
Yu Bin. Immortal Of Water realm

When everything resumes to love there is no space for more. We need love to be born, love to grow up, we need love to win against fate. Love doesn't care about age or gender, when there is love then there is everything. On one hand, we have Yu Bin who loves everyone, she is weak and strong at the same time, she is sensible, she had everything and lost everything but she had people around her who cared and made her stronger. And on the other hand, we have Ming Fang who lost everything at a young age. Trying to revive her parents she became evil. She doesn't care about love, she lost her soul. Will Yu Bin, who believes love can change everything, wins over Ming Fang's hate who already lost her soul a long time ago? Will Xian Chen be able to save Yu Bin from Ming Fang's rage? Will they save Yingyue who lost her faith and is used by Ming Fang to destroy? What will happen in the end? Will love win? Or hate will take over. In this story, I'm not promising you a happy ending because we don't know what the day of tomorrow will bring, but we have hope…..

Niyuniyu · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Why Did You Do It?

"If you can't see me; if it hurts, don't come to see me. See you when I go out." The woman said, looking straight into her son's eyes.

"Mother, please...." the boy shouted and his mother winced.

"Son...." The old, fragile woman didn't know what to say anymore.

"Mom, please let me do it. " Her son said calmly, this time his voice became warm again. With tears in his eyes, he grabbed his mother's hands and said again:

"Please let me do it mother, if I tell the truth, I will be happier, mother, he deserves to die, he was hurting you so I will tell the truth and I will pay for what I did. .. Don't you want me to be happy, mother?"

"That's all I want. I want you to be happy. "

Tears began to flow down her face and fall on her hands.

"But mom... Would I ever be happy if I knew you were to be blamed?"

The woman looked at their hands and tears streamed down her cheeks. She already knew what her son was like, that's why she didn't want to talk with him until now.

She knew her son was a good man, but she somehow hoped to leave things as they were.

"Can you let me be this time?"

Said the young man, looking his mother in the eyes as her tears fell one by one, losing their number.

His mother nodded and began to cry once more, holding his hand tightly. She felt that if she let go of his hand, she would lose him forever.

"Thank you mother, thank you for giving birth to me, thank you for raising me, if possible mother...Can you be my mother in the next life too? I love you so much, mom."

"I love you too."

She said and hugged him tightly as she wept on his shoulder.

After crying for a while, they relaxed and discussed what to do. Meanwhile, Yu Bin came and she took their statement.

The woman received a fine for trying to mislead the police, and the boy was sentenced to ten years in prison. He was calmer now. His mind seemed clearer now. It was good to know that his mother did not hate him. He now knew how much his mother loved him and these 10 years would not be too long as the thought that ten years later he would be with his mother.

*Yu Bin.... Always remember, what you think is white to others may be black and what you think is black may be completely white to someone else... *

"Ah, I understand now. So that's what you want to say, master. "


"Congratulations boss."

Moon said, holding out his hand and smiling.

"Congratulations boss, we have to go for a drink tonight and celebrate "

Xian Chen said, smiling with all his face.

"Um... We should."

"Xian Chen, please, respect our boss."

" But I respect her, isn't it boss?"

"HM... right, "

Yu Bin said, slapping him on the back.

"Let's go, Xian Chen, Moon, we need some refreshing time."

"Boss, we're working tomorrow, don't get drunk, please."

"When did I ever get drunk? Yu Bin asked confidently."

"Always. " Xian Chen answered hurriedly, laughing hard.

"Xian Chen, please keep your mouth shut. "

Moon said, exasperated by the behavior of his young colleague.

In his mind, his boss is the best, but when he looks at her, he feels that she is not like them, so he respects her very much.

While Xian Chen always behaves as if she is not his superior or something. What's worse is that Xian Chen sometimes takes her as a family member or something.


Shortly after arriving at the restaurant, Yu Bin got completely drunk and started harassing Xian Chen.

"Boss, I think we should go home, we have work tomorrow. Moon said, trying to pull Yu Bin up. She had put herself in Xian Chen's arms and was still talking nonsense."

"I think you should leave her alone. She won't remember anything tomorrow anyway. " Xian Chen said with a tender smile

"Shut up, crazy.... "

Moon couldn't go on. Xian Chen's eyes became dangerous. Every time Yu Bin got drunk, she put herself in Xian's arms, and every time he tried to separate him, it happened the same way. Xian Chen was becoming very dangerous. Maybe that was why he didn't want to drink. Because these two here are changing their usual behavior.

"You can leave, I'll take care of Yu Bin..."

*Yes, that's what we were talking about, he's a different person when Yu Bin gets drunk. Usually, he's boss here, the boss there, smiling and fooling around, but when she gets drunk, he becomes like that, * Moon thought, and left quietly.

"Xian Chen, why did you do that?" Yu Bin started to cry

"I'm Sorry...." Xian Chen responded tenderly looking down, a tear flowing smoothly down his cheek.

"Why did you do it?" Yu Bin asked again, and Xian Chen felt so dirty…

"I'm Sorry..."

"Did you have to kill them all?" She asked condemning

"I'm Sorry..." Xian Chen couldn't say anything anymore. He was sorry, he was sorry. If there was something he felt sorry for in his life was the thing he was guilty of in his master case. Whatever he does, he can't change the past. Tears fell without notice and his heart trembled in pain

"If you're a killer, why do I love you?"

"I'm Sorry...."

"No, I don't love you, I hate you, you killed my beloved master"

Ah, how much he wishes he can change the past, but how can he? The terrible incident already happened so many years ago. Yu Bin made him smile, Yu Bin helped his wounds heal, but in the end, he is the one at fault for Yu Bin's pain.

" I'm Sorry..."

"I hate you"

"I love you..."

"I hate you, Xian Chen"

"I love you, my princess, my Yu Bin, my life."

"I hate you," Yu Bin said, crying painfully.

"I know, I am sorry... I'm truly sorry."

"I hate you... " Yu Bin said, sobbing and gripping him tightly.

"I know, I am sorry. " Xian Chen replied tenderly, his voice quivering in pain.

He loved YuBin, he loved her. He realized it too late, but he did it.

He wanted to be able to go back in time, but it was impossible and that made his heart tremble in pain.

After Yu Bin stopped crying, Xian Chen carried her back home.

"Xian Chen..."

" Hm..."

"I love you"

"Hm... I love you too "

"I hate you"

"Hm... I know. I'm sorry."

"Xian Chen..."


"Idiot... Why did you do it?"

"Because I'm an idiot..." Xian Chen answered, tears falling down his cheeks.

An intense silence covered the night now. Sometimes a car would drive by or a couple would giggle, but there was silence in their hearts. How many times did this happen? How many times did their heart beat in unison in misery?

Yu Bin and Xian Chen in the daytime were completely different from Yu Bin and Xian Chen in the night when they drank together.

It was unbearable, but it was the only time that Yu Bin recognized Xian Chen.

At first he couldn't believe what he saw. He was happy and unhappy at the same time, he was happy that she didn't remember anything but at the same time miserable that he couldn't take care of her when she needed to, instead of taking care of her he destroyed her. Later he learned that this Yu Bin was his Yu Bin when she was drunk, but everything she said hurt him terribly.

It's not like it wasn't worth it, it's just that the pain was unbearable at times.

"We are here, baby... " Xian Chen said tenderly.

"Um... Thanks... I'll go inside."

"Okay, good night, baby."

Without looking at him, Yu Bin entered the house, left her bag and jacket, and got into her bed. It wasn't long until she fell asleep thinking about the past

"Master, when will you teach me how to fly with a sword? Huh, huh?"

"You're not ready yet."

"I'm not ready?"


"How am I not ready? Kids my age are already experts at this. They always show me what they can do and I can't show them anything."

"If you want to fly, just tell me, and I'll take you up in the sky."

" Oh, will you take me whenever I want?"

" Yes."

"Even if it's mid1night"

"Even if it's midnight, midday, a sunny day, a rainy day when you're happy, sad, whenever you want."

"Then.... Are you taking me now?"

"Hm ..."

"Yeahhhhh, great."

Yu Bin said, her eyes shining with happiness. A wide smile was plastered on her face and she rushed her master outside.

Bao Fang unsheathed her sword, scooped Yu Bin into her arms, and flew up.

It all looked so great up there. They were able to see how immaculate the river was.

They could see trees and flowers, and nature looked so wonderful.



"It's so wonderful..." Yu Bin said, looking down at everything.

"I can't stop looking at it, it's so wonderful and magical, isn't it master?" She added

"Yes, it is," said her master, staring tenderly behind her.

Yu Bin's long hair fluttered like magic and her smiling face, grasped Bao Fang's heart.

"I wish I could learn to fly. After I learn to fly, I will take you with me to show you the magic of our world."

"Um, one day."

"Why not now, master?"

Yu Bin said, leaning slightly on her master's chest.

"That's a secret." The Master said, whispering in her ear.

"I don't like my master's secrets," Yu Bin said, leaning on her.

"Let's go down, I'll show you something..."

"Oh, well, let's go."

As they came down, they reached a forest, the sounds of a multitude of birds reached their ears, and the land of Flowers in front of them made the place look like paradise.

"Come on, I'll show you something. " Bao Fang said, and taking her by the hand she pulled her through the flowerbed to a deep cascade.

"Wow, master, you're the best. This is impressive. How incredible. Look, there are sparkling fish, is it possible? I never knew there was such a thing

"It is?" said the Master, smiling,

And then the scenery changed.

No flowers, no rivers, no sparkling fish. The celestial place has now turned into an inferno.

Lots of living corpses were coming out of nowhere.

hello loves, you know sometimes we feel guilty about something and we want to change the past but of course we cant ? Well we cant change the past but we can change the future , be who you are, trust yourself and have faith in the day of tomorow.

dont forget to like the chapter .

Love yah :x

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