
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Meta Player

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

CH 15: The Card of his Soul?

(A/N: Dude, I won one heck of a duel today! I won a duel in Master Duel after my opponent activated Maxx C, which let them draw a fuck ton, then lost my entire field, then had only 3 seconds left in my opponent's turn before I reached time limit lose, but won because they had bad connection!!!! Had me screaming because their internet finally gave up after struggling for the entire duel hahahahaha!!)

Alistair :"Maybe I'm the problem..."

Zane :"Alistair-"

Alistair :"Nah, nevermind, that don't even sound right."

Zane :"..."


"By the way, master." Chaos Emperor Dragon asked :"Those duel spirits... they don't belong to this world, do they? I can feel it, they've come directly from the spirit world, right?"

Alistair's eyebrow rose :"You figured that out, huh? Well, I guess it is kind of obvious, since these cards don't even exist in this world yet. But yes, they've come directly from the spirit world.

To tell you the truth, I'm not special just because I can talk to duel spirits, but because I am directly connected to the spirit world itself. I can't travel there myself, but I can bring out duel spirits and cards from the other side by sacrificing my spirit energy."

Chaos Emperor Dragon frowned :"Your spirit energy? But that's extremely dangerous, master. Although spirit energy does recover naturally, using it constantly like this isn't a good thing. Please be careful of your health."

Chuckling softly, happy that he was cared for, Alistair shook his head :"Don't worry, it's nothing dangerous. It's not that I sacrifice my own spirit energy, but the spirit energy that is naturally released by opponents when dueling.

Basically, I unconsciously absorb that energy, and keep it as reserve. And whenever I want, I can use that spirit energy to bring duel spirits from the spirit world to this world. So it's not harmful to me or to anybody else. So you don't need to worry."

"Oh, I see." Chaos Emperor Dragon's mood eased up :"Alright then, I'm glad you're not in danger. Now that I don't have any business out here, I'll be inside of my card if you don't mind."

"No, you're free to leave." Alistair smiled :"And thanks for joining me, Chaos Emperor Dragon. I'll make sure you won't regret it."

Chaos Emperor Dragon chuckled :"And as I told you, I'll ensure that you'll have the strength to prove that." And after turning into a small dark orb of light, he disappeared into his own card.

Sighing in relief, he leaned back again :'That went a lot easier than I expected, but I guess I was still pretty nervous about getting tested. For previous people who had taken his test, I guess their nervousness was even harsher.

For me, pulling combos like this is basically second nature at this point. So it was basically me saying what popped up at the top of my head. For people before me, they must have had a lot of difficulty, kekeke. But something got me curious.'

He pulled out First Darklord's card :"Hey, Morningstar, do you have a second?"

"I have all the time in the world for you, master." First Darklord rose up next to him with a bow :"Do you have something to ask?"

"It's about my new power to change my cards' effects. You guys had explained that I would be able to change cards that are around the same level as me, but I'm only Lv 1 and can change the effects of Lv 6 monsters."

"It's because of the duel spirit you've bonded with, master. The duel spirits you bond with determine the strength of your own soul. And Snake-Eyes Poplar, he is an extremely powerful Lv 1 duel spirit.

The strength of duel spirits lie in their level, effects and their raw power. Although Poplar's low and raw power are low, because of having three powerful effects, he has the power to outclass most Lv 4 monsters.

And because of bonding with Poplar, you have gained his powers as well. From his effects to his raw power, which is why you feel stronger than ever before-"

"Whoa whoa whoa, wait!" Alistair quickly interrupted, eyes wide in shock :"I get the effects of my duel spirits too?!"

"That's correct."

"So, like... I could just bring Snake-Eye spells and traps directly to my hand even without summoning Poplar? And hold on, if going to the graveyard is basically dying, then since I have Poplar's effect, does that mean I can revive myself?!"

"Yes to both questions. However, if you did die, instead of getting revived fully, you'll be revived as only a soul."

"Which is still amazing! This is resurrection we're talking about! Wait, if I can get the effects of monsters when bonding with them... what about spells and traps? Can I bond with those?"

"Yes. But since they don't have duel spirits, you'll only be able to get their effects when you're strong enough to absorb them completely by yourself."

"Oh my god..." Alistair chuckled dumbly :"And I had gotten excited about physically getting a bit stronger... Then if I absorb, say, Monster Reborn, does that mean..."

"That you can revive the dead. Including yourself, since you can use that effect after coming back with Poplar's effect."

"Oh my god..." His flabbergasted laugh turned into a full on laughter :"Hahahaha now we're talking! And with the batshit insane effects of most cards, the road to omnipotence doesn't sound so difficult anymore! Hahahaha!!

Just imagine! Oh, did you just get on my nerves? Here's a Black Hole to the face hahahahaha!! Oh, did you just talk shit? Well, hope you enjoy Infinite Impermanence paralyzing you! Kyahahahha!!"

After he laughed to his heart's content, he turned to First Darklord with a huge grin :"So any other good news you'd like to tell me? I'm all ears if there's more, you know?"

A small, amused chuckle left him :"Yes, there's one more thing. Whenever the level of your soul increases, you'll also get another benefit."

"And what's that?" Alistair's eyes sparkled as First Darklord smirked :"It's this." Placing his hand on Alistair's chest, he felt a foreign energy entering his body. Figuring that it was First Darklord's, he didn't resist.

But he twitched when he felt something inside, some part of him, getting grabbed by his dark energy, and hissed when it was forcibly, but gently, pulled out of his chest.

As First Darklord pulled his hand away, Alistair rubbed the sore spot on his chest :"What did you do?"

"Grab the product of your soul itself." As First Darklord opened his hand, three cards floated on top of his palm, causing Alistair's eyes to widen as he explained :"You see, whenever your soul advances by a level, your soul will give birth to a new card. And now that you've advanced from no level to Lv 1, you have got your own card that you yourself created with your soul. Congratulations."

"Thanks... I guess..." He grabbed the cards that First Darklord gave curiously. Taking a quick look, he registered that they were three copies of a single spell card :'Well, he did say 1 card.' But after taking a look at the text, his eyes widened in shock :"What the fuck?!"


"Come in, Alexis. Don't you think that we came to class a bit too early?" A redhead walking beside Alexis groaned. On Alexis's other side, a noirette yawned as well :"She isn't wrong, Lexi. We came too early. I don't think anybody has come yet."

Alexis shook her head :"Since it's the first day, it's better to come early. It's better than being late after all. Also, since we're so early, we can choose the seats that we'd like. So stop complaining, will you? You could have just stayed behind and came later."

They were Jasmine and Mindy, Alexis's friends who she spent most of her time with. The girls that Alistair hated, for the simple reason that they were golddigging thots. He honestly didn't understand why a girl like Alexis hung out with them.

Jasmine sighed :"Oh, whatever. We're already here, so let's just hit the class."

Once they walked in, their eyes landed on Alistair's large form leaning on the desk, his arms pillowing his head. Breathing evenly and seeming to be asleep.

"Huh? Someone's here already?" Mindy blinked, and Jasmine nodded :"That's surprising. And I thought Alexis was going to be the only honor student in class."

"Alistair?" But unlike them, Alexis recognized his muscular build. After all, she didn't think there was anybody with such a muscular build besides Zane and Alistair.

Jasmine :"You know this guy, Alexis?"

Alexis nodded :"Yeah, I met him yesterday when he was with Zane. He's Zane's new neighbor and friend. He's a good guy and a powerful duelist."

The two shared glances before smirking :"Then we should sit together with your friend, right? Come on, let's go!" Grabbing her by the arms, they forcibly pulled her to his desk.

Taking the empty seats, Alexis sat next to him :"Oh, he's sleeping." She said quietly, careful not to wake him up. Her friends weren't so considerate though. Mindy gasped :"Oh wow, he's handsome!" And Jasmine nodded enthusiastically :"Yeah, you're right! You've scored big time, Alexis!"

Alexis frowned at their loudness, noticing Alistair's face twitching as he buried his face deeper into his arms :"Geez, quiet down a bit, would you? And what does that even mean?"

Jasmine rolled her eyes, completely ignoring her :"Come on, Lexi. Just look at him! He's a total hottie! And you said that he's a good duelist, right? Then you just need to find out if he has deep pockets, and he'll be the perfect boyfriend material!"

Mindy nodded rapidly :"Right, right! You need to get yourself a boyfriend, Lex! And we're willing to be nice enough to leave such a good looking guy to you!"

"For fuck's sake, shut the hell up." Alistair snarled loudly, sitting up tiredly to glare at the two nuisances :"Can't you two see someone's fucking sleeping? How about you two focus on getting some fucking manners instead of boyfriends?"

Alistair was a chill guy normally, unless someone ruined his sleep. He had already been awakened twice in the same morning, so it was really getting on his nerves.

"E-excuse me?!" The two gasped, loudly, and he felt a vein pop :"I said, lower your damn voices. It's not even 8 and you're shouting like seagulls.

"Why, you... what the hell's wrong with you?!" Jasmine glared, Mindy followed suit :"Yeah, what the hell?! We're just complimenting you!"

"You shutting the hell up is already the best compliment that I could get! Scratch squealing like seagulls, I'm embarrassing those poor birds by comparing you loud bitches to them!"

"Wha- who do you think you are-" Before it could get any worse, Alexis quickly stepped in :"Guys, guys, calm down! Jasmine, Mindy, stop arguing for a second!"

"Wha- Alexis?! Why are you defending him?!" Jasmine frowned, causing her to glare :"I'm not defending anyone, I just don't want a fight to break out!"

Jasmine scoffed :"A fight?! Pft, as if he could hit a pretty girl like me!"

Alistair's face twisted in disgust :"Pretty girl my ass. Sorry, but I have stepped on dog shit before!"

Mindy glared :"Excuse me?! How dare you?! Do you want to get slapped?!"

Hand slamming onto the desk, he stood up with a deep scowl :"Slap me?! Bitch, I wish you tried to slap me! See if I won't punch your jaw off, you golddigging bitch! Don't mistake me for a simp, or I'll give you a taste of my kind of gender equality!"

The two flinched away as Alexis tried to back him off gently :"Alistair?! Calm down!" He scoffed at her, but his glare stayed on the thots :"I'll calm down when they fuck off!"

"You know what?! We will!" Jasmine stood up abruptly :"I don't want to see your face everyday anyway! You two coming or what?!" Mindy immediately got up :"Yeah, I'm going to another seat too! You coming, Lexi?!"

"Huh? Wait, well... I..." Seeing her hesitation, she turned away sharply :"Suit yourself!" And walked to the desk further from Alistair's, making him release a sigh of relief :"Thank Jesus! Finally, some silence!"

Sitting down again, he let out an annoyed breath, releasing as much frustration as he could, but the veins behind his ears still kept twitching.