
yuragi-sou no yuuna-san: template system.

4 years ago, aiden discovered that her body absorbs a type of strange energy that disappears shortly after entering her body. Now 4 years later her body stopped passively absorbing the strange energy and a strange template system was activated. What will fate have in store for aiden? and what character templates will he get?... read the ff to find out. :v The protagonist is not a reincarnated person. (He didn't know what to write, neither in the name nor in the synopsis, but hey, I did my best.)

MiguelCreative · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

chapter 8

[One week later]

"Huff huff this, this is very tiring huff huff"

He said aiden as he was lying on the floor drenched in sweat after training.

This week aiden has been training his body and practicing his techniques.

Mainly the clone technique that after training her for 3 days both day and night, he managed to raise her to level 3 or high level. Now not only are the clones solid enough to grab things and be able to hit someone hard enough to damage them, but they can also transfer their memory back to the original. But, as there is always a but, if he gets hit hard enough the clone will disappear. He is basically a shadow clone in naruto.

(It is very easy to level this technique in the first two levels.)

But until now he has been abusing it to train other techniques while training his body or getting used to using the skill: [reinforcement].

So far he can only bear to keep 2 clones, without putting too much pressure on his brain after the clones disappear and transfer the memory to him.

Aiden let the first clone train the technique to walk on walls and water. while the second clone will train the portal technique.

The first clone managed after 1 day to be able to walk both on the walls and on the ceiling, and in 3 days more or rather today he was able to walk in the water. Luckily this apartment has a bathtub, he can stand on it and walk in both still and moving water.

(He achieved it in a day because aiden had already been practicing it, the clone only perfected it until he could walk on the roof and then the water)

The second clone today, this afternoon, managed to get the portal technique to level 3. Being able to teleport large objects such as the bed and the refrigerator. but not only that, but the speed in which the portals are created also increased and the concentration needed decreased. Before, to create a small portal, he had to concentrate a lot and continue concentrating so that it doesn't disappear, he hasn't tried it with him yet, but today is the day he will do it, but later.

Then there is the reinforcement skill, these 7 days he has been getting his body used to using it, he has only been able to reach reinforcement level 3, which is where lines of energy begin to appear on his body that are golden in color.

With level 3 boost it gives you a 60% increase in both strength and defense, you can keep it up as long as you have energy.

Then we have his [spiritual energy control] that after a week also managed to bring it to level 2 from using it so much. It may not seem like it, but uploading this technique is very difficult since the large amount of spiritual energy that he has prevents him from being able to control it well so that he does not use much in the techniques and energy is not wasted.

And with more control, the less concentration you need to use a technique. He can barely control 10% of all the spiritual energy that he has in his body, but something is something, much better than 7 days ago.

Another thing that happened today before entering the training room was that he managed to level up a minor level in the [Pure Yang Essence Technique]. His physique rose to new levels of strength, durability, speed, and endurance. But, he feels something weird in his body, but aiden thought that maybe it was because of the medium level increase in technique level 1, so he thought it would go away later.

With that thought he entered the training room to train and do a physical test again. even though the system said that now she could do it without having to take the test. but he wanted to check it himself first before seeing it in the system.

I enter the room and create two new clones and send one to train the instantaneous movement technique and the other the silence technique, and yes... again it was random.

[Attack Power: [600= level: wall].

Speed: [48 km/h= level: superhuman].

Lifting force= [500-1,000= human peak/class 1.]. (The first is how much he can lift with one hand and the second is how much he can lift with two hands, although it can vary.)

Attack Strength = [600 = level: wall].

Durability= [600= level: wall]

Stamina = [human peak].


It can be said that it is a great and rapid increase in strength if we look at it from another point of view. but considering that he recovers faster and having such a training place, it wasn't difficult to get to where he is in a short time. Besides that his body only returned to his old strength so it became easier for him to get stronger in a short time, although aiden doesn't know that.

"Well let's see, [GATE]" - Aiden said as he opened a portal in front of him and the other appeared in the bathroom.

"(Sigh) here I go..." - Aiden sighed as without much thought she took the first step and entered the portal.


"...I'm glad I decided to open the portal in the bathroom..." - Aiden thought aloud while he felt like he wanted to throw up.


"Ok... now I'm fine... apart from the dizziness, fortunately or unfortunately I don't feel any change in my body" - aiden said as he checked his body and found nothing out of the ordinary.

And why did he say unfortunately too, well still he was a little scared that he might have failed and possibly end up becoming a human hybrid of some animal. but he too he couldn't help but think. - "And if I somehow get powers like spider-man that instead of being bitten by a radioactive spider, I get powers from an animal after going through the portal at the same time?...". - Of course, although he thought that, he didn't want to see if his body also gets something unwanted, that's why he said fortunately.

"Then I need to get used to going through the portals..." - Aiden said while sighing thinking that possibly after this he needs a big rest.


After deciding to get used to crossing the portals, Aiden spent the next hour creating portals all over the house and crossing them, after doing so he would end up dizzy. but thanks to his better adaptability he managed to adapt quickly.

"Then… I wonder how far away I can create a portal… [GATE]." - Aiden said as he created a portal that is supposed to be connected to an abandoned warehouse about 15 kilometers away from his apartment.

"(Sigh) Ok...here we go" - said aiden as he passed the portal and the whole scene of his small apartment changed to that of a large warehouse.

"Wow I can't believe I actually made it here...WHAT!!" - Aiden said as he looked at the warehouse, but as he did so he heard the sound of quick footsteps and sensed danger approaching him from the left side.

When he turned to see what he saw he was a large monkey about 2 meters long, yellow eyes, red fur and very muscular. Running towards him with a very fast speed, which is a second later he reached Aiden's side as he raised his left fist with the intention of punching him in the chest.

"WHAT THE HELL!!" - Aiden yelled as he quickly covered his chest with his hands and activated [Reinforcement] as fast as he could, but he barely had time to activate it to level 2 when the monkey's fist hit him so hard that he was sent flying.

"ARGHHH!!" - Aiden ended up crashing into one of the metal containers hitting himself hard on the back.


Ok I hope you have been enjoying the ff so far, this will be aiden's first fight against a supernatural being, I wonder how it will end...

Someone who can help me by telling me the name of cultivation novels where they cultivate dao or law to add it to the ff, but I need the novel to explain it well to search for it on the wiki.

For now I only managed to get the law of Tales of Demons and Gods, which says the laws that exist, in martial peak on the wiki they don't say the dao or in any other of the novels that I search for, it explains something about the dao or the laws.

I would be very grateful if you help me.