toilet, still squeezing through a ton of bodies to make it to the entrance. The gooey eyes, seductive gazes and wolfy whistles didn't affect her as she continuously tried to pull her dress down.

"Nice ass" some random guy's voice says as she passed by.

'Son of a gun' Zoey thought as she turned around, ready to give him a piece of her mind.

Next chapter