
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Meta Player

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

CH 7: Zane Truesdale

(A/N: Just saying, this chapter is for comedy's sake lol. Turn off your brains while reading.

Also, for those of you who had seen the original version, two changes have happened. One, MC's last name was changed from Ashblossom to Aliyev to suit him more. He is Russian after all. And the name suits him a lot, considering it means Ali's. So it's Ali's Alistair. And two, the cards don't come from his old world, but from the Spirit World instead.)

Alistair :"Whenever someone's about to sneeze, I make sure to say "bless you" right before they sneeze so it goes away completely."

Zane :"Your spot in hell is guaranteed, you know that?"


Life at the Duel Academy had been less than entertainment lately for Zane. Every day was the same. Get up, go to class, spend time doing nothing, go to sleep, then repeat the process.

He didn't have any friends to hang out with, beside the one that went missing. All of the others in the Obelisk Blue dorm, at least the ones who always approached him, were rich assholes who just wanted to mooch off him for his skills.

Nobody dared to duel him either. Perhaps fame wasn't such a good thing, because nobody wanted to challenge him knowing there wasn't a chance of winning.

Life was already pretty bland in the academy, but after his only friend went missing, boredom hit an all-time low. He had to thank the god cards that there was at least a gym he could go to spend some actual meaningful time.

Like now, when he was preparing to head to the gym. Already wearing his gym clothes, he threw a towel over his shoulder and took his water bottle and keys before heading out.

'Alright, let's go have some actual fun.'

But just as opened the door, he heard the door of the room next to his, which had been vacant for quite a long time, open. Curious, he looked to see who his new neighbor was. Just to freeze in place.

'By Obelisk's non-existent nipples, what am I seeing...?' An ass was sticking out of the room. Zane had seen many asses during his stay in the academy. After all, the skirt for the female students presented by the academy wasn't exactly something that could cover much.

But Zane was a gentleman. Unlike those who would stare, he would look away to not be a creep. After all, which booty would he not be able to get if he wanted to? The bitches were fawning over him so much everyday he had gotten tired of them.

But never in his days had he seen such magnificent booty. Even though it was completely covered, the shape had left him speechless. That firm looking bakery had left him so shocked that he didn't realize his towel dropped to the ground. The sound catching the attention of the owner of them cheeks.

"Hm? Who are you?" But the moment the owner of that booty stood straight, Zane felt like the world cracked like a mirror. Seeing that ass belong to a guy, it made him experience betrayal of the highest order. Truly, a top 10 anime betrayals moment.

The world suddenly started to twist and turn around him, and Zane found himself falling. The last thing he heard and saw was the noiret reaching out to him in panic :"H-hey, you alright?!"

Meanwhile, Aluber was cackling in his card. Knowing exactly what happened, unlike his clueless master.


"Hey! Hey, wake up!" Zane heard a smooth, masculine voice call out to him. Feeling water drops splash at his face, he slowly woke up with a groan.

"Ugh... what happened...?" He looked up to see Alistair looking down in worry :"Yo, you alright, dude? You suddenly passed out right in front of your room."

Everything came back like a freight train, and Zane felt like he was going to pass out again. But was forced awake with gentle slaps to his face :"Hey! Hey, pull yourself together!"

He would honestly like to pass out again just to wake up and realize it was all just a dream. After all, he was caught lacking in the worst way possible. While checking a guy's ass, and actually finding it fine as hell.

But he pulled himself together. He wasn't weak like that. "I-I'm alright now, thanks." He sat up, realizing that he had been laying on his own bed :"Sorry about the trouble I've caused you. But how long was I out?"

"Oh, just a few minutes. Didn't seem like a big deal, but if you hadn't woken up, I was going to take you to the nurse."

"...I'm glad you didn't." 'I don't know how I could live if the nurses knew why I passed out. Ugh, I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it...'

"Huh? Why?"

"It's nothing. Thank you for helping me."

"You're welcome, but are you sure you're alright? I can carry you to the nurse's office if you're not feeling well."

Zane shook his head :"No, it's alright. It's not a big deal, so don't worry about it."

"Well, whatever you say, I guess."

"Hm? You're... Alistair Aliyev?"

"Huh? Yeah, that's right. You know me?"

"Would be hard not to know you after your duel against Dr Crowler."

"You saw that duel?"

"Yes, I was there watching."

Alistair smirked, reaching out a hand :"I guess you had a lot of fun then. Yeah, I'm Alistair Aliyev, nice to meetcha."

Zane nodded, shaking hands with him :"Yeah, it was a fascinating duel. And I'm Zane, by the way. Zane Truesdale. It's a pleasure to meet you as well."

"Zane? The big guy at the academy?" 'Yeah, I figured out that much with that hair screaming "important character".'

"Yes, that's me."

Alistair smiled :"Heh, I got one hell of a neighbor then. Let's get along from now on as neighbors."

Zane was silent, before smiling back and nodding :"Yeah, let's." 'I guess... it won't be so boring from now on. Those eyes promise trouble. The fun kind.'

"By the way, a wild guess, but were you going to the gym too?"

"Yes, why? Were you planning to go too?"

"Of course! Gotta work hard to improve and keep what I already have."

"Well, not surprising I guess. You have one hell of a body, must've worked very hard for it."

(A/N: This is the scene y'all been waiting for, people lol!! Also, don't take it too seriously, it's just dudes being dudes. Learn to take a joke instead of a dick, for those of you who'll overreact.)

Alistair smirked :"Why don't you check for yourself? Here." Grabbing Zane's hand, he brought it to his broad chest.

As his hand landed on his pecs, Zane immediately had an impressed look :"Damn, I knew you were muscular, but you're seriously jacked. These aren't just for show, they've definitely been developed properly."

Smirking, Alistair spread his arms to give more space for Zane to check :"Hmm, pretty hard, but they're not unpleasant to the touch either. It's a good combination of softness and hardness. Gotta admit, I'm impressed with your muscles."

Alistair smirked smugly :"Pretty sexy, am I right?"

Zane nodded :"Yeah, really sexy."

Alistair broke into a fit of laughter, slapping his knee :"That's pretty gay, bro, not gonna lie!"

Zane shook his head, his calm face turning serious :"It's never gay if it's about a gym bro's muscles."

"Preach! Amen!"

"Here, feel mine."

As Alistair felt up Zane's muscles, he couldn't help but whistle :"Goddamn, Zane! You're one to talk, you have some nice ass muscles! Your muscles are scrumptious, my guy! Damn!"

(A/N: Nothing sus here, officer. Just two homiesexual guys hitting it off in homie language.)

Zane nodded repeatedly, before he narrowed his eyes at Alistair :"You have some amazing upper body muscles, but the real question is, do you stay true to leg days?"

Smirking with a sharp gaze, he rolled up his shorts, which took effort thanks to them getting stuck on his thick thighs :"Why don't you check for yourself?"

No hesitation, because it wasn't gay between gym bros, Zane felt up Alistair's shaved muscular thighs, whispering under his breath as he nodded :"Damn, son. Good, you've stayed true to the gym. Amazing hip muscles. Fabulous ass too, 10 out 10."

Alistair crossed his arms proudly, flexing and relaxing his muscles for the maximum show :"That's right, skipping leg day is an embarrassment to the traditions. What about you?"

Zane nearly glared as he scoffed :"Just the fact that you questioned me about it offends me. Look for yourself." Before nearly ripping his shorts as he rolled it up.

Alistair nodded, impressed as he felt him up :"Outstanding, my guy. I'm pretty happy the gym won't be lonely."

Zane smiled :"Yeah, I'll finally have some company in the gym."

"Then wanna go together? We were heading there anyway."

"Sure, but I have a better idea."


"How about I show the place first, so you won't have any problems later, then we'll hit the gym? After all, going around sweaty is gross, and we might catch a cold if we go out after taking a shower."

"Sure, I'm down! Then we should leave our stuff behind, and take them after we're done."

"Alright, we'll do that."

Putting their things aside and changing clothes, they began their little tour after Alistair grabbed the PDA assigned by the school. He had to admit, they went all out with the Obelisk Blue dorm.

It had everything and some more. Not only were there showers in every room, there was even a large bathhouse. Don't ask who would want to take co-op baths.

The cafeteria was literally a huge restaurant. A classy one at that. Alistair drooled at the description Zane gave about the place and foods they served.

And of course, the gym. Alistair smiled as they walked into the empty but clean gym with all of the best equipment :"Whoaaa, check this place out!"

Zane smiled :"A real beauty, isn't she? There's everything you'd need in this place. All The equipment for all the muscles of your body. And of course, a perk of being in Obelisk Blue is that every place must be maintained to the best. Meaning even if only we use the gym, they still have to keep the place squeaky clean and all the equipment in their top condition."

Taking a deep breath, Alistair sighed comfortably :"Feels like I'm in my natural habitat." Making Zane chuckle :"Believe me, you'll love this place after you use it. Now come on, I need to show you around."

"Will love this? Man, I'm already loving it!" He followed after him. As they walked around the place, with Zane even introducing some parts of the island, Alistair found out that they actually hit it off.

With Zane's calm personality, he thought that it would be awkward. But actually, he wasn't calm, he was just chill. The reason why he never hit it off as the social type was because there was nobody around to hit it off with. At least not in the Obelisk Blue dorm, where all the arrogant brats had gathered.

But since Alistair didn't act like an obnoxious spoiled brat, and had the same hobbies as him, dueling and working out, they hit it off pretty easily. Especially since Alistair was good at reading people's mood. Divided by nations, united by the gym. It truly was the place of miracles.

After a while, they came across the main building in the island, where everything besides the dorms of students was in. Be it the classes, the dueling arenas, the teachers' offices, the card shop, everything was in the Main Academy Building.

Zane introduced :"And this dome is the Main Academy Building, but I think you know everything about it already. All of the classes are here, and anything you need, you can buy it at the shop inside. Want me to show you the inside?"

"I'd be thankful if you did." He nodded with a smile. Nodding back, they walked in :"Then I'll show you the dueling arenas first."

But as they were walking, their ears perked up. Alistair looked up ahead :"Huh? You hear that?" Zane nodded :"Yeah, I did. But that's weird. Nobody should be dueling this time around. Come on, let's check it out."