
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Meta Player

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

CH 6: Ka

Alistair :"One day, I was born. So I decided to make it everybody else's problem."

Zane :"Yeah, sounds about right."


"Jeeesus, did they need to go this far?" He looked through the room, the bathroom and the restroom, all separate. He was impressed and happy. Not only did every student have their own room, each one was like the room of the best hotels.

The bathroom and restroom were so shiny and clean that it hurt when the light reflected off of the walls. Heck, there was even a large TV stuck to the wall that he had missed somehow. The balcony was exaggerated too. Huge with an awesome view.

He loved it all.

'Man, this is the life!' He slumped on the bed, further amazed by the softness he fell on :'This life rocks...' Just laying for a few minutes, alone with the silence, he enjoyed the comfort. Before sitting up :'Alright, I can rest all I want later on. But for now, I have more important things to do. Like getting ready for the gym I was promised.'

Out of everything, what he was most happy for was the gym. It was the sole reason he was so excited about being an Obelisk Blue, because there was apparently a complete gym with every equipment in it, and with all of them being the best in the world. He could get used to living in any room, but he wouldn't stand for a trash gym.

'I need to hit the grind so I won't lose my muscles. The grind never stops.' He narrowed his eyes in determination. Spotting the suitcase that was already delivered to his room, he took off his clothes, before getting into a comfortable pair of knee-length black shorts and a blue t-shirt. Just as he took a towel and a water bottle, his eyes landed on his Deck Sleeve on the desk.

"... Hmm..." Putting what he had aside, he walked over to his desk and took out his cards. Sitting on the bed, with one leg over the other in a way too sussy manner, he looked at The First Darklord and Despian Quaeritis unsurely :"Uhh... is anybody there...?"


Silence filled the room, making Alistair feel awkward and embarrassed. But from the cards that he hadn't taken out, one of them glowed a purple light, before an all too familiar monster flew out of it with a cry :"Caw! Caw!"

The somewhat transparent purple crow, Yata-Garasu, AKA the Humiliater, flew excitedly in the room. Alistair looked at her in amazement, before she flew towards him and sat on his shoulder :"Caw!"

"Uhh... hello there." He smiled unsurely, bringing his hand slowly to pet her, in case she didn't want it. But to his surprise and amusement, she leaned into his touch instead. "So you guys are alive, huh?" He mumbled, caressing the neck and head of the beautiful bird.

"That's correct, master." Another voice, deep and beautiful, was heard from one of the cards he was holding. Looking down curiously, he witnessed The First Darklord glowing, before a purple light escaped the card and turned into the figure of a man. As the light faded, the white haired fallen angel appeared, his sword and shield sheathed.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, my master. My name is Darklord Morningstar. Or as known in this form, The First Darklord." He bowed gracefully. Watching the handsome angel, with a sense of aloof confidence to him, Alistair was amazed and dumbfounded.

"Whoaaa... o-oh, sorry." He hurried to get up and greet. He was a menace, not someone rude. "Oh, it's fine, it's fine. No need to get up." Despite his cold appearance, First Darklord acted pretty chill. "Oh, well, if you say so." The noiret stopped midway, sitting back down :"So you guys are alive too, huh? Not surprising I guess, since you are my boss monster."

"I am alive as well, my dear master~." Suddenly, a cheerful but mischievous voice came, and from his pile of cards, another one glowed. This one a red light instead. Moments later, from the light that exited it, a handsome young man with crimson hair and eyes, wearing black and red clothes, about 5'7 to 5'9, appeared with a mischievous smile and a mask in hand.

"Aluber." Alistair immediately recognized him. It was hard not to. After all, he was one of the key monsters in any Branded Deck, and the main antagonist of the Abyss, the storyline of the Branded, Dogmatika, and quite a few more decks. He smirked at the Jester :"I didn't think you would be alive as well. But I guess that's to be expected from a big bad like you."

"Hahahaha, as expected of my beloved master, you're quite smart." Aluber smirked :"But yes, I am alive. In fact, so is every other monster card in your deck. Each and every one of us possesses a duel spirit, which as you know, means that we're alive, living inside of our own cards."

"I see." The noiret hummed, finding it the truth when multiple voices greeted him in unison. But no more duel spirits came out like The First Darklord and Aluber. Probably so that the space in the room wouldn't be cramped. Sure, it was huge, but not enough to accommodate all of them at the same time. Especially a few of them who were huge as hell.

"So all of you are alive, huh?" He chuckled :"Now I really need to be careful so nothing happens to my cards. I'll probably have a heart attack if one of the cards was ripped." Hearing him, the two smiled. Even the cold looking First Darklord flashed a small smile. Along with everyone who hadn't showed up. They knew that despite how he could act sometimes, he was a truly caring person to those close to him. How could they not know, when they knew about his 5th wish?

"So... do you guys know that we're not exactly-" He asked unsurely, but Aluber finished his sentence with a smirk :"From this world? Yes, dear master, we know." First Darklord nodded :"That's right, master. We know that you're not from this world, and even how you got here. Don't worry, all of us duel spirits who are currently with you, and the ones that will join you through your system, will have the memory of what happened implanted into their minds before getting to this world."

Alistair :"Getting to this world? What does that mean?"

First Darklord :"Simple, your system, the Master Duel System as you call it, doesn't create cards out of thin air. It transports the existing cards in the Spirit World to this world when you obtain enough energy, or DP as listed, which is the energy which fuels the system to transport the cards to this world."

Alistair :"Oooh, I get it now! That makes sense. By the way, will every monster card that I obtain from the system have a duel spirit? Or is it just you guys?"

Aluber, smiling :"Nope, all of them will be alive as well. After all, a duel spirit is needed to bond with a card. You can't exactly do that with just a card."

Alistair :"Bond? What does that mean?"

Aluber :"Just as it sounds, dear master. You can bond with the souls of other duel spirits. And in doing so, you'll receive numerous benefits that I know you'll love~."

Alistair, raising an eyebrow :"Like what?"

Aluber :"Dramatically increased physical capabilities such as strength and speed are the basic improvements. Slowly, illnesses and diseases won't be a worry anymore. And in the long run, you can even expect immortality."

"Well damn..." He genuinely grew shocked. Who would have thought card games would make you Immortal? 'Oh well, card games have nearly ended the world and the fucking universe on several occasions, so I guess it's not that unbelievable.

"So this is my key in obtaining this Multiverse's powers, huh?" He flashed a toothy smirk, which Aluber mirrored :"That's right. You can fulfill your role as a Parasitic Multiverse in this Multiverse by bonding with duel spirits, and turning them into your Kas."

Alistair :"Well, that's fantastic! What are we waiting for, let's bond then!"

First Darklord :"I'm afraid it's not that simple, master."

Alistair, groaning :"Figured. Good things are never free or easy to get."

First Darklord :"It is a matter concerning the souls, after all. It's to be expected that it won't be easy."

Aluber :"Don't worry, master, he's just exaggerating it. It honestly isn't complicated, it's just difficult to achieve. Both parties just need to accept each other, and you, as the host, simply need to have a soul strong enough to bond with the monster. Otherwise, if you're too weak, the spirit energy will simply be too much and you'll... kinda blow up."

Alistair :"Well geez, that's hardcore. So what should I do then? I'm not really keen on rushing it and blowing myself up."

First Darklord :"Simple, you just need to bond with a monster suitable for your current strength. You can judge the spirit energy of a duel spirit by their level. Currently, your spirit energy is only at the first level, so you can only bond with Lv 1 monsters."

Aluber :"That's right~. And when you have bonded with enough Lv 1 duel spirits, your spirit energy will grow strong enough for you to bond with Lv 2 duel spirits. Then with Lv 3. And then with little old me~."

"I see. By the way..." Unable to contain his curiosity, the noiret narrowed his eyes at the redhead :"Why are you acting so chummy with me...?" Aluber flashed a mischievous and teasing smirk as he sat down comfortably next to Alistair :"Why, can't I act friendly and close with my..." One of his hands moved to Alistair's arm, teasingly caressing it :"Beloved master?"


The noiret stared at Aluber speechlessly. Of all the ways he expected the final boss of Abyss to act, him being flirty with him wasn't one of them. 'God damn, I'm so handsome even duel spirits are flirting with me... am I so handsome I can turn people gay...?'

"Aluber, stop messing with our master." First Darklord scolded. Meeting the taller man's glare, Aluber scoffed gently with a pout, choosing to lean back on his hands :"I can't help it. Albaz isn't here for me to mess with, so I'm really bored."

"So you mess with Albaz on the regular?" Alistair smirked in amusement, and Aluber grinned mischievously :"Of course~! He's just so fun to mess with! Always getting all fussy, he's so fun to tease. You'll see for yourself when you make a Branded Deck. You ARE planning on making a Branded Deck, right..."

"Uh, duh." He looked at him as if he was an idiot :"Is that even a question? Hello, it's the Branded Deck. It's the "it's not your turn, it's our turn" deck! You actually think I won't go for that deck? Along with the Snake-Eye Deck??"

"Glad to hear that." Aluber smiled, before Alistair grew curious :"Oh, by the way, can I even use decks like Snake-Eye? After all, they are mainly focused on Link Summoning. And this world only has fusion monsters."

"Oh, no need to worry about that." First Darklord answered :"You can buy and use synchro, xyz and link cards as well, since they are automatically converted into fusion monsters when you take them out of the system. But they return to normal when you store them back."

"Oooh, I see." He nodded in realization, before flashing a smile that slowly turned more and more sinister :"I see..." Beside him, Aluber couldn't help but snicker :"The poor people of this era are so screwed even I feel bad for them. Alright, don't let us keep you occupied, master. You should go and look around where you will be living for now."

"Hm, you're right. And I was planning to hit the gym, so I better set a schedule quickly." He got up :"Then I'll see you all later." The two duel spirits nodded :"Farewell for now and take care." Before they turned into lights and returned to their own cards.

"Then let's go hit the grind." Smiling happily for the information he had learned, he picked up his needed stuff and prepared to leave. But just as he got out, he nearly forgot to pick the keys hanging on the wall. So he leaned forward into the room just as the door of the room next to his opened.

(A/N: I think we all know where this is going. ಠ⁠◡⁠ಠ)