
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Ryuto's Path! (Dropped)

Kanazaki Ryuto, a depressed young man burdened by the circumstances life has dealt him, suddenly and without apparent explanation, finds himself in a strange reality where everything around him seems to exist in two dimensions, like in a cartoon. To make matters even stranger, the boy now attends some kind of remote academy in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, an institution where it's the norm to teach its students how to play a peculiar card game, a card game that Ryuto quickly recognizes as the one called "Duel Monsters" from the animated series: Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. In this rather anticlimactic manner, Ryuto, mostly a taciturn and negative being, discovers a new purpose in life apart from the pessimistic trope, 'everything is a disaster waiting to happen,' a spark to give it his all, to find his way back home, because if there's one thing Ryuto is convinced of, it's that escaping from reality is never the answer to anything, even if the fantasy he's experiencing may seem so grand. A/N: Read at your own risk. I recommend checking the tags below beforehand to avoid any misunderstandings. Disclaimer: I have no intention of profiting from this work, it is just a fanfiction that I write to practice my writing and want to share with like-minded individuals. Consequently, updates will be made at my discretion. [The distribution rights for Yu-Gi-Oh belong solely to Konami Digital Entertainment].

Azazel_0919 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Scene 2.

[Island Academy. Friday, 10/15/2004, Afternoon.]

It was the end of a day like any other at the Duel Academy.

The last class session had finally concluded without major issues, for both students, teachers, and any other staff at the institution.

In his office, Director Samejima could finally mark the school day as successfully completed.

The poor bald man only had to review the list of students who had decided to skip classes today, for whatever reason, and subsequently send them a warning notice in each case.

"Let's see."

The director carefully reviewed the report sent by the head of the disciplinary department to his computer.

The director often wished he could have a secretary to do such cumbersome work for him, but unfortunately for him, the Academy's policy was very clear about that specific aspect of his job—no potentially exploitable employees in the Duel Academy, period.


The rector's mind momentarily turned to Mrs. Tome, the sunshine of his life.

With the topic raised, an image of the woman serving as his secretary couldn't help but fill Director Samejima's thought process with somewhat sensual scenarios.

"Heh heh heh."

A stupid smile painted the man's face at the prospect of such a situation.

Unfortunately for Director Samejima, work took precedence over fantasy, no matter how exciting it might seem to indulge in detailed thoughts about the latter.

After a while, during which the rector dedicated himself to sending notifications to each of the twelve students who had chosen to skip classes today, the bald leader was finally able to stretch his body, convinced that he had nothing more to do in his office for the day.

"Hurrah for me."

It was Director Samejima's sarcastic celebration as he stood up with the intention of finally leaving his stressful workplace.

However, the director's desires for a free afternoon were doomed to fail because apparently, an email had decided to enter his inbox at the last minute.

"Huh? A report? Now? Give me a break, please."

Faced with this almost comical turn of events, Director Samejima could only complain as he reluctantly set aside his things.

In a matter of seconds, the rector opened the email.

"Huh? This... this is serious."

Director Samejima's face couldn't help but darken after reading the contents of the report.

Apparently, they had found a first-year Osiris Red student named Kanazaki Ryuto unconscious near the coast, around four o'clock this afternoon. Currently, they had transported the student in question to the Academy's infirmary, where routine tests were being conducted to assess the severity of his condition.

"Kanazaki Ryuto? Hmm. Oh, right, now I remember. Wasn't he one of the students who skipped classes today?"

The director Samejima pondered the matter at hand, while, on the other hand, his eyes scanned the list of those twelve students who had been absent from class.

"As I suspected, it's him."

That was the immediate conclusion the rector reached after finishing his brief reading of the list.

Kanazaki Ryuto was indeed one of the twelve students who had skipped classes today. In fact, the director remembered having written him a fairly standard notification for that absence since apparently, this was the first significant absence for the boy this academic year.

Next, the director opened the student's file on his computer. His eyes quickly scanned its contents.


The word that came to Director Samejima's mind when he finally finished his quick reading about the corresponding student.

Kanazaki Ryuto had nothing remarkable in his record, be it negative or positive; he was entirely average. His deck was common, his knowledge of Monster Dueling was slightly below average, and his studies were, at best, average. Similarly, his family background was entirely normal—family of five, father Kanazaki Aokichi, and mother Kanazaki Mei, two younger siblings, Rin and Mitsuhiko, both currently in elementary school. Although young Ryuto was somewhat introverted, if necessary, he knew how to interact perfectly well with people. He had never been seriously ill and had no allergies or genetic diseases on his record. Being found in the manner he was had been the greatest peculiarity in the young Osiris Red first-year student's existence.

"I have to go there right away."

That was Director Samejima's final resolution as he gathered his things again. He would undoubtedly find out why one of his dear students had suffered such an incident.