
Yu-Gi-Oh: Fate Of Time

A normal guy transfer to a 21 year old body in the Old Era Of Yu-Gi-Oh World, with his skills from his old world and a system at the Beginning to guide him, He will take this world by storm, challenge from around the world against friends, and the Darkness from all around, will he succed to help Yugi and his friend? What plans have destiny for him? I suck at writing so if I don’t have a good grammar, i apologies but I try my best. i’m sorry If i update slowly somedays or fast other days, IRL stuff is annoying. I don´t own the Yugioh character except for my OC, I do not own the picture, (Will change picture if needed to.)

Glace · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs


Hello again guys, before I begin, I just wanna say thanks to everyone who is reading this fan novel, I'm really happy for you guys that enjoy reading this, of course I cannot satisfy everyone who read this novel but I'm happy that they atleast have it a read before they stopped reading, you are always the best and maybe you return just to see how much it has improved, in the past, when I wrote my first fan novel RWBY: A man with a system, I let the comments go over my head and let them lead the story which no longer was mine, but after a few years, here we are, so thank you all.

So enough of the my prattle, I was gonna say that I might go back to my rots and do another RWBY novel. So be in the look out for it.