
Yuu: Reaper (Completed)

One second Otosaka Yuu is hunting down ability users and the next he is inside an unknown world with millions of heroes. With people known as All Might, Endeavor, and Best Jeanist who run around the planet. Yuu's job has become way harder Or has it, With the league of Villains opposing those heroes there will inevitably be those in the middle, and Yuu is one of them. How will he get home? Will he fight Midoriya? Will he fight Bakugo? -------------------------------------------------------------- Original Author: Rook38 Link to Original Story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16732311?view_full_work=true Don't write petty reviews that I stole this fanfic since I clearly credited them. ----------------------------------------------------------

Nakahara · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


Yuu leaned against the wall of the alleyway and watched as civilians passed him by. Even as they walked about in their daily routines, The Reaper knew. Everything below the surface was different, he could tell. Even in his short time here the air already seemed different, more people seemed to glance over their shoulders, others held their bags with a tight grip. Yuu smirked with a shrug, "What do you expect?" he muttered to himself and turned further into the alleyway.

As he walked his smile disappeared. What about my abilities? His gaze drifted to his open palm and he frowned, he knew he could use ice, but what about pyrokinesis? His palm began to warm and soon fire sprouted from his palm.


Yuu continued to walk down the alleyway and his mind began to shift to another topic. Why couldn't he steal abilities from that one white-haired villain? He had never been unable to use his ability before, so why now?

As he turned a corner he collided with someone and stumbled backward, when he glanced up toward the individual he narrowed his eye slightly. The man was taller than him, he wore a bartender outfit and had short blonde hair, glasses, and a large frown on his face. Next to him was a shorter man who wore a brown suit and striped button shirt, he had dreadlocks and a pair of glasses

"Where do you think you're going, flea?" The large man bent down to get into Yuu's face, the brunette just blinked at the man and was silent. He wore a bartenders outfit

"Calm down Shizuo-san," The other man sighed, "We got a job to do."

As the two made their way passed Yuu, the blonde shoved his way past him and let out a small growl as he did.

Yuu shrugged and continued on his way, his mind returning to his seemingly defunct ability. If he couldn't take abilities, how was he supposed to keep his promise? He thought of a familiar pair of blue eyes.

"I made a promise…" he thought to himself.

Finally, his brain turned to the man who sent him here, the one with the purple sludge. He needed to find a way back, no matter what it takes.

His hand wrapped around the pack on index cards around his neck, "No matter what it takes!"

That night Yuu found himself sitting atop one of the many buildings and stared up at the stars above him.

How long will I be here? He thought to himself with a sigh, forever? Or will he be able to fight the one who sent him here? If he was able to… he didn't know what he'd do, but he's sure that it wouldn't look good.

The teen leaned back and rested his head against an air conditioning unit. He began to enjoy the relative silence in the area, with a long breath Yuu closed his eyes.

"NO!" Someone yelled out in the nearby alley.

Yuu opened his eyes and frowned.

"Leave me alone!" The same frightening voice screamed out.

"Shush!" Another voice called out.

By the time a muffled scream sounded out Yuu stood on the edge of the building and stared down into the alley. Below him stood three people, two men, and a woman. The men wore hoodies, one dark blue, and the other black. He couldn't see the woman from where she stood pinned down against the wall thanks to blue. The one in black stood guarding the entrance.

"Please, be quiet." The man hushed at the still screaming woman, Yuu narrowed his eyes.

"Will you please get her to shut up!" The man in black said as he glanced over his shoulder.

Suddenly a dark mist materialized around Blue, and the woman went quiet.

"Hey, Tamiko-san." Blue turned toward his friend with a smile, which quickly faded.

Where his friend once stood was a man in a black hoodie and one scarred eye, "So, what do you plan to do with her?"

Blue dropped the girl haphazardly and frowned, "Who the fuck are you!?"

The brunette smirked with a toothy grin, his healthy eye turned to gold, "Call me," He began, his grin only grew wider, "the One-Eyed Reaper!"


Yuu stared at the cracked sidewalk as he made his way down the street, his eyes half-lidded and large bags under his eyes.

It had been a couple of days since Yuu had saved the woman in the alleyway, it had been tough.

"My feet hurt." The Reaper whined as he kicked a pebble further down the sidewalk, "Why am I stuck in a place like this."

It had been a few days since his fight with the two thugs in the alleyway and he's had to keep driving between alleyways to keep himself out of the public eye.

Yuu yawned and stretched his arms above his head. He frowned and rubbed his one good eye, "Why did this power have to exist, I miss sleeping."

He continued on his way for a while before glancing up at the crossing. A small smile found him when he saw the illuminated sign of a hotel across from him.

That would work.

He quickly made his way across the street and into the hotel lobby. Inside the hotel lobby, he quickly took note of how small the lobby was, mainly the lack of couches, and the people who were present. A group of five stood near the T.V. which was displaying what looked like a rerun of a recent news report.

"If you have any news on this individual, do not hesitate to contact the proper authorities. Once again, this individual has brown hair and one scarred eye, he also wears a black jacket, red shirt, and jeans."

As the news report continued on Yuu narrowed his eye and turned to the receptionist's desk.

"Good evening," He began, quickly grabbing the attention of the receptionist, "Do you still have any rooms open for the night, I'm not from the area and have nowhere to stay."

The receptionist smiled at Yuu and began to type on her computer, a moment later she turned back to him, "We have a room open on floor two, it will be 4,000 yen."

Yuu's eyes widened slightly but he quietly forked over the money, "Do you have any maps of the area, I need to figure out where I am."

The woman nodded and reached under the desk, handing him a tourist pamphlet, "It's not the best, but it's at least something." She glanced toward the crowd at the T.V.,

"Tamaki-san," She began, one of the larger men turned toward her. He wore the typical black shoes and pants with a white button-up that had the hotel's insignia on his shirt pocket. What stood out about him was his ginger hair.

Tamaki made his way over to the reception desk, "Yes Erza-san?"

"Please take this guest to room 204." Erza switched her gaze to Yuu, her smile growing wider, "enjoy your stay!"

Yuu didn't respond, he simply followed the man attending him, Tamaki. Yuu's gaze moved up and down as they made their way to the elevators, he was almost a head taller than the Reaper and looked physically stronger too.

But what about his abilities? He asked himself.

From an outsider's perspective, Tamaki looked like a normal person, but from what Yuu had seen, there was something different from this man.

"Room 204, huh?" Yuu began, "I didn't think that room would be in this hotel."

"204?" Tamaki questioned, "Oh, she's just moved into the country from the United States, I'll check the website real quick."

Yuu watched as the man typed out a message and sent it, a small beep and a nod later the man glanced over his shoulder, "Room 202 is empty, you'll be in there for the same price, no worries?"

Yuu narrowed his eyes but nodded, "No worries."

When Yuu reached his room he sighed and made his way to the window and raised an eyebrow at how many people were still in the hotel pool so late. He sat down on his bed and grabbed the remote and turned on the television. He needed something to watch to pass the time, the news would do its job.

"-This just in the Public Safety Commission has announced that they will be holding an early Provisional License Exam in the wake of All Might's retirement, many schools, including U.A. will be attending…"

Yuu sighed and glanced out of the nearby window. At the very least there were heroes to fight the villains in this world. He sighed and pulled out his pamphlet, "When I get my hands on that slime guy, I'll kill him."

"-On another note, due to increasing crime levels across the city we can expect hero agencies to expand their patrol in these areas." Next to the man, a map of Tokyo appeared with certain areas in red, "Finally there is a criminal who the police are searching for, He has short brown hair and has one eye, with the other one being scarred close." A rough sketch appeared beside him, Yuu's eyes widened, "He is referred to as the One-Eyed Reaper and is considered 'armed and dangerous' if you have any information, report it to the police immediately."

Yuu frowned as the news continued and he grasped the necklace of index cards. With a huff, he opened the pamphlet and began scanning the map. His eye narrowed, "What the?" the map had a red light, someone from his world!? Not only that but they seemed to be in the same building he was in.

Yuu's eye turned to gold and he began to scan the building when the door was flung to the ground.

Before Yuu could get off of the bed, the man in front held out his palm and he was flung to the out of the window by a strong gust of wind.

The Reaper landed in the pool and tried to swim but felt like he was trying to move in jello, he was pulled through the water until his head was above water.

"So you're the One-Eyed Reaper." Spoke Tamaki, his eyes glowed blue, "I would love to talk, but Jason's breathing down my neck to end things quickly, so I guess I will."

Tamaki held out his palm toward Yuu and a sphere of air surrounded The Reaper when he tried to get a breath his throat burned. The Reaper tried and failed to get another breath. He closed his eye and clenched his fist when he opened his eye it had a golden glow.

Before anyone could blink Yuu catapulted out of his water prison and attempted to throw a punch toward the ginger, but missed and went flying through the wall of the hotel.

By the time Tamaki turned around Yuu stood in the hole in the wall, his eye still glowing gold, "Ya'know," he began, "You suck at lying."

Two of Tamaki's men lunged toward Yuu, one-shot an icicle and the other's fist became encased in crystals. Their attacks were stopped by a shield.

"Get out of my way!" The Reaper growled, within moments the two men were flung into each other and instantly knocked out. He began to make his way toward his attacker, "So, Tamaki, how did you think this was going to go?"

Tamaki held both palms out and shot gusts of air and water toward The Reaper.

Each attack bounced off of Yuu's shield. The ginger's eyes went wide and he jumped into the pool, a whirlpool lifted him into the air above Yuu, "I see why they call you The Reaper!" A massive water spear materialized above the man, "Let's see how much that shield can take!"

The Reaper smirked.

When the water hit his shield a massive storm of lightning left the Reaper's hand and went through both his shield and the water toward Tamaki.

The ginger screamed in pain and fell into the now not controlled pool. Yuu laughed as he made the man slowly hover over to him, "What did you think was going to happen, you idiot!" When the man was dropped in front of him Yuu knelt and grabbed the man with his shirt, keeping him upright, "You already knew who I am, you've heard the stories, and you thought you could beat me!"

Yuu sat himself down and continued to laugh then like a switch he stopped, "Who's Jason?"

Tamaki grit his teeth and opened one eye, "I don't know who you're talking about."

Yuu leaned toward the man, "Tamaki…" his eye began to glow once more, "Tamaki, Tamaki, Tamaki, do you think I'm an idiot?" The Reaper held up his palm, and a flame quickly grew. Yuu moved it closer to the man, almost burning him with just from the heat, "I remember you mentioning a 'Jason' who is he?"

"I WON'T ANSWER TO SOMEONE LIKE YOU!" Tamaki snarled, he raised his hand toward Yuu. Just as suddenly as he did so, he collapsed.

Yuu stood up and frowned, "I had high hopes for you Tamaki, I really did." With a wave of his hand, the ginger was flung into the nearby wall.

Yuu put his hands in his pockets and made his way back into the hotel, via the hole he had created in the wall. When he passed through Yuu immediately found the receptionist's desk and smiled at the receptionist, "I'd like a refund please."

Erza stared at him, her mouth agape at the sight of the Reaper. The two stood there for several long moments, Yuu's smile gradually disappeared. With a huff, The Reaper cleared his throat. Which caused the receptionist to scramble backward.

I DON'T KNOW HIM !" She screamed at the one-eyed teen.

"I was requesting a refund," Yuu began, "but now I'm more interested in what you know."

"K-know about- Know about what?" Erza stuttered out slowly, "I don't know anything about him!"

Yuu raised his eyebrow, "Him? I never told you I wanted to know about a person."

Erza shrank back further, then clenched her teeth as determination flashed in her eyes. Within a single instant, the receptionist jumped up from behind her desk and sent a kick toward Yuu.

Yuu's eyes flashed gold and with a wave of his hand, she was flung to the ground. She brought a hand to her neck and gasped for air, within a moment Yuu was at her side and her eyes went wide at the golden glow.

"I'll ask again," He growled, "What do you know?!"

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