
Yu-Gi-Oh!...Wait What?

Name: Kirihara Asuto Gender: Male Marriage status: Bachelor for life Occupation: Your everyday corporate slave Hobbies: Your typical Nerd and what more Favourite actor/actresses: Samuel L Jackson Angelina Jolie SOULS? PRAISE THE SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNN So, here I am, nursing the headache of the century, feeling like my body is jelly and making sure to pay my utmost absolute respect to the ultimate gigachad in the entire souls franchise Solaire of Astora every morning, why? because i can, now, pretty sure that i wasn´t this tall, nor handsome, nor for some reason I have a really neat and awesome red crimson scarf riding on a nonexistent wind, in an apartment in which I am sure is even smaller than my one on the states, I tend to consider myself a relatively mature and calm inidividual but... Why is a giant as fuck Kaiba Corp logo just across from my street?! Why is Maximillian Pegasus anouncing the prelude to the arc of the Duelist Kingdom arc?! And why, Oh God why?! My hair looks like a rip-off from Yugi Muto hair style?! You know, i was supposed to go and get smashed with the boys after a long day of work, hit the nearest club, get lucky if a could, and then go on my well deserved vacation after nursing the hangover of the decade, not get isekaid into Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster!

AzhelianTheEternal · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Let’s make a bet!

Charming cold blue eyes, delicate features almost resembling a doll, but with a sharpness that marked her sole expression as one of both arrogance and detachment, of height slightly taller than your average Japanese girl, with long chocolate brown hair that seemed to go and go, a tiny but sharp nose, long eyelashes, plush lips that seemed to want to be kissed over and over, a delicate neck, a very well-proportioned body, with breast that were on the point of barely straining the school uniform but that still didn't hide how truly busty she was, with long legs and plump and soft thighs that were trapped in black thigh high socks that enveloped as if they were a second skin, and a round and tight ass that was barely hidden by the already short uniform skirt.



All of that would have been nothing sort of the dream girl that every poor teenager out there would dream off, or something like a high tier waifu that only appears in hentai or anime, a really good eye candy I must say, and someone that I absolutely wouldn't mind hitting on, the point that she gave the feeling of being a kuudere just add it more to the challenge, because we all know, the good cultured men out there now, that besides goths and yanderes, the quiet ones are the wilder ones. Yes.



Now, some good bros out there would ask, bud what's wrong look at her a perfect ten out of ten, just go and do it man, and I would reply of course, now then, why I am not doint that? Simple, because the girl I just described, it's none other than the freaking female version of Seto.Fucking.Kaiba!







The guy that literally goes mwahahahahah every time that he dreams of the perfect way of defeating Yugi, the guy that promised to tear apart an entire island only to save his little brother, the fastest guy to dispatch million dollars check in seconds, the guy with a millennial waifu in the form of his own main monsters and its always possible to summon it either the second or first turn of the duel, the guy that literally makes tournament after tournament because he can and he wants to, that Kaiba! A girl?! What more?! Now one if not many more characters from the anime are gone?! Those manga and movies are canon too?! Is Paradox really coming to this era only to buy a hot dog?!



Seems like my prediction was true, nothing is like it seems anymore, and worst of all I haven't stopped sighing since I woke up in the morning, feels like a bad habit its coming back to me, how annoying.



"Kirihara, is everything okay?" the one to ask was none other than Yugi, appearing quickly to my right side looking at me with concern. "You haven't stopped sighing since we came out from school" I was grateful that he was trying to reach to me but, this wasn't the kind of things that one simply could share with other; I mean how can you say to someone that you favorite character of one of your most influential anime of your childhood not only has come to live but it's actually a girl and that same world that you always knew now it's none other than a dream long gone with how much things are changing, and the worst part it's that the plot its barely starting by now, we were on route to Yugi´s house as it acted the same as his grandpa home and game shop.



Yugi, invited me to look at the ultra-rare card of his grandpa the moment that they decided to go and see it with their own eyes at Joey´s pleas of wanting to see such a rare card, Yugi invited me out of kindness and because he knew that I too played DM thanks to gramps obviously, but because, apparently, gramps wanted to see me today too, I wasn't going to reject the offer, there were some cards that I needed, and if I could at least get three or five of them I could one up my game in no time, of course, gramps shop sadly didn't have said cards, I could only get it through my system through shopping with gems, apparently there was some kind of beginners pack that I unlocked after losing against gramps, seems like said pack was going to be unlocked the first time I dueled here, it didn't mattered if I had lost or won that time.



I haven't done it yet of course, I wanted to think that maybe I had just a little more time with me to familiarize myself with my cards, not likely any more.



"Yug- " I was going to reply to him, when Joey interfered, cutting me off before I could said something "C´mon Yuge D´iz Asuto Kirihara who we are talking about you know" I felt like I should have been insulted in some way, of course the insult later "The baddest and most dangerous delinquent in the entirety of Domino High School" he said whil- No. Just No; I am not even going to describe the kind of face he made to supposedly make a representation of myself being a delinquent and all of that, and I am feeling violate just by being in his mere presence now, Is this maybe how Kaiba in DM felt all this time? Or is it because he just plain dislikes Joey?



If it is the first one, then I understand.


Now a lot of thing makes senses, I guess.



"First, Never. Ever. in your life make that expression again in front of me or do not even make it again period" I said while closing the distance, looking him straight in the eyes and poking his chest, Hard.



"Second, me being a delinquent is new for me, I don't care about it, if I had to waste my time with idiots that literally prefer to be led like cattle after a false vegetal then that's their problem not mine, my actions will speak for me, plain and simple" I wasn't going to deny that I was irritated, and sadly Joey got the worst of my temper, Gramps, the new cards, my first lose, Kaiba, honestly nothing was making sense and it was unsettling me since I am, little by little losing, the only advantage I had in my hands the plot of the anime, yeah, this just popped my bubble and I wasn't happy about it, that and my disdain for those too quick to judge others without knowing them or even talking to them.



It makes my own time in High School a really disgusting experience, and when they only said sorry and tried to bury it under the rug? I said to them everything they had done to me and if they thought I was going to just to hang with them like nothing happened, then fat chance, they got angry, like, real angry, no one like to be faced with their mistakes, especially those who were aware of they did, saved in time by the teacher and the bell, sadly bullying it's what followed my outburst, and still I kept doing what I wanted to the end, college was an entire new welcoming experience for me though, best time of my life.



Oh, right back to my little confrontation, Joey instead of looking for a fight was sweating bullets, ha? I wasn't that intimidating right? Though, by Tea words it seems my pale complexion mixed with my height, crimson red eyes and the point of me having most of the a calm expression, turned into a really intimidating visage once I got either real serious or angry, that day I just couldn't stop thinking about it, they had to go and look for me to make sure that I wasn't sick or something, instead the real reason was just plain stupid.



"And third Mr. Wheeler" I could have keep going on, but Yugi was in fornt me with his palms extended trying to appease me while Tristan was getting Joey into a headlock, saying something about him and his big mouth while took a paper fan from somewhere and hit Joey, and Tristan, don't know why though, with it, leaving a sizebale bump in their heads.



"Whff mf, I waf tfing to helf" said Tristan with his mouth kissing the ground courtesy of tea and with his voice muffled, funny it didn't make sense what he said, still I could understand him without a problem.



Yugi just laughed, with a single sweat drop on his right cheek, this was more frequent than I thought.



Honestly I didn't want laugh in front of them, this always get a good chuckle or two, but I knew that doing that could be seen like an offense considering that I was an outsider in their tight little group, would have seen like I was mocking them by how weird two of their were.



I wasn't going to hide the smile that I had though, it really was something seeing your favorite characters in real life being themselves instead of through a screen, it was incredibly refreshing.



After that little episode with Joey apologizing for what he said, courtesy of Tea, again, I just told him that there was no problem between us and that I wasn't fair either, considering that I just used him to get rid of my frustration, of course I couldn't tell them why so I just made a white lie in the process related to how even the teachers were treating me like if a was walking in glass or something, which I couldn't care less about shitty teachers and what not; they just nodded with Tristan saying "Mustn't be easy having the teachers after your own hide huh?"



Nah, it wasn't, but, meh. As long as they didn't try shit with I was fine, if not, well there is a reason why Japanese schools are so obsessed with their image, too easy to get rid of, of one of their teachers to act like nothing happened, of course that's me casually demanding them, but I am a under aged teenager and sadly I don't have power at all, so time to deal with once again, by making like they don't exist, it works, sometimes.



The rest of the journey, can I call it that? Was not so eventful, Yugi and Tea told Joey and Tristan about how they met me in gramps store and how I was helping around with his old stock and what not, there was too the incident where I avoided a nasty accident by stopping a couple of boxes filled with old figurines about to hit both Tea and Yugi, got a little bruise in my right arm thanks to being the hero, but it healed by next morning, the only why I didn't wrote that experience in my journal, or better said my ~Its Flashback Time~ section of my journal, was because I didn't thought it was really relevant, at least from my point of view, but yeah it happened.



It was an uneventful journey from school to gramps store after our little, but once we arrived, we immediately crowded him, well more like questioned him about BEWD, they didn't knowing yet that in fact was the fourth Blue Eyes in the entire world, guess who had the other three.



Gramps make an attempt of showing a little resistance but, in the end he yielded, once again to Joey pleads, "Haha how can I refuse?" he was just playing with them, I shook my head at his playful aptitude, it was good to see someone at his age enjoying life, I have seen everything that I needed and I wanted, I just want to rest already my dear, furrowing my brow in contemplation at those words that I could never forget, no matter how much I tried, with experience behind me I cooled my expression, something that didn't go unnoticed by a certain elderly man, but quickly changing to one of mystery once he put an old wooden box on the shop counter.



"You kids are in for treat; I don't take this card out too often" he opened the box and there it was, resting in small purple cushion, my first ever card, of the first ever deck I had in my life, the mythical, Blue Eyes White Dragon.



Had to fight the unfairness of it, in this world that dragon only answered to someone, I could never owned it, and neither I was going to ask gramps for it, I should have hidden my cards the moment dad started to ask about them, fuck you dad.



"Ready? Here it is, the Blue Eyes White Dragon, so rare, so powerful, I never let it leave my hands" what with that face, gramps looked like he got his favorite candy from the candy store, I was trying not to laugh at his face, it was just to funny, like a little kid in Christmas.



But, powerful? I mean, maybe for DM yes, but pretty sure that gramps´ Exodia Horus and my Branded Dragonmaid will trash it, after all the meta just keep getting more and more fierce with time, and BEWD deck while getting more support and everything only had power behind it not diversity or flexibility, something that I was going to fix with my own deck soon enough, this night most probably.



Of course Rikolino and Character 1 just went and manhandle said card, one looking if they won the lottery while the other not appreciating the card, like at all.



"Ahh! This card is priceless; they are only four in the entire world could you please treatit with more care young men?" Both of them apologized and later a misunderstanding between Joey and gramps happened with gramps thinking that Joey wanted to trade the BEWD, Joey wasn't an idiot, he knew how important that cards was to grams in contrast he asked to fro advice regarding with what deck he could begin playing DM, or at least what cards could he get to make his deck stronger.



After that minuscule episode, the bell store rang, signaling the arrival of a certain CEO of Kaiba Corp, in all her womanly glory Kaiba appeared, illuminated from behind by some ray of light in the afternoon? Anime physics I guess.



"Hello, can I help you young lady?" gramps welcomed Kaiba, thinking that she may be a new costumer; gramps wasn't a fool, well a gambling addicted fool, but he let that part of his past behind, but he knew that she wasn't a costumer at all.



"If you can't, it certainly wouldn't surprise me" well, her voice was, thanks God it wasn't some dubbed Orochimaru rip off, but it was a mix between sensual and with an engraving sense of finality, like someone who knew what they wanted and how they wanted it.



You see for our main cast, seein Kaiba in this humble but cozy game store it was out of the world, after all Kaiba, The Seto Kaiba, was none other than the owner of one of the biggest company in the entire planet that by this point was expanding to the mayor countries in the world, only rivaled by Dartz organization and, obviously, Illusion Industries, owned by the man of the hour himself, Maximillian Pegasus.



"None of your business, I came to see the card and only the card" Esdeath had more live in her than Kaiba, instead of a mask of arrogance, hers was of cold detachment, like, if everything around her wasn't of real importance or worse, I decided to make way for her, and put a mask of indifference at what I was going to see, that or sighing again, pretty sure I reached the thousand mark already, Guinness? Someone?



Oh, oh boy, Joey buddy, I know that you are just trying to be kind but do-; too late, put down without a chance to say something before she kept going on with her stride "I am the number one ranked duelist in the country, and destined to win the Duel Monsters championship, it will my image If I were to duel a piece of garbage like you" okayyyyyyyyyyyyy, that wasn't pretty, bitch attitude mixed with a cold frosty glare, that literally says that your life is even less than a cockroach, that had to hurt somewhere.



Joey isn't one to hit girls but his red angry face said something completely different though, Yugi comes to save the day and stop Joey form doing something stupid, again, did I forget to mention that Kaiba actually has a really mean right hook and kick and that she has a lot of belts under her? No? meh, surely it wasn't that important.



"There it is! The Blue Eyes White Dragon that I have been looking for, but, to think it would be in a place like this" she said, her voice dripping with disdain in the last part, and having an expression that I had seen only in addicts, it gave me the shivers and not good ones, her eyes where the ones that you would see in some old Disney villain, mad and obsessed.



"I think it has been enough window shopping, can I help you with something else young lady?" he said quickly hiding the card inside the box, he was sweating bullets knowing exactly who he had in front of him, Kaiba in contrast just sent a glare to him and slammed the already thick aluminum case in the counter shop, which I can only said that gramps must had a really good deal with that counter, Kaiba wasn't soft when she slammed said case on the glass counter shop, and didn't even have a single scratch, where can I find one for my windows?



"Old man, I am not here to play, I'll give you each and every single card in this case, for that Blue Eyes White Dragon of yours, and if you won't trade it then tell me the prize of the card" she said with finality, opening her case and showing the insane amount of cards inside it, both gramps and the main cast awed at seeing so many rare, for DM I suppose, cards but I was more interested in the Serpent Night Dragon in the lower right corner of the case, damn I wanted to play some GX Tag Duel right now., wasn't there some support related to that card that only appeared in that game?



"Young lady, my answer is no" Kaiba didn't take no for an answer that was the reality with this character, especially if the little show of anger that went through her cold blue eyes was real, then, I will have to intervene, alarm don't fail me now. "Explain" one could hear the sound of her gritting her teeth's, it wasn't funny, the point that her voice left all the coldness and now it just felt empty of all emotion was a sign that she wasn't just going to invite, kidnap him, to a duel and crush him in the process, eventually tearing in half BWED in front of the main cast, she was planning something worse, I could feel it.



"This card…" he, while gently caressing the box, changed the expression on his face, just for a moment, reminiscing of the past, of times of comradeship that will never come back and the beginning of a long lasting friendship "Is worth more to me that you could ever offer" his face was one of peace, someone that have gone through a lot, but not alone, he found someone along the way, someone that he could trust, someone that shared his passion, an equal, and I knew who it was, and just for a tiny moment, I was jealous, wishing that maybe I could have someone like that in my life.



"It wasn't something that I won in a duel or a reward or found in an old store" he spoke, now noticing more and more his age, for in this instant Solomon Muto was old, really old "This card was a gift from my dearest friend, and so I treasure this card as if it were him" his smile, a sad one, and his tone, one of melancholy, it hit me like a truck at that moment, his tone, his face, the, not sadness, but, the yearning? No, it was more like when you miss someone that it's not anymore in this world.



So, that was it, huh? Professor Arthur Hawkins, was dead. His passing, by gramps words, was peaceful.



Solomon Muto, was a man of experience, not of gained experience but, someone that lived his life, someone that knew bot loss and gain on equal measure, someone that even after losing so much, still keep moving forward, not only for him, but for those closest to him; If I-

"So, do I take that as a no, before you follow on with your sentimental bullshit?" My mind just screeched to a halt when I heard those words coming from her mouth, my vision became red and gained tunnel vision too, my objective? Destroying the bitch in front of me, I gritted my teeths almost feeling them cracking from the strength I put on my jaw, pretty sure I felt my knuckles popping from how hard I clenched my hands into a fist, and my leg started to move on their own when I felt someone grabbing my arm.



Tea was there, with tears in the corners of her eyes and her lips bitten so hard that it escaped a little bit of blood, but her grip was tight she wasn't going to let me do it, and I asked her why, not with words but my face said it enough, she knew that I could release myself without effort, but, I would have hurt her in the process, I still didn't know how truly strong I was at that time, but I was glad that she did it, that wouldn't have been me, it would have put me even lower than Kaiba, nonetheless soon enough I was going to have my revenge and a good outlet to my rage, boxing was a good outlet in my old life, maybe in this will be too



But for now I just stayed in my place trying to cooldown my emotions and once putting in my face of indifference, Joey was being held by Tristan, the last one doing maximum effort just to hold him back, and Yugi…was stunned, I couldn't see his face from where I was but in Tristan words he had never seen Yugi so angry in his life, not even when Joey and him threw the las piece of the millennium puzzle in the school pool.



"Indeed" gramps didn't seem affected at all; heck he was the most calm of all of us "Very well, you will hear from soon" she said voice and face devoid of emotion, no, just void, empty, and oh so wrong.



Hearing the bell store rang a third time, was probably the nicest thing I have heard in that day, and with her parting everyone could breathe again, or release the tension in them, Joey was talking with Tristan complaining and insulting Kaiba in the process, Tea was looking at me searching for something, but I just gave her a nod in acknowledgement of her actions and as a sign of gratitude, thankfully she understood what I was trying to tell her through my actions, while Yugi…have it worse, he was trembling and even though his back was turned to me, in that little game store you could hear his sobbing clearly.



He was trying to put a brave front, but it crumbled easily after everything was said and done, Tea had her hands over mouth while Joey and Tristan where trying to cheer on him to ignore what Kaiba said; and gramps "Yugi" he called his grandson name, with a tenderness that only I have heard and seen once in my life, dear, "Come here" he opened his arms, and Yugi just went and gave him the tightest hug he ever could to his grandfather.



No one, said a thing, this wasn't something that none of us could intrude, so.



I decided to go, I said my goodbye to everyone and exchanged a look with gramps, the exchange was quick but he understood why I was doing this, not soon after that, the rest sans Yugi followed me out.



We didn't say anything, I went my way and I guess the others did too, by the moment that I arrived home, I changed to a more comfy shorts and t-shirts for the summer heat, and laid down in my bed looking at my ceiling as it were the more interesting thing in my life, the entire scene of what happened in gramps game store replaying in my head as it were a broken record, sitting up after what I felt were like hours of being in my bed without sleeping even once, I looked at the scenery across my window, at the gigantic Kaiba Corp Logo.



And it was enough, for me, I knew what I had to do, I knew what would be my next course of action, I will prevent gramps heart attack, and kidnapping, I will duel Kaiba in place of the Pharaoh, I won't hold back, I will crush her and her ambitions in that exact moment, her obsession will be her own downfall, I swear.


System Open


Now Kaiba, let's make a bet.

Double chapter because i felt like it and because after finally posting the latest chapter, i felt all my motivation coming back to me so here it is, i was planing on releasing three chapter actually but i want to make the duel agianst Kaiba in a good way so i will be taking my time with it not like making you all wait four days or something, of course not, but making sure that i can get better at writing duels, the one against Solomon felt a little lacking in many parts sooooooo

Time to get better!

Till next chapter Ciao~

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