
Chapter 1

Damion didnt know to expect when he got an the interview Genysis Tech Corporation. Apparently therer was some kinda experimental test going on within the company and it was government sactioned but thats if believe the stories the news has been showing about, in my opinion its mostly subjective. I didnt believe the lies they were spewing about 2 different locationns being shutdown do some kind of ethical codes and what not. All I knew was I needed a job, my parents threw me out for not going to college 6 months ago, so I got a few jobs here an there but nothing really stuck and I got this mysterious call about a job opertunity for me. How could I pass that up? I was behind on rent by a month, I owed the gas plus the electric company money from the last two months, so I was in no position to question any job that came my way, except theillegal kind of course. I was in a waiting room with twenty different people, one by one the number of people in the waiting hall slowly dwindled, morning turned into the evening, I got irratated an I decided to light a cigarette, I went over to the outside patio, I took a seat as I smoked my cigarette my conversation with my father earlier that morning when I was grabbing few bags of clothes an a couple of boxes.

"No matter where life takes you my son, this will always be your home and we will always be your family. I know it seems tough on you that we are forcing you to move out but you need to understand their comes a time in every persons life where they must leave home. No one ever like it but its an experience thateverone of else must go through because its a part of growing up and becoming an adult. This job will be important to you than you will ever know and I am proud of son." my hugged me and put a big yellow envolope in my hand, inside was my passport, some moeny to get me on my feet an for emergencies, birth certificate, social security card, debit card, check book and a cellphone brand new in its box.

Even though my family and I almsot never saw eye to eye but one thing I can always say is that they were always supportive of what ever I wanted to do with my life. This was proof of them still showing their support for me, just in their way, I took a puff off of the cigarette that was still lit as the cold fall wind hit against the building causing the nearby trees to creak from the forceful wind making them move.