
Yu Bin. Immortal Of Water realm

When everything resumes to love there is no space for more. We need love to be born, love to grow up, we need love to win against fate. Love doesn't care about age or gender, when there is love then there is everything. On one hand, we have Yu Bin who loves everyone, she is weak and strong at the same time, she is sensible, she had everything and lost everything but she had people around her who cared and made her stronger. And on the other hand, we have Ming Fang who lost everything at a young age. Trying to revive her parents she became evil. She doesn't care about love, she lost her soul. Will Yu Bin, who believes love can change everything, wins over Ming Fang's hate who already lost her soul a long time ago? Will Xian Chen be able to save Yu Bin from Ming Fang's rage? Will they save Yingyue who lost her faith and is used by Ming Fang to destroy? What will happen in the end? Will love win? Or hate will take over. In this story, I'm not promising you a happy ending because we don't know what the day of tomorrow will bring, but we have hope…..

Niyuniyu · Fantasy
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9 Chs

On The Trail Of The Criminal

"I still don't understand, why does she hate you? She has no reason. If I remember correctly, you both were very close. I know you don't want to talk about it, but can you please tell me why is she so against you? Why is it so much against you, why does she hate you Xian Xian ?"

"Because I killed you...."

"Oh... What? "

Bao Fang shouted the last word in surprise. She couldn't believe it. How could he kill her when he…

"But you... " she added in bewilderment

"It was my fault..." Xian Chen answered, his voice trembling.

"Are you crazy? No, I'm just asking. Are you damn crazy Xian Chen? Do you want to die in my hands? How is it your fault?" Bao Fang was truly troubled because she couldn't understand what happened after her death.

"I couldn't protect you master..." Xian Chen said, looking down tears streaming on his face like a river. His chest felt so heavy and he wished he was not reborn.

" Ehhhhh?! Xian Xian, listen to me, it's not your fault. You weren't even there, so how did you kill me?"

"Because I wasn't there..."

" Because she was smarter, it's that thug's fault, not yours. But how could we tell Yu Bin that? She would never have believed us. If that night I could've...."

"That's why it's my fault master... if I didn't leave that night..."

"We would both have died the same night Xian Xian, there was no difference."

"We died anyway..." Xian Chen said, giving up.

"Ah, yes, I always wondered, how did you both die?"

"I don't know how Yu Bin died, but I died at her hands." Xian Chen answered, looking up into the sky. At least she was the one killing him, at least he died in her hands. He was content with that one thought.

"What... ? " Bao Fang shouted in surprise again. She couldn't believe what she heard.

"Ah, my ears...." Xian Chen cried out.

"You mean Yu Bin killed you?"


"but why?"

"Because I killed you"

"Did you tell her that?"

"Somehow, she knew, she came to me and asked me if it was my fault if I had anything to do with your death."

"Did you say yes?"

"I said I'm sorry..."

"Xian Xian, you're really stupid..." Bao Fang shouted angrily.

"I'm sorry, master, it's my fault..." Xian Chen said calmly, staying down on a bench.

"Silly child, if we were in our realm now I would have beaten you to death.... You are lucky," Bao Fang said, calming herself too.


"Stop saying that and go to bed."

"Okay.... good night master"

"Good night Xian Xian."

"Ah, yes, Xian Xian, about the picture Yu Bin sent me….I received a phone call…

" Really? I knew you were the greatest master! Send me the number so I can talk with them early in the morning." Xian Chen said and after saying their goodbyes, he put his phone in his pants pocket and walked away looking at the stars. Their realm should be up there.


Awakening from her sleep, Yu Bin got up from her bed somehow melancholic. Did she just dream of Xian Chen crying again? Something must be wrong with her. The thought *he is cute when he cries * is more wrong than everything. Yu Bin took her clothes and the towel and had a hot bath trying to clear her mind. After she had the bath, she dressed and left for work. Coming down from the bus, she expected to see Xian Chen but to her disappointment, he was not there. Reaching the office, she looked for Xian Chen but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Good morning, Moon." Yu Bin said, seeing Moon doing something on his computer.

"Good morning, ma'am. How are you? " Moon answers looking at her curiously. The things that happened last night were coming back into his mind. The fact that his boss last night was looking in so much pain and today she was ok, made him somehow surprised. But, thinking that she was extremely drunk it made sense.

"I'm fine, but where is Xian Chen?" Yu Bin asked curiously. Usually, Xian Chen will be there coming at her first thing in the morning asking her how she is feeling, but right now he was nowhere to be seen.

"He..." Moon answered without knowing what to say. Xian Chen told him to not tell her anything but he won't know if Xian Chen is ok anyway, because he didn't let him send him home.

"Good morning, boss, good morning Moon, " Xian Chen said, opening the door.

"Good morning,"

Moon said, looking at him intensely. He seemed like nothing happened last night.

"Good morning Xian Chen, where did you go?"

"Uh, boss, I had received a clue about our case and went straight there to investigate."

" And? Did you manage to find out anything?"

"She gave me an address, but that was ten years ago. That place is now deserted. Nobody lives there anymore."

"Oh, Moon, you know what you have to do, don't you?"

"Immediately boss, "

Moon said and began searching the database for the last place they lived.

It wasn't long before he found the two.

"I found them?"

"Did you find them? Already, wow. "

Xian Chen truly admired his colleague.

"I knew you were the best. " Yu Bin said, smiling contentedly.

"But I think we have a problem."

"What happened?"

"Well, the last address is in the mountains."

"Oh, and what's the matter?"

"The problem is that you don't have a car, and I don't have a car, and..."

"And I have a car. " Xian Chen answered hurriedly, smiling broadly.

"That's the real problem here, " Moon said softly, disapprovingly. He doesn't dare to let them both get alone again. Last night was enough. Yu Bin and Xian Chen last night were looking like they were on the verge of dying of pain. How can he dare to let them by themselves again?

"What? " Yu Bin asked, confused

"Nothing. I was just talking to myself."

"Oh, okay, so send me the address we need to hurry. Xian Chen, let's go." Yu Bin said, looking at Xian Chen and leaving the office.

"I'm coming." Xian Chen answered and after looking at Moon he nodded his head as a sign that everything will be ok, no worries, and left running to catch up with Yu Bin.

They entered the car and left. Xian Chen used the address they received on GPS and in no time they were there in front of the mountain. The mountain was looking like a jungle, with no road for cars or for walking. If they didn't know that someone was living there, then they would never have thought about it. It looked like no one had even passed through that place. Letting their car down at the foothill of the mountain they decided to go up on their feet.

"Who will ever stay in this isolated place? We can't even use the car. " Yu Bin said, tired.

"Do you want me to carry you?"

"No, it's okay, I'm big enough to not be carried on someone's back."

"Ha-ha, it doesn't matter boss. Come on, let me carry you. "

Xian Chen said and sat down so Yu Bin could sit on his back.

"It's okay, I can walk, it's not a big deal." Yu Bin said, looking at the other part, Xian Chen's face from her dream popped into her head.

"Oh, come on, I've already sat down, he said, smiling."

"Crazy, " she said with a laugh and walked past him. Her face became completely red. His smiling face was so handsome. She was wondering why she didn't see till now how handsome this man was. His brown, light eyes, his white skin, and the black hair falling on his forehead. Drops of sweat were flowing from one side and the other of his face and that was looking so sexy.

" Well, I tried, it's your loss, " Xian Chen said, shrugging and making Yu Bin get out of her crazy thoughts.

"Right, right. Xian Chen is always right, instead of Xian Chen we should call you Mr. Right."

"It's getting late, we should find the village soon."

Xian Chen mumbled worried without hearing what Yu Bin said.

"Where are we Xian Chen? Where is the map? Do you have it?"

"Yes, it's right he... " Xian Chen replied, but stopped abruptly.

" What happened? " Yu Bin asked, surprised by his reaction.

"I lost it..."

"Did you lose it? What is it? ``Did you lose the map where it is?"

*Panic* This is the perfect statement of what they felt right now. To one side Xian Chen was afraid that if the night would catch them there, then some wild animal would try to hurt Yu Bin. It's not like he is not strong enough to protect her, it's just that he can't use his power in front of her

On the other hand, Yu Bin was afraid of darkness, and staying in the forest in the middle of the night not knowing where they were or what kind of wild animals were living there made her have a panic attack.

"Where is it!? If I knew you believe it would be called "lost"? " Xian Chen shouted at Yu Bin making her startled. He was not angry with her, he was angry with himself. He forgot that the one he was shouting at was none other than the one he was trying to keep safe.

"Why are you yelling at me?" Yu Bin mumbled. The fact that Xian Chen shouted at her shocked her at some point.

"Please shut up for a moment," Xian Cheng said, still looking for the map in his bag.

"Where was the last time you left her? Don't you remember? " Yu Bin asked, trying to keep her calm. She was having a panic attack, and the fact that Xian Chen shouted at her was making the situation worse. Still, she was doing her best trying to keep calm

"Yu Bin, can you shut up for a moment, so I can think?.... Where? Where? " Xian Chen said, leaning against a tree and looking down, closing his eyes, trying to recall.

"Xian Chen..." Yu Bin said, panicking more, her eyes big and voice trembling. Her gaze was fixed in his direction.

" I know I took it, but where did I lose it?" Xian Chen was still mumbling and thinking but couldn't remember anything

"Xian Chen..." Yu Bin tried to make her voice audible for just Xian Chen

"Where, God, we have to leave this place, but how to leave without a map."

Hi loves, sometimes we tend to acuse ourselfs for something. "It's my fault for that ," " that happened becouse of me" " ah god what did i done" or " i wish i never did that" . But we should know that past cant be changed and we need to look to future. First thing we should do is to ask for forgivnes to the person we were wrong than we need to forgive ourself . The last sometimes is the hardest but we need to do it. Thats the only way you will see what you didnt saw befor.

love yah :x

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