
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Meta Player

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

CH 12: Card Shop

Alistair :"Did you know there's actually a scientific name for when you can't sleep and need to eat?"

Zane :"Seriously? What's the name?"

Alistair "It's called insomnomnomnomnia."

Zane wasn't impressed.


His consciousness slowly came back with the sound of knocks on his door. His PDA on his desk also rang, finally waking him up. Lying on his chest with half of his face buried in the pillow, —best sleeping position ever— he finally awoke from his slumber.

Groaning as he sat up, registering how sweaty he was. A sign of either waking up with one hell of a sickness, of waking up from one hell of a comfortable sleep. And since he felt healthier than ever, it definitely wasn't the first one.

'It's probably because of bonding with Snake-Eyes Poplar yesterday. Hahahaha, I guess we succeeded.'

Pulling his messed up hair back with a sleepy smile, he got up with a yawn and went to open the door, checking his PDA to see a video message from Zane. Not forgetting to say good morning to his duel spirits, which they greeted back.

And when he opened the door, he met the boy himself :"Hey, Zane, good morning." He yawned again :"Damn, you're an early bird. What time is it?"

Zane, looking as fresh as a cucumber like it wasn't so early in the morning, answered calmly :"It's a few minutes past 6. You told me to wake you up, so since we were planning to visit the card shop, I thought I'd wake you up extra early."

Stretching with a groan, Alistair nodded sleepily :"Alright... just give me a minute to do my morning routine, alright? Come in and sit down meanwhile, don't stand in the hallway."

Zane walked in and closed the door behind him. As Alistair hit the restroom, he sat on the chair behind the desk. His gaze moved to Alistair's deck, and he couldn't stop his curiosity :"Hey, Alistair?"


"Can I take a look at your deck meanwhile?"

"Sure, knock yourself out."

After taking care of his morning routine, he got out and dried his face with a towel, giving Zane an upward nod :"What up, hoe? Good morning again."

Zane rolled his eyes in amusement as Alistair started to dress up :"Good morning. You know, this deck really is amazing. When I looked through it, I saw many cards with amazing effects. In fact, I've never seen most of these cards."

"And you won't see them anywhere else either. Believe me, my cards are UNIQUE unique. Most of my decks are so rare that nobody else in the world has them."

"Yeah, if they did, this deck would have definitely been famous."

"Exactly. Alright, I'm done."

When Zane looked up, he saw Alistair in the clothes he had worn for his exam day. A black button up shirt tucked into black jeans. With the top button open to reveal a bit of his mouthwatering cleavage.

Zane raised an eyebrow :"Why aren't you wearing your assigned dorm uniform?"

"Eh, I like this better."

"Won't the teachers bother you?"

"Not if I'm skilled enough for them to ignore it. Why would they bother one of the best duelists on the island for something simple like the dress code?"

"Fair enough, I guess. Then shall we get going?"

"Sure, let's go."

After getting out and locking the door, they made their way to the main building. Zane struck up a conversation :"By the way, I already told you the card shop is the main shop of the island and sells everything, right?

Well, there's also a special everyday event where each student can buy one special sandwich. The flavors are very random and can be pretty weird, but the catch is that there are cards in these sandwich bags."

"Oh? That sounds like fun. But what do you mean weird flavors?"

"I mean as in literally weird. There are steak flavored sandwiches, beef, ramen, orange, etc. But there are also sandwiches that are just disgusting. There is literally a fermented bean flavor sandwich. Ugh."

"Ew, you're right, that does sound disgusting. Why would they do that?"

"Basically, they want to test your luck in drawing cards. And if your luck is good, you might even get the golden egg sandwich, which is the best flavor out of all of them.

The egg that lays a single golden egg everyday, and it depends on your luck to get it. I've gotten lucky a few times and picked that sandwich. And I have to admit, it really is very delicious. Also, the card I got was pretty good too."

"Hmm, that's interesting. What about the cards though?"

"As I said, there's one card in each sandwich bag. If you're lucky, you might get a good one."

"Then I have to give this a try! Who knows, maybe I'll get a card that will be useful in my new deck."

"That's true."

When they reached the main building, they saw quite a few students already up and running. Alistair had to praise their hard work. After all, it was just a bit past 6, and classes started at 8.

They ignored the students who looked at them, opting to just go to the store. When they walked into the store, with all sorts of cards and magazines, Alistair noticed that nobody had come here yet.

But he saw the store workers. A middle aged fat woman and a young lady in her twenties. He recognized both from memory. Dorothy, the store owner, and Sadie, the store worker.

Noticing the two as the door closed behind them, the ladies looked before smiling. Dorothy welcomed :"Oh, hey, Zane! Good morning. I don't see you around here anymore, what brings you here? And who's this handsome boy? A new friend?"

Zane nodded :"Hello, Dorothy, Sadie, good morning. Yes, this is my friend and a new student here, Alistair Aliyev. Alistair, this is Ms Dorothy, but everybody calls her Dorothy. She runs this card shop. And this is Sadie, who works here."

Alistair smiled politely :"Hello, ladies. It's a pleasure to meet you. Hahahaha, I can see why they drop the "Ms." Dorothy seems too young for that."

"It's nice to meet you too, Alistair." Sadie smiled, while Dorothy palmed her cheek, shaking her other hand with a pleased smile :"Oh, you~. You're quite the talker, aren't you, Al? It's nice to meet you too, sweetie. Now, what brings you two boys here?"

Zane :"Alistair needed some new cards, that's why we're here. We also wanted to buy two special sandwiches."

Dorothy :"Alright, just tell Sadie whatever you need and she'll handle it if we have what you need. Now if you'll excuse me, I still need to prepare the shop."

The two nodded as she left. Sadie smiled :"Nice to meet you again, Alistair. Just tell me what you need and I'll get it for you. We'll also order the cards separately if we don't have them, but that'll cost you extra."

He nodded :"Alright, then can you tell me what booster packs are specifically for dragons?"

"Oh, then you're looking for the Dragon Drive booster packs. Just give me a second." She turned to look for something behind her. He had to admit, she had one impressive ass. Just a bit short of a booty (boo-deh). Wide hips and a heart shaped ass.

And Alistair had to internally express his love for the uniforms for females here once again. The skirts were short enough to barely cover their cheeks, and Sadie's skirt wasn't much longer than the students' either. All it would take was for the girls to bend over a little and the boys' day was made.

With an impressed look, he glanced at Zane and nodded a few times. Receiving a few nods to show his agreement.

Sadie finally turned around and put a box on the table :"Here are the Dragon Drive booster packs. There are 20 booster packs in each box. Each one is 100 Duel Points, with 5 cards in each booster pack. So how many would you like?"

Alistair :"Hmm, give me 19."

Sadie :"19? Oh my, you already have so much DP already?"

Alistair :"Well, I managed to duel someone yesterday, so I have some."

Zane :"That duel should have given you 2,000 DP. Are you saving the other 100?"

"Hm? Oh, I wanna try the special sandwiches too, so I can't buy 20."

"Oh, then just buy 20 booster packs and I'll treat you to the sandwich."

"You will?"

Zane smiled :"Yeah, just consider it a welcome gift for enrolling here. It's only 50 DP anyway, and I have a lot to spend."

Alistair smiled back :"Thanks a lot, Zane! Then Sadie, I'll pick 20."

Sadie smiled :"Alright then, just let me put them in a bag."

As she looked under the table, she frowned :"Huh? Didn't we bring any?" As she looked around, she saw them behind her on the ground :"Oh, there it is."

Turning around, she bent over to grab the plastic bags, unintentionally giving the two the eye candy of the day. Their eyes widened as her white panties, which hugged her pussy tightly and gave a clear view of its curves, were easily exposed thanks to her short skirt.

They gulped down the drool, before quickly looking away when she stood up. Their hands sneakily covering their dragons to calm them down. Alistair had to get closer to the table to hide his pal from the view.

The clueless Sadie began to pack them up :"Alright then, just give me your PDA to exchange the DP." After paying with his DP, she handed the PDA and the plastic bag with the booster packs back with a professional smile :"Here you go. Thank you for your purchase. Hope you have good luck and find good cards."

[DP: 2,000 -> 0]

"Ahem ahem, thank you as well." He smiled, mumbling under his breath :"For many things." He looked at his PDA to see his DP was reduced to zero. Although being broke broke his heart, he would make it rain soon enough.

He glanced at Zane :"Then shall we try the sandwiches?" Who nodded. Bidding farewell to Sadie, they made their way to Dorothy and the huge box she was filling with sandwiches.

Glancing at each other, they nodded a few times meaningfully at their luck. Guess even if Zane was a serious guy, he was still a guy in the end. Calming down by coughing a few times, they also caught Dorothy's attention :"Oh, are you going to try the sandwiches now? Just hand me your PDAs then."

Zane took out his PDA :"Here. I'm buying one for myself and treating Alistair for one as well as a welcome gift."

Dorothy smiled :"Aww, that's so sweet of you! Al you should treasure a friend like Zane."

Alistair chuckled :"Believe me, I do. And I'll be sure to make it up to him."

Dorothy :"Alright then, that's good. Now just give me a second. Oh, also, each student can only buy one special sandwich a day, Alistair. Keep that in mind. Alright, you two can go ahead now."

"You go first." Zane beckoned Alistair, who nodded :"Alright, just hold my bag for me for a second."

As Zane took it, Alistair pulled up his already rolled up sleeve even higher :"Then let's try my luck."

"(Hey, Poplar?)" He mentally called out to his duel spirit, but was surprised when a red light exited his chest :"Kyu!"

"(So that's where you've been. I guess bonding with me means staying in my soul, huh? But it wasn't like this for any other duelist though. Hmm, is it because I fused with you, instead of just forming a connection?)"

Poplar nodded :"Kyu!"

"(I see. Well, that's even better. Forget about that for now. Is it possible for you help me pick the strongest card here?)"

Poplar nodded :"Kyu!" And before Alistair could say anything, he grabbed onto his hand. It felt strange. Like he could feel the touch, but not at the same time. Like he was just imagining it.

Pushing his hand into the box, he felt the imaginary touch become completely real, along with their connection suddenly spiking up. His eyes widened as Poplar solidified into a physical form around his hand. But with his hand hidden among the sandwiches, the others didn't see him.

Shock and excitement coursed in his heart :'Wait, so if I bond with a duel spirit, I can bring them into the physical world?!'