
chapter 12


[In a place 15 kilometers from the warehouse]

In a room of an apartment, the girl with the fox mask appeared while she looked around, she sighed and the cold aura around her changed to a softer one.

"(Sigh) even after so many years, I still can't use you to your full power and I have to depend on you..." - Said the silver haired girl as she sighed and took off her fox mask.

And so the outfit she was wearing changed to purple pajamas and the sword disappeared into small particles of purple light.

{I'm sorry sayaka...} - Said a voice in the head of the sayaka girl.

"Calm down, pintail, I don't blame you, it's my fault for being so weak..." - Said the girl now called sayaka as she sighed sadly and lay back on her bed.

The fox mask or pintail said nothing while inwardly it was feeling a little sad for its hostess. Her hostess shouldn't feel bad about something like that, rather, she should feel proud that she can still use it without completely losing her sanity in many years… since, it's not a cursed mask for nothing. Many of her previous bearers succumbed to madness at some point, Sayaka is the only one who has remained normal... or so she believes.

"But... changing the subject, I wonder who did that, they must be very strong to destroy that warehouse" - Sakuya said as she thought about the destroyed warehouse.

{Yes, fortunately the fight was far from the apartment} - Answered Pintail as she sighed that it wasn't near her hostess's apartment.

"Yes, fortunately it was far from the young master's apartment" - Sayaka nodded to what Pintail said while she thought about her teacher's son.

{Do you still care about that idiot?} - Asked Pintail a little annoyed with her hostess.

"Well... yes, he is my teacher's son, I owe my life to my teacher, so that's why I care about him. Besides, he's also my friend, as a friend I care about him, you should know by now "- Sayaka said as she sighed and shook her head at her companion. he no longer knows how many times he has told him that.

{Is it because of that or because of something else?...} - Asked Pintail as she sighed at her dense and stubborn hostess.

Clearly her hostess has feelings for that idiot, but being the son of her teacher, he doesn't want to accept it as it would be disrespectful to her, although he doesn't know where he got that thought from. Pintail thinks it's the novels he's reading that messed up her hostess's head, though he doesn't know what kind they are as he never shows them to her.

"O-of course that's why, pintail. But, pintail, don't you think that's strange?" - Sayaka said embarrassed before calming down and changing the subject.

{What's strange?} - Asked Pintail confused while she didn't continue insisting with the other conversation.

She prefers not to talk about that idiot, whom her hostess likes to call young master.

"That the young master's locator has been kept in one place all this week." - Sayaka said as she closed her eyes and felt the locator that her young master is supposed to have.

{And what is he missed? Hasn't he stayed inside his apartment all week?}. - Pintail asked as she didn't find the strangeness in that. although she is upset since they are talking about the idiot again.

"No, you should already know that the locator is in the necklace that the young master wears, a necklace that was given to me by my teacher, and something that the young master doesn't even take off to go bathe, so it seems strange to me that in all a week has stayed in one place" - Sayaka said as she seemed to start to worry more after thinking about it. I can't help but think, what if her young master was kidnapped and she didn't notice?.

Pintail didn't know what to say to the stalker level his hostess was, and I can't help but wonder how his hostess knew. Pintail, although she has been with her host for many years, is usually not all the time with her thoughts connected to her, and usually her host keeps it in her backpack. so he doesn't know what hostess is doing at that time. But now he is worrying that her hostess has become a stalker and she hadn't noticed it before so he can stop her and get her out of that dark path.

While Pintail was thinking about how she had been late to save her host from the dark side. Sayaka was pacing back and forth in her room as she tried to calm down and think that what she thought about her young master is just her imagination... but, she can't do it.

"Mmmm... Pintail, I won't be able to calm down without going to check and confirm that my worries are wrong. So let's go pintail to the young master's apartment to check." - Sayaka said as she grabbed pintail and placed it on her head.

Pintail could only sigh as she too hoped that her hostess was wrong, not because she was worried about the idiot, but because her hostess wouldn't go to sleep if her worries were true.

After sayaka put on the fox mask and her pajamas changed into her combat outfit.

'I hope I'm wrong,' - thought Sayaka as she jumped out of the window of her apartment on the fifth floor and disappeared into thin air.


[Aiden's Apartment]

In aiden's apartment, sayaka was silent with a dangerous aura around her completely different from before.

"... pintail... the young master is not here..." - said sakuya as she spoke in a dangerously low and calm voice.

{Maybe .. maybe she went to buy something at the store?}-Pintail said while trying to find a way for her hostess to calm down, the aura around her is starting to scare her a lot.

"Without her necklace?" Sayaka asked as she pointed to the necklace that was on the table.

{Would he have forgotten?}. -said Pintail and at this point she didn't know what to do to calm down her hostess, she is completely different from how she normally is and it's all the fault of that idiot perverted bastard, son of the old woman.

"No, that would be impossible, the young master appreciates that necklace very much, it is impossible for him to forget it"-she denied her sayaka with her head.


"Now what do I do, the young master was kidnapped and there is no clue to tell me who he was or where he went, if my master somehow finds out she's going to kill me...". - Said Sayaka while he scratched his head in frustration and thought of his teacher and a chill went through his body.

"I have to find it" - Said sayaka as her frustrated look changed to a serious one.

{And... where do you plan to start? There's no clue that tells us where he might have been taken, there's just a bit of residual spirit energy in the air, from a possible portal, but not enough to tell where he went}. - Pintail said, bringing out his years of experience, although they didn't help much.

"I...". - Sayaka was paralyzed without knowing where to start. She hoped there would be some hint when she searched, but she didn't find anything other than residual spirit energy, but it was so small that she only found it a short time after she started searching.

In that, while sayaka was having her crisis, a portal appeared in the middle of aiden's room alerting sayaka and pintail.

"Pintail" - Said sayaka as she put herself on guard and her aura changed from dangerous to cold and indifferent, but more powerful than the previous one.

At that point a foot came out of the portal and while she did pintail she unsheathed her sword and pointed towards the front of the portal with a violent aura coming out of her body and sword.


'(Sigh) that was difficult' - Thought Aiden as he sighed tiredly and went through the portal, he still hadn't fully recovered his spiritual energy and the journey from Andramelek's house to his apartment is very long.

He would use his other energy, but for now he prefers not to, until he is sure that nothing will happen to him, a safe place for him and other people.

When he finished going through the portal, it disappeared and the first thing Aiden found when he opened his eyes was a sword pointing at him.

"What the hell?" Aiden said surprised and scared as he instinctively raised his hands and took a few steps back.

"Stop, don't move" - Said the girl in front of him with a cold voice.

Aiden stopped and looked at the girl in front of him.

"Wait... sayaka?" - Aiden asked as he recognized the girl in front of him, but was surprised by the tone of her voice.


I was thinking how about aiden sharing his character cards with his trusted people (his girls) to make them stronger.

Doing so will allow you access to the status screen to view your progress, aiden will be able to take both your card and status screen away from you, should they betray you. (which they wouldn't do... Maybe. :v)

This would be in case he ever gets a character card that is female and he doesn't want to use it since he wouldn't know what effects it would have on him.

What do they think? (if no one responds I'll take it as 'okay'... :v)

I hope you liked the chapter.

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