
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

CH 58: Make It Rain P3

(A/N: The effect of Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End is different from when it first came out. Since the timeline is in 2004, the old effect will be used.)

Alistair explained, psychotically :"By paying 1,000 Life Points, all the players must send as many cards from their hands and fields to the graveyard, then my opponents will be dealt 300 damage for every card sent to the graveyard by this effect!

And since all of you are against me, then all of you will lose LP! But that's not the sweet part. You see, unlike usual tag duels, your Life Points are separate because of how many of you there are. That means that all of you have 4,000 LP, but you will still suffer from Chaos Emperor Dragon's effect that sends your teammates cards to the graveyard!"

Everybody's eyes went wide open. Talk about finding a loophole. They were too focused to remember how effect damage works in tag duels with separate Life Points. And Alistair, who had reminded them, laughed loudly :"Hahahahaha, now do you get why I played Cyber Jar to make you draw even more cards?! Then let's do the math, shall we?! Each of you has 10 cards, field and hand combined. Multiply 300 by 10 then by 300, and you'll get a whooping 900,000 effect damage!"

"900,000?!" Shock took over them all. Be it students, staff or teachers, all of them were shocked at how he took advantage of their numbers. But Alistair wasn't going to wait for them to get over their shock :"And to add insult to injury, my 11 cards are added too! So that will be 903,300 instead!

Be honored and stand proud, cause you can boast about being the first duelist to get hit by nearly a million damage! At a duel of 300 again 1 at that! Hahahaha, man, you guys will go down in history! And I'll make sure of it! Now without further ado, Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End, end this farce for me! Boundless Despair!"

As the cards were sent to the graveyard one by one, a cloud of darkness left each one and came flying towards Chaos Emperor Dragon, enveloping himself and forming the shadow of a giant dragon with shining crimson eyes. He began to swing his head left and right, gathering the darkness in his mouth and revealing his magnificent body again, before shooting a giant wave of dark flames at the duelists. The power he unleashed felt like it would bring out the end of the world and the destruction of all. And for a moment, Alistair truly saw and felt the end in that attack.

"GRAAAR!!!" With a world shattering roar, Chaos Emperor Dragon's demonic flames enveloped all the duelists against him and then some, causing them all to fly away with shouts and screams of pain. As they all hit the ground, groaning and shaking in pain, the giant dragon scoffed. Normal flames leaving from his sharp fangs as he slowly disappeared due to his own effect. Making a grand appearance, and leaving as soon as he appeared with a marvelous bang.

[Alistair Ashblossom: 4,000 LP

300 Obelisk Blue Students: 0 LP]

"Ladies and gentlemen," With a polite smile and a hand behind him, he bowed calmly, completely different from the psychopath from a moment ago :"And the show's over." Ending it with a catchphrase. (A/N: How do "It's showtime", "Let's start this show" and "The show's over" sound for starting and ending a duel? I think a catchphrase is necessary since every Yu-Gi-Oh MC has one. It's not cringe, and kinda fun. Give me your own ideas though, cause I might use them if I like them.)

"That was..." Syrus gaped, as shocked as everyone. Bastion finished his sentence :"Brilliant... instead of getting nervous against having so many duelists against him and so many cards that could deal fatal damage, he used their numbers to his own advantage instead!"

"And that's why he's Alistair fucking Ashblossom." Zane chuckled, looking at his best pal with amazement, pride, and determination. Amazed at his skills and strategies, proud at having such an amazing friend, and determined to bring down that friend and those strategies.

Truly, he was the best friend and rival he could ever ask for. He was sure of it, when Ali was the only person who made him have second thoughts about dueling against. But the nervousness he felt in one day dueling him only acted as fuel to intensify his burning passion as a duelist.

Nobody cheered for him, however. Everybody was either too shocked, or too angry to cheer. After all, not only were they jealous of how much the guy they hated earned, but he managed to look so awesome in the end. Who would cheer for the guy they envied?

Now not only did they envy him for having Alexis Rhodes, the Queen of the Obelisk Blue, but they also envied his fame and riches. But he didn't care. He wouldn't care about the opinions of bugs and rabid animals. At the moment, the only thing he cared about was one thing.


Money that the person he was looking at would deliver. Chancellor Sheppard could only smile helplessly at the small smile Alistair was giving him. With a sigh, he nodded at the teacher who was about to have a heart attack. The poor guy was seriously worried about Kaiba coming to find him for giving the student so much DP.

But not being in a position to refuse. He could only bite his tongue and announce. Announce for the excited Ali and the students who were holding their breath :"Alistair Ashblossom, with your current DP of... ahem ahem... 2,182,250,000 being multiplied by 5... your DP is now... 10,911,250,000...?"

He had never even seen that kind of a number. If not for the numbers being separated by each three, he was worried he wouldn't even be able to tell the right number. But after checking it multiple times, he had to say the outrageous number out loud.

And Alistair felt like he was going to pass out.

2 billion dollars. Who knew you would get so rich in a single night because of card games? He was about to pass out right there and then. If not for the outrage that broke out because of the students.

"Chancellor, you can't do this!"

"How can you give so much DP to a single student?!"

"To him of all people!"

"Yes, please reconsider!"

Cries of anger and envy echoed around. It was ugly. And Alistair was about to purge this ugliness. Nobody gets in the way of him getting money! He seriously was about to take out the guns in his system's inventory. But fortunately for the bitch ass students, Chancellor Sheppard shut them up :"Silence, you all!

Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Acting like this just because you're jealous of him?! I have already told you that you could have prevented him from getting that much DP if you had won against him! It's not my fault that you all lost because you were slacking in your studies and aren't as good as him.

I'm just staying true to my words, that's all. Since the prize of this little tournament was the winner having his current DP multiplied by 5, then that's exactly the prize I'm going to give to Alistair! That's final, and I'm not hearing any complaints any more!"

There were some murmurs, cursing the Chancellor as the jealous students glared at Alistair. But he just flipped them out. While smirking at them. "Whatcha all staring at, huh? If you all are such hot shits, forget about putting a card on the field, you could have at least gotten a turn hahahaha!"

The Ra Yellows joined him in his laughter. Revenge was sweet, and they didn't need to wait for it to be served cold. At least they could blame their defeat on Alistair's dumb luck. These guys couldn't even do that. And besides, who wouldn't be happy about the arrogant Obelisks being humiliated like this, losing in a single turn.

"Hahahaha at least we lost because of Exodia's instant win effect!"

"Yeah, that's why we couldn't even use a card, but these guys could only watch as Ashblossom finished his combo on them!"

"Hey, just like he said, they can at least show off about being the first duelists to lose to 900,000 points of effect damage!"

"Make that 903,300! The closer it is to a million, the more grand their defeat will sound!"


Ah, how sweet was revenge. Making fun of those who always make fun of others healed any damage they had been dealt with. The same couldn't be said about the Obelisks though, with their 900k damage. Oops, correction, 903,300.

The Obelisks wanted to bite back. Of course they wanted to. But before they could, Chancellor Sheppard coughed loudly :"Ahem ahem, anyway, now that this little costly tournament is over, it's time you all returned to your dorms! Chop chop, hurry up!"

But as he got up, Alistair called out :"Ah, Chancellor, wait a second!" The bald man had a bad feeling about this. "What is it, Alistair?" The noiret smiled politely :"What do you mean finished? The tournament isn't done yet?"


The place went silent. Looking at his happy go lucky smile, everybody wanted a piece of him. This guy had already earned about 11 billion DP, nearly 2 billion dollars, yet he still wanted more? Veins popped on Chancellor Sheppard's forehead, but he had to stay professional :"What do you mean by that, dear Alistair? Haven't you already dueled everyone on the island already?"

"Not everybody." Alistair's expression didn't change. He simply pointed at the teachers :"Aren't the teachers on the island as well? I said I'll duel everybody, yet I haven't dueled them yet." Forget about the envious people, even Chancellor Sheppard was beginning to get mad.

He already didn't know what the hell to tell Kaiba in the future when Alistair wanted to convert his DP into real money. The DP that he had earned was already too much, yet he still wanted more. Forget about the 5 times reward, the DP he would get from beating the teachers in a group duel would be tremendous.

Although there weren't many subjects to be taught since this was a school focused on dueling, there were still about 50 teachers in this school. Each teacher would give 50k DP, meaning 2,500,000 in total. And according to the tag duel rules, where the reward would be multiplied according to how many people he went against, that would mean a total of 125m!

Although not as much as he gained from the Obelisk Blue students, it was still a lot! Especially when multiplied by five! He had to prevent the outrage this time. He coughed awkwardly :"Now now, we can't do that. Not only are you tired, it would be inappropriate for the teachers to gang up on a student-"

"Well, I guess the old timers wouldn't want to duel." Alistair interrupted him, checking out his nails nonchalantly :"After all, how embarrassing would it be if they lost to a single student? A first year one at that. And if they lost in their first turn like these guys, woohoo, that would be one embarrassing event."

"Why, you little...!"

"I outta teach you a lesson, you little punk!"

"Yeah, l was going to listen to the Chancellor this time, but you've crossed the line!"

Before Chancellor Sheppard could dismiss his childish provocation, the other teachers broke into an outrage, confusing the baldy. Sure, he did provoke and mock them a bit, but why would they need to get so angry? It was just a little trash talk to rile them up. And they weren't no children, so he didn't expect them to react like how the students would.

And for their reaction, Alistair had his Spellcaster monsters to be grateful to. With his psychotic smile returning, he gestured for them to come forward :"Now come on, it's showtime."