
Great Start In the Academy!

After watching the duel of Crowler and Jaden, Kyle said goodbye to Bastion and Syrus and went back to the orphanage to pack and prepare to get into the Duel Academy.

Anna watching him pack was happy he got in, since it was his dream after so long, She knew he was a hard working kid and was helping alot here, but since he turened 15, he needed to start to work or study before getting a license.

Anna and the other kids in the orphanage said goodbye to him, as he step out to find his calling for the future.


Kyle before arriving on the island he was already wearing the uniform of Slifer Red, which surprised some of the teachers by the fact that one with his grades could be admitted to Ra Yellow Dormitory and then move on to Obelisk Blue, but the boy asked to be placed in the Slifer dormitory.

"So this is duel academy? let's hope there are strong duelists, what am i saying, of course there are, however the level of how skilled they are is diffrent, not all is on Zane´s level for example" thought Kyle as he surveyed the island.

Kyle wanted to enroll in the Academy in hopes of finding skilled duelists, also for gaining DP as every duel, the winner gets DP (Money) and use it for buying packs in this place. his goal is to become a professional duelist so he needs the DP to buy pack and update his deck, since all the card he has is the cards that other discarded.

Kyle has entered the main building, observing all the place in silence. Reaching the Chancellor's office. Upon entering he saw that inside the room there was an elderly bald man with a beard who looked at the newcomer who had just entered.

"Then you must be one of the new students? Very well, welcome to your new home, the Duel Academy." the chancellor said in a gentle tone of voice, smiling at him.

"it's good to finally be here." Kyle replied.

"Very good, one question though. You was put in the Ra dorm but you wanted to be in the Slifer dorm?"

Kyle looked at the Chancellor Sheppard and replied with an excited face, ''I rather start from the beginning and duel my way into the higher dorms, i hope that is okay?

"I see, You have your reasons for this and I don't want to force you to if you don't want to. Let me introduce myself, i am Chancellor Sheppard. At Duel Academy we seek to create the next generation of duelists. Study diligently, who knows you might even become the next King of Games." explained the Chancellor Sheppard.

Smiling, Kyle answered simply "Thank you Chancellor."

"Your lessons will start tomorrow. If you have any questions, ask any professor or staff member if you need anything."

"I will remember, thank you very much." Kyle answered as he left his office.

As soon as the boy was gone, Sheppard couldn't help but smile, still looking at his file. "From what I understand, this kid has a rough past, but I'm sure his time at the Academy will change that. I have a feeling he's going to be one of the best duelists ever." Thought the Chancellor. Focusing on photo of new student."

Kyle pulled out his PDA he had received at the Academy. Realizing that he could also use it as a map to the island, he had a mail system and was used for Duel Points. "It is enough for me to win duels to earn points in practice. It will not be a problem." He thought as he left the main building.

"Might as well take a tour. Classes for me will start tomorrow. I wonder if the exams will be difficult later on, because otherwise they will be a piece of cake, well i need to update my deck too in the future" It was his thought as he walked.

After walking for quite a while, he decided it was time to go to the Slifer dormitory which was located near the lighthouse. When he arrived he saw that his dormitory was a shack. At the sight of his new quarters he just shrugged. "It's not much, but I prefer simplicity after all."

Seeing that no one was there, he decided to spend the time tinkering with the PDA waiting for the professor who was in charge of the dormitory.

Hours passed, but still no one had arrived. Kyle was still holding the PDA when suddenly he heard a noise in the nearby bushes. Hearing it, he decided to approach where the noise was coming from. As soon as he got close enough, a cat leapt out of the bushes."Oh hey, it´s proffesor Banners cat, what are you doing here?" It was his first thought when he saw the animal.

"Oh, you must be the new student they told me about?" Said a voice behind the boy. Kyle turned to see who it was. He was a man with long black hair, in a white shirt and black pants, who wore glasses. the cat that had jumped out earlier approached him,"Oh, hello Pharaoh." The man picked it up. At this scene Kyle raised an eyebrow. But he decided not to pay attention to it.

"I arrived today. Instead, you must be the Headmaster of the Red Slifer dormitory." Kyle asked.

"Surely you are a very intuitive person with an eye if you figured it out yourself. Anyway Yes. I'm Professor Lyman Banner. I specialize in Duel Monsters history and alchemy. Pleased to meet you."

He greeted the professor. "My pleasure. My name is Kyle. I think it's time for dinner since it's late." He pointed out.

"Yes you are right. Come with me, we need to introduce you to the other students in the dormitory." Banner asked.

After a while they all met in the dormitory cafeteria. Everyone had a dish cooked by Banner which consisted mostly of a bowl of rice with a serving of fried shrimp. "May I have your attention please." Banner asked. Once he was sure he had the attention of all the students, he continued to speak. " Well guys, I would like you to welcome the new student who moved in with us today." he told his students. " How about introducing yourself to everyone."

Everyone looked at the new student. What caught everyone's attention the most was his Red Hat, which covered most of his face. Kyle began talking to everyone. "Well, hello everyone. My name is Kyle. If any of you want to duel with me, come along, I'm always ready."

At that moment a student jumped up speaking in a very loud voice. "Wow, I like this guy, he seems to like duels! My name is Jaden Yuki."

Kyle was stunned for a few seconds by the energy the boy seemed to have. "Well, nice to meet you again Jaden.''

"Again? oh yeah you were with Bastion and Syrus in the exams! the pleasure is all mine, welcome to Slifer Red dormitory, you will love it here. Man, I wish I could duel you right now. What deck do you use? How do you fight? i kinda missed it when i went to the exams!"

Kyle could barely follow the speech, increasingly surprised by how energetic Jaden was when it came to duels. ''(Wow, he really likes duels)''. It was the first thing he thought he had of the Kuriboh headed boy. "I guess you'll have to wait for the duel, I'm kinda starving." He replied.

"Well, since the introductions are over, I'd say we can eat". Banner said.

Jaden grabbed Kyle´s arm, dragging him to the table where he was sitting. "Come and sit with us." Jaden said.

As soon as Kyle was seated, he noticed that he and Jaden weren't the only ones sitting at the table. "Are they your friends, Jaden?" he asked curiously.

"Yes. They are Syrus and Chumley. Guys, this is Kyle the newcomer to our dorm." Jaden explained.

"Hi, I'm Syrus, we meet at the exams." The blue-haired boy with the glasses answered.

"I'm Chumley, also let me remind you Jaden that you are all newcomers here!" Chumley replied.

''Oh yeah! That´s true!''

"Nice to meet you both." He replied to be friendly and laughed.

"So if they put you in the Slifer dorm I think you're in the same boat as us." asked Syrus to make conversation.

"This statement is incorrect, Syrus." A voice from behind interrupted him, turning around they understood that it was Professor Banner speaking." You see, Kyle managed to get the maximum score on the written exam, while also passing the practical exam. He would have been admitted directly to Ra Yellow, but at his request he wanted to be in the Slifer dormitory." Banner explained while the trio of Slifer at the table are a bit surprised by this fact.

"Exams like that were very easy for me." Kyle said as he continued to eat.

While Syrus and Chumley were still surprised, the only one who didn't notice this story was Jaden." You made a good choice. Despite what others think this dorm is great." he explained after giving him a pat on the shoulder.

Noticing their friend's behavior, the other two Slifers also stopped paying attention to this and continued to eat merrily. As they ate, Kyle kept thinking of the three companions next to him. "(So this is the start of my new school life huh."

As soon as they finished eating, Banner approached them. "Well Kyle, come, I'll show you your room."

Banner accompanied Kyle followed by the Slifer trio to the second floor of the dormitory leading them to the door of the room with the number 208." This here is your room."

Kyle took a quick look around his new room. It had a triple bunk bed, an electric microwave, a small bathroom, a desk, and a sink. "It may be a bit rundown, but it's still better than my old room." His face wassinking at the thought of his old home, as much he was sad he liked his room at the orphanage.

"This is your room, Kyle." Syrus said

"Wow, you have no roommates, you have a big space to yourself." Jaden added enthusiastically.

"Okay, I'll let you settle it then." Banner said before walking away.

"See you tomorrow, if you ever want company, come to us, we are four rooms next door." added Jaden before leaving with his friends.

" See you tomorrow." Kyle added before closing the door. He couldn't help but laugh at Jaden's antics. "He never seems to run out of energy. He always seems happy and carefree." After settling in his room he lay down on the bed. "Will things change now that I'm here? Will I find strong spirits? Are the questions that kept repeating in his mind that he could not give an answer. 



Time 6:30 AM.

Kyle woke up the next morning, pulling his PDA out of his pocket to check the time. "It's so early, well, I'll take the opportunity to go for a ride, there's still time before class." He thought as he left the dormitory.

So he toured the island to pass the time before going to class. I ended up finding my way to the Yellow Ra dormitory, which was near the cliff. Not too far away was the Obelisk Blue girls' dormitory. Since it was separated by a lake, it was reached by boat. But he decided not to go further because the boys are forbidden to enter.

Taking a few steps he arrived at the beach that was on the island. " It looks like a quiet place, here I could relax."

''Well Well, we meet again Kyle.''

Kyle turned around and saw Bastion, ''Hey Bastion, what´s up?''

''You tell me, with your grade, i would assume you would join Ra´s Dorm but here you are wearing Slifer.'' as Bastion looked at Kyle.

''Heh, well i wanted to start from low, also, i don´t think i deserv to be in the Ra yet, not untill i update my deck.''

Those words made Bastion curious, ''What´s wrong with the card you have? you did well in the exams.''

Kyle turned to Bastion Explained that the cards he has are cards discarded from other and made a deck from it, with a shocked face, Bastion couldn´t belive what he was hearing, he cleared the exams with a discarded cards made into a deck, if he actually had a proper deck, how good would he be.

''I see, that is indeed a problem, well im sure you know what you are doing, i be seeing you Kyle, class is soon and i want to be prepared.''

''Seya Bastion.'' Kyle waved at Bastion and went their seperate ways.


Time 7:00 – 15:00.

After his sightseeing, Kyle went to class to start his first day of class, which he found boring. Leaving the classroom, he decided to explore the main building. Find an area with a duel arena where one was taking place right now.

He decided to take a look out of curiosity. He saw that there were 5 blue obelisks one dueling a Slifer, with two more behind him.

All 5 obelisks were laughing at the Slifer. This attitude only angered Kyle by clenching his fists as hard as he could. "You are just idiots who think you are the best because of the rank you don't earn but buy. I will show you what a true duelist with skill is."

Obelisk: 4000 LP

Slifer: 400 LP

"Now I attack you directly with my *Marauding Captain*." The monster warrior struck the Slifer with his blades, bringing his Life Points to zero.

Slifer: 400 – 0 LP

With the last blow, the holograms of the monsters disappeared, the Slifer moaned as he was helped by his companions to his feet.

"As agreed, I'll take your card since you lost." The Obelisk said by taking an opponent's card.

"You Slifer are pathetic, it just goes to show how superior we elite duelists are." He continued to strut his victory while the other obelisks also laughed. The three Slifers could do nothing but bow their heads in shame. At that moment Kyle couldn't take it anymore, decided he wanted to settle the matter.

They all turned to see who it was that was entering the arena. Noticing the Slifer with the Red Hat. At that moment he helped the other two Slifer to get their partner up.

"Look, there's another bug." He made fun of the Slifer.

Kyle decided it was time to teach him a lesson. He approaches the Slifers. " Don´t worry, leave it to me." he asked as he reached for his dueling deck as they nodded.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asked while still smiling.

"Teaching a mediocre duelist like you a lesson. And also taking back the card that doesn't belong to you while I'm at it." Kyle responded.

"What?! How dare you address me like that?" The Obelisk responded angrily. "You should show respect to an elite duelist like me. How dare you speak like that, You who are in the rank below."

"I don't care what rank you have, but above all of that, you or your friends don't deserve respect for sure." Kyle said not feeling intimidated.

"Now you should be afraid, because I'm about to make you feel terrible shame." Said the Obelisk activating its duel disk.

"Afraid of you? In your dreams." Kyle replied by activating the duel disk as well.

Let´s Duel!!!

Kyle: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 5]

Obelisk Student: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand 5]

"Best first." the Obelisk draws.

"I summon *Marauding Captain* in attack mode.''

[Marauding Captain]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 1200]

[Defence: 400]

''I activate his special ability, i can special summon a Level 4 or below monster from my hand. So, i summon another *Marauding Captain*. he also has another ability, you can only attack him, but since there are two you can't attack anyone. Now i activate the continuos spell *The Ally Forces*! With this, all of my warriot type monster gain 200 atk points for every warrior or spellcaster on my field. There are two, so both of *Marauding Captain* gains 400 atk points Making it´s attack 1600, Now i end my turn.''

''Is that all? My turn then, i draw''

"I activate *Pot of Greed* this card allows me to draw 2 cards. I summon my *Mystic Tomato* in defence mode and set two cards facedown and i end my turn."

[Mystic Tomato]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 1400]

[Defence: 1100]

The Obelisk simply smiled. ''Already finished. It will be even easier than I thought. I draw."

Kyle: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 4]

Obelisk Student: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand 3]

''I summon *Command Knight* in attack mode!''

[Command Knight]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 1200]

[Defence: 1900]

''With his ability, all of my warrior type monsters gain 400 atk points and with her the effect of The Ally Forces give another 200 point, then all my monsters on the field get 600 points, so every one of my monster gains 1000 attack points, so every one of my monster has 2200 attack points, *Command Knight* attack his monster over sized vegetable!"

Command Knight slashed at the Mystic Tomato and destroyed it.

''I activate his special ability, when destroyed in battle, i can special summon a dark attribute monster that has the attack power of 1500 or below, i special summon my *Skull Servant* in attack mode!''

[Skull Servant]

[Normal Monster]


[Attack: 300]

[Defence: 200]

''Im not done, I activate my facedown, My *Inferno Reckless Summon* when a monster on my side of the field is summoned to the field and has less then 1500 attack points, i can special summon as many *Skull Servant* as i want from my deck to the field!''

Every Obelisk laughed at Kyle, while the other slifer that he tried to help was worried.

''You idiot, did you for get that i also get to special summon monster as well, and i choose my *Command Knight* and know that i have 3 *Command Knight*, giving everyone a total of 2200 attack point becase of my spell and my Command Knight´s ability´s! you lose! since i still allowed to attack!''

With 5 monster on the field, the other Obelisk laughed and smirked at Kyle, but to their suprise, he was smiling.

''I activate my trap card. it´s a card called *Crush Card Virus*! With this i can tribute one dark attribute monster with 1000 or less attack points. I have 3 to choose and i picked my middle *Skull Servant*, Now all of the monster in your hand and on the field with 1500 or more attack points are destroyed and for the next three turns when you draw cards, you have to show me the card and and if it is a monster with 1500 or more attack points you have you have to send it to the graveyard." He explained, when his monster that looked like skeleton with robes disappeared. The trap card shooted small viruses, which infected the opposing monsters by destroying them. also eliminating a card from the opponent's hand that was *Swordstalker* and *Beautiful Headhuntress*.

The Obelisk was angry now. "What?! Why don't you be a good loser and stay in your place Slifer!"

''Nape, not my style, so with no monster on your side, what´s next?''

''I set a card facedown and end my turn.'' The Obelisk concluded by gritting his teeth.

''Great, my turn then, i draw! first i activate my *Heavy Storm*, which destroyes all spell and trap cards on the field.''

''So what, I still have 4000 life points, even if you destroy my spell and traps, im still here!''

Kyle looked at the stupid Obelisk, for even if he draws a monster, if it has more then 1500 attack, it will be sent to the graveyard, ''Guess you are not bright huh, mister obelisk student, i tribute my both *Skull Servant´s* to summon my *Moisture Creature* in attack mode!

[Moisture Creature]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 2800]

[Defence: 2900]

''Im not done, i activate my *Monster Reborn* this card allows me to summon any monster from our graveyards!''

''Hah! to bad you only have those weak skeleton´s then! it´s still not-''

Kyle shakes his head and just looked at the stupid Obelisk, ''Guess you forgot aboout my first monster you sent to the graveyard, tho you should know i can summon any monsters from OUR card graveyards, i just choose not to, come forth *Mystic Tomato!*

The Obelisk looked at Kyle with shock, With his powerful cmonster with 2800 attack points and his Mystic Tomato at 1400, that is 4200 life points.


''Nope, *Moisture Creature* and *Mystic Tomato*, attack his life points directly!!!''

''N-NOOOO, How could i lose, to a slifer.....''

Obelisk Student: [0] Life Points (LP)

"Did he really beat an obelisk?" One of the Slifers who was watching spoke up

"He didn't even take any damage." Commented another.

The other Obelisks were now terrified of this boy, they started backing away slowly to run away. But Kyle had noticed them. "Where do you four think you're going? Now it's your turn!" Said Kyle pointing the duel disk at the Obelisks who had no choice but to accept the challenge, even if they didn't want to do it out of fear.

A few minutes later there were loud explosions for the other duels, one after another the other four also lost. all five had lost against this Slifer.

The three Slifers had stayed to watch, this boy had won all five duels without taking damage, they were surprised that a boy like him was in the same dormitory as them.

After a few seconds Kyle approached the Obelisk with which he had dueled first, staring at him with a look full of anger that made the boy fear tremendously. "Give me his card. Now!" Kyle said.

"Yes. Here it is. Here. Please don't hurt me," he said in a panic as he handed the card back.

Kyle took the card from his hand very quickly, turned once more to the Obelisks. " You would be the best duelists in the academy? Don't make me laugh, you might get in becase of connection but as a duelists, i reconsider."

After he immediately walked away from them to go to the three Slifer who were behind him during the duels, he approached the boy who had lost the card. "Here, here's your card, but be careful next time I'm not around to teach those guys a lesson."

" Th..Thank you." The boy stammered as he picked up his card again.

After this Kyle leaves the arena. As he walked the corridors "Even though this is a not complete deck it was more than enough to beat those guys, i was lucky to pull my Card Crush Virus card since it´s the only rare card i have in my deck."

"I was right to choose to go to the Slifer Red, gaining DP from them was great, also becase they are cooky, they probably be back, but for now, lets head to class, i might be late.


Here is another chapter, hope you like it, i really like Duel academy, and im excited to write more, putting extra work on making the chapter long so it will be more fun reading, I think i know what deck i will pick for him but if you have a deck he should use, tell it in the comment bellow, Seya guys, i might put another chapter up.

Next chapter