
Yuan Zun: The Ancestral Dragon

If I knew that filling up an inconspicuous survey would transport me to another world, I swear I would have filled it sooner. This is my Journey in the world of Dragon Prince Yuan, a world where strength is everything, a world which perfectly represents the Law of Jungle. Will I be able to Prosper and Fulfill my Ambitions ? (My first time writing anything, Constructive Criticism and Advice are appreciated)

Mohit_0812 · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter 34 - Saint Remains Domain

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Outside the gates of Great Zhou City.

Zhou Yuan helplessly shook his head as he looked at the teary-eyed Qin Yu. The only thing he could do was continue to comfort her.

Zhou Qing helplessly said as he watched, "Alright, alright. Yuan'er is no longer a child and should head out to experience the world. There's no need to be so over-sensitive about it."

"Don't worry Aunt Qin, I will keep an eye on him." Yaoyao also spoke up to console Qin Yu.

Zhou Yuan was naturally bringing Yaoyao and Tuntun along. After all, Zhou Yuan was the sole reason they had stayed in the Great Zhou Empire.

Qin Yu finally nodded after hearing Yaoyao's words and said, "I will be a lot less worried with Yaoyao around. If he does not listen to you, go ahead and discipline him."

Yaoyao faintly smiled as she pursed her red lips.

Zhou Qing retrieved fifteen black crystal cards from his clothes and passed them to Zhou Yuan. Extremely complicated patterns were inscribed on the faintly glowing cards.

Zhou Qing explained, "These are Heavenly Crystal Pavilion crystal cards. Each one can be traded for one hundred thousand Genesis crystals at any Heavenly Crystal Pavilion branch. You will likely need them on your journey."

Zhou Yuan received them with a wide smile and clicked his tongue as he said, "One Million Fifty Hundred Thousand Genesis crystals, almost can't believe that Father is willing to part with such a sum."

Zhou Qing rolled his eyes at Zhou Yuan. "Stinking brat, you'd better be frugal. The Great Zhou Empire is currently experiencing a period of growth and squeezing out these five hundred thousand Genesis crystals has already given me several white hairs, although this is also your reward as due to you we were able to raid the Qi manor timely and gain the treasures there."

Zhou Yuan grinned and kept the cards in his Universe bag.

As he raised his head again, his gaze met Zhou Qing's. Zhou Yuan could faintly see the concern deeply concealed within the latter's eyes.

Zhou Yuan softly said, "Then… I'll be going."

Zhou Qing waved his hand and said, "Go if you want to, stop being so wishy-washy."

Zhou Yuan chuckled and reached out to hug Qin Yu. Subsequently, he mounted his Fire-Lion Horse and looked towards Zhou Qing. "When your son returns, he will demand justice for all of the grievances and humiliation you had to suffer back then!"

"When that time comes, everything the Great Zhou Empire has lost will be taken back!"

As his words faded, he no longer hesitated and pulled at the reigns. With a neigh, the rider and ride transformed into a blur of red, not turning back a single time as they galloped along the main street.

Yaoyao waved her little hand at Zhou Qing and Qin Yu before swiftly catching up on her horse.

As they watched the two swiftly departing figures, Zhou Qing's strained face could no longer maintain its facade. His eyes reddened as he mumbled, "This stinking brat has finally grown up."

He reached out the only arm he had and embraced the softly sobbing Qin Yu as he continued to stare blankly into the distance.

"Yuan'er, father will be waiting to see the day you soar into the heavens, and the mere mention of your name causes the entire continent to shudder."

"I want everyone to know that the sacred dragon of our Zhou clan is not so easily crippled!"


The Great Wu Empire.

In a certain pavilion within a grand but well-guarded palace.

Bead curtains swayed with the wind, emitting crisp chink chink noises. A row of servant girls knelt outside the bead curtains, no one making even the slightest noise.

A go board was set Inside the pavilion, black and white distinctly separate.


A go piece slowly descended.

The one who had placed it wore a set of bright yellow robes. He had a handsome face, the dark red dot between his brows exceptionally eye-catching, while an aura of dignity spread from his body. It was the crown prince of the Great Wu Empire, Wu Huang.

In front of Wu Huang, a small fair jade hand pinching a black stone slowly fell as an indifferent voice sounded. "The opening of the Saint Remains Domain approaches. When will you be leaving?"

Wu Huang lifted his head and looked at the person before him.

She was a young lady in purple. Her beautiful face was akin to a painting, her skin seemingly sparkling like translucent snow. There was likewise an attention-grabbing dark red dot between her brows, but it did not affect her beauty, but instead gave her a slightly otherworldly look.

She had a pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes. Although she was young, when she narrowed them slightly, a majestic presence could be felt as if she was a true phoenix that had descended onto the mortal realm.

Long fine black hair flowed down along her slender waist before ultimately touching her fair feet.

Bewitching to every living thing.

Only such words could describe the young woman's face.

"I will be leaving tomorrow."

Wu Huang slowly said, "I was not blessed with the same opportunity that has enabled you to ascend the heavens in a single step and save so much time on training and polishing yourself."

"Each person has their destiny and one should never force destiny." The young lady in purple merely continued looking at the go board, not a single change in her voice as she continued, "You will not be too shabby either if you manage to obtain the greatest gift of the Saint Remains Domain."

Wu Huang emotionlessly said, "It will be mine."

The young lady in purple seemed to sigh softly. "Too much arrogance is not good. Cangmang Continent's current batch of younger generation has never been of higher quality."

"The one from the Sword Empire that blinded both his eyes for the sake of his sword cultivation…"

"The Little County Lord from the Thousand Beast Empire that is said to be capable of controlling a hundred beasts…"

"The Little Yama King from the Yama Sect…"

"The Battle Junky from the Ning clan…"

"The Enchantress from the Zouqiu clan…"

The young lady in purple propped up a cheek with one of her fair hands, excitement rising in her eyes as she continued, "All of these individuals are prided geniuses that the various factions have poured all of their resources into for the sake of the Saint Remains Domain.

"What a pity… I originally wanted to stay here and have an enjoyable battle with everyone."

The young lady in purple slowly shook her head, as if regretful that she would not be a part of the upcoming fight.

She was a girl, yet her words would occasionally give off both a domineering feeling and lust for battle that did not lose to any man.

Wu Huang frowned. A small glimpse of a passionate desire that no one knew of flitted past the depths of his eyes as he stared at the young lady in front of him and said, "The second line of the clan prophecy makes no sense at all."

The first line of the Wu clan prophecy; is when the python and sparrow devour the dragon, the Great Wu Empire will flourish.

The second line of the Wu clan prophecy; the phoenix must not see the dragon.

"You and I are twins, why can we not see each other?" Wu Huang's voice was filled with doubt.

The young lady in purple's pretty face was expressionless. She gently held a black stone between her fair fingers as the light seemed to flow within her eyes. After being silent for a short period, her nonchalant voice rang out, "The dragon may not refer to you."


The subsequent silence in the pavilion only lasted for a split second. In the next instant, raging Genesis Qi abruptly exploded from Wu Huang's body like an erupting volcano, turning the entire go-board to ashes.

The numerous kneeling servant girls outside the pavilion trembled, not daring to make even the tiniest sound.

They could feel just how furious their esteemed crown prince currently was at this very moment.

They very rarely saw their crown prince, who usually did not show any emotions on his face, lose his composure.

Wu Huang was still seated in a kneeling position, but his handsome face had turned exceptionally stormy as he stared at the young lady in purple and demanded in an icy voice, "What are you trying to say?"

"Wu Yao, who else but me is worthy of standing shoulder to shoulder with you?!"

Wu Huang's expression was ominously dark. Genesis Qi violently surged around him like waves on a stormy night, wave after wave emerging from his body and shaking the entire pavilion.

However, his piercing gaze and Genesis Qi pressure seemed to not affect the young lady in purple. She stared at the ashes that had once been the go-board as she somewhat disappointedly put down the stone in her hand.

The young lady in purple indifferently said, "Wu Huang, this is my advice to you. Do not overlook that person."

"Don't forget that he is ultimately the source of our blessings. From a certain point of view, he is the one who made us, but since we managed to take the initiative, it will be best to maintain vigilance at all times."

"That's if you don't want it to be taken back in the end."

The fire burned in Wu Huang's eyes as he retorted, "You're referring to that crippled dragon? Do you believe he has the qualifications?"

"Besides, I've told you this more than once. Stop it with the belief that we stole his blessings. We were merely retrieving what belongs to us!"

"It is he who is the thief!"

"A thief that was created due to a mistake of the heavens!"

The young lady in purple called Wu Yao shot him a calm look as she responded, "The crippled dragon you speak of quelled King Qi's rebellion a month ago. Even the six Alpha-Origin experts you secretly dispatched as support ultimately lost."

"Moreover, that so-called crippled dragon personally killed 2 Alpha Origin realm Experts."

Wu Huang let out an icy chuckle. "From the information I've obtained, that crippled dragon only has the strength of the Qi Nourishing stage, and had relied on the power of a silver armor-like object to kill those 2. You and I should clearly understand that there will be consequences after relying on such an external power, such power cannot be used so easily. Therefore, that crippled dragon probably had no choice but to resort to such a measure."

(He doesn't know that Zhou Yuan can use Grade 4 Runes)

"Who knows whether he died due to the repercussions."

The corners of Wu Huang's mouth lifted mockingly as he continued, "A battle achievement that relies on an external power does not enter my eyes."

(Yeah Bitch, as if you did not rely on sacred Dragon Blessing through your whole cultivation journey.)

The young lady in purple frowned slightly. "Wu Huang, there will eventually come a day when you will lose because of your pride and arrogance."

Wu Huang calmly said, "Because I have that right."

The young lady in purple slowly shook her head, her interest waning. She had already warned Wu Huang. If he persisted in his attitude, she could not be bothered to speak any further on this matter.

Upon seeing this, Wu Huang's expression softened as he quietly said, "Relax, after I obtain the greatest gift of the Saint Remains Domain, I will think of a way to eliminate the Great Zhou Empire to prevent any potential trouble in the future."

Wu Yao did not comment. She waved her small hand and said, "Go make your preparations. I will also be leaving after tomorrow. Who knows when we will next meet."

Wu Huang stared at her, passionate feelings flowing within the depths of his eyes as he said, "Wu Yao, I will show you that I am the true dragon. Only you and I are the most compatible in this world."

The moment he finished speaking, he decisively turned around with a wave of his sleeves and left.

Wu Yao's gaze lingered in the direction he had left in, not even the slightest change in her eyes. In the end, she turned her head and looked towards a certain distant place.

"Sacred dragon of the Zhou clan…"

"Although I've borrowed your blessings, this is a world where the strong prey on the weak. Never mind if you are crippled here, but if you are truly able to climb back up…"

The tip of Wu Yao's soft tongue slowly emerged and licked the rosy lips of her little mouth as a bewitching light appeared within her eyes.

"Then I… will devour you again!"


The next day.

Before the main hall of the Great Wu royal palace.

Numerous ministers and military leaders were looking upwards where red Genesis Qi was soaring into the sky from a tall pavilion. The Genesis Qi was akin to a dazzling sun and gave off extremely hot undulations, so hot that even the surrounding air had started to distort due to the burning heat.

"We respectfully send off the crown prince!"

"We will be praying for our crown prince's triumphant return!"

Many voices buzzed from below.


Red Genesis Qi whizzed forth like a cloud of fire. A tall figure stood atop the fire cloud with his hands behind his back, disdain on his face. He ignored the crowd that had come to send him off and instead cast his gaze toward a certain building deep within the palace.

"Wu Yao, I will prove to you who exactly is the true dragon."

He withdrew his gaze moments later. Without any further hesitation, he disappeared into the horizon under the watching gazes of the crowd.


Sword Empire.

Below a lonely peak shaped like a sword.

A figure walked out from within the mountain. As he approached, one would discover that it was a young man in ash-colored robes. However, a black cloth had been wrapped around his eyes.

On his back was a plain-looking black sword that had no tip. A faint but astonishing sword Qi spread from it. Wherever he passed, the rocks on the ground would silently split apart, the interior of the cut pieces smooth as a mirror.

He raised his head as the eyes concealed by the black cloth were seemingly cast towards the distance.

"Saint Remains Domain…"

His voice sounded exceptionally hoarse.

"I need a true rival to sharpen my sword."

"The Battle Maniac from the Ning clan and Wu Huang from the Great Wu Empire should be good opponents, right?"

The black sword on his back trembled slightly as if itching to get it on with the other elites of the same generation.


The Thousand Beast Empire.


A deafening roar echoed within the city. The entire city watched as an enormous winged beast flapped its titanic wings and rose into the air.

A young lady was seated in a kneeling position atop the winged beast's back. She had a head full of long green hair and eyes filled with liveliness, an overall bizarre appearance.

A small ice-blue bird hopped on her soft shoulders as it chirped. Its eyes seemed to be filled with an endless frost.

"Hehe, little frost, we can finally go out and play!"

The young lady stroked the small bird, her tiny face blooming with excitement.

"I heard that the Saint Remains Domain is going to be fun this time and there's going to be many formidable characters there. Hehe, not a single one of our peers here in the Thousand Beast Empire has been able to beat us in a fight. I hope that those fellows will not be too boring."


With a loud shout from the young lady, the winged beast roared. Its wings beat powerfully as its speed rapidly rose, riding the winds into the distance.



In a certain martial courtyard.

A burst of violent Genesis Qi swept outwards, sending a dozen figures flying while turning the courtyard into a complete mess.

"Haha, all of you are too weak!"

"Meaningless, meaningless. Tell Father that I am going to the Saint Remains Domain. Staying here is just too meaningless!"

Only a single figure remained standing within the mess, his thick muscular body akin to a metal tower. His gaze swept across the area, eyes filled with battle lust.

It was as if he was a ferocious ape.

He grinned and let out a hearty laugh, no hesitation whatsoever as he stamped his foot on the ground and his body soared into the sky. Several leaps later, he disappeared.

Everyone in the courtyard breathed a sigh of relief as they watched him leave before bursting into cheers.

"That monster is finally gone…"

"We will no longer be tortured by him."

"I feel a little sorry for those going to the Saint Remains Domain, it's pretty much over once that maniac has his sights on you…"



North of the Cangmang Continent, the noble Zouqiu clan.

Outside the dwelling of a certain young lady, a servant girl's cautious voice sounded, "It's time miss. The clan leader has sent me to notify you that we may leave."

Inside the building, a lovely snow-white figure lay under a thin quilt on a soft bed. Even so, the quilt was unable to hide her extremely alluring curves.

Upon hearing the servant girl's voice, the figure rose from the quilt. The quilt fell, immediately revealing a body as fair as lamb fat. Her long hair hung in front of her, covering two heart-poundingly busty mounds.

"Come in." She raised her head, only to reveal an exceedingly charming little face akin to a little pixie's, a face that would make one feel a rush of excitement.

The servant girl carefully pushed open the door and walked in. Even though she was also a girl, the erotic sight on the bed caused the servant's girl gaze to involuntarily sweep across that unreasonable to the extreme figure.

The servant girl quickly started to retrieve some clothes and helped the young lady put them on.

The long black dress that now covered her body made her lovely figure appear even more mesmerizing. Slender yet bountiful in all the right places, those curves alone were enough to draw the gaze of everyone in the area.

"Hehe, thank you little Bi. Tell father that I will bring back a groom this time!" The little enchantress beamed as she gave a little peck to the servant girl's cheek.

The servant girl helplessly reminded, "Miss, the clan leader said that you must obtain the greatest gift!"

"What kind of gift can compare to finding a good husband?" The little enchantress winked as she chuckled.

"Alright, I'm off!"

However, she did not tease the girl any further. With a wave of her hand, images of her figure rapidly appeared and disappeared, disappearing into the distance several breaths later.

The servant girl could not help but praise as she watched her lady's phantom-like movement technique.

"Milady's movement technique stands at the peak of those from the same generation in the Cangmang Continent."


This was an eerie mountain where white bones piled up like hills, the entire area smothered in an aura of the dead.


A sound suddenly rang out from the mountain as a procession of figures lumbered out. Their footsteps were stiff and rigid, skin an unhealthy white, and eyes akin to empty holes. At closer inspection, one would realize that there were no signs of life on their bodies.

Almost as if they were dead men.

They carried a huge sedan on their shoulders. The spookily white sedan decorated by ghastly pictures drawn in blood red gave off a strangely sinister aura.

A chilly wind blew past, lifting the white curtains of the sedan.

A young bloodlessly pale face appeared under the curtains. His eyes were the color of ash and the aura of death seemed to swirl around him, a sight that would make one shiver all over.

A hundred ghosts carrying a sedan.

The white sedan faded into the distance as an eerily cold voice seemed to echo.

"As the Yama King passes, the living scurry away…"



Numerous famous geniuses from all across the entire Cangmang Continent had begun to move. Their target was the same; every gaze pointed towards the Saint Remains Domain at the center of the continent.

As a result, countless gazes from the entire Cangman Continent converged on this place.

Everyone wanted to know how amazing it would be when the numerous prided geniuses and elites of the younger generation clashed.

The Saint Remains Domain had already become the focus of the entire continent.

A storm was gathering, and the hidden dragons would naturally begin to reveal themselves.





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