
Yu Bin. Immortal Of Water Land

When everything resumes to love, there is no space for more. We need love to be born, we need love to grow up... We need love to win against fate. The story that I will tell you is not just about love though. Because it starts with the desire for vengeance, with manipulation and betrayal. When the king of the Heaven Realm is killed by the royals of the Fire Realm, two kids are brought together in the Water Realm and raised by the royals there. The Water Realm's royals are killed by one of them letting the princess's kingdom live in despair. When her soulmate dies by her soul sword's hand, Princess Yu Bin will kill herself after losing her last strong of hope thinking that her soulmate was the killer. One thousand years later, she, her master, and her soulmate are reborn and meet the killer. What will happen now that everyone is put together in the same place?

Niyuniyu · Fantasy
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102 Chs

Xian Chen Was In Water Realm

"You wake up…" Yu Bin said seeing Xian Chen opening his eyes.

" Yu Bin …" Xian Chen called her softly.

"What happened brother Xian? Where were you? We were looking for you everywhere."

"I'm sorry for worrying you…." Xian Chen said, grabbing Yu Bin's hand.

"Will you tell me what happened? " Yu Bin asked softly.

"I don't remember… I just remember that I received a message from my kingdom and I rushed back. I was just about to enter heaven's realm when I felt a stab in my back. After that, I don't remember anything." Xian Chen said, feigning confusion.

"Who will want to kill you? Is it possible to be in the fire realm? They killed your parents too so is it possible that the king of the fire realm wants you dead too? " Yu Bin said, surprising Xian Chen who was looking at her curiously.

"You know about my parents' death?"

"Master told me a few days ago "

"Ah, she probably told you that she killed them, right? "


"Don't be harsh on her, it's not her fault, they were already dead. She thinks that it's her fault because of me. That day…I blamed her for my parent's death. Not just that day but for so many years. I blamed her for so many years. But, in the end, it was not her fault. " Xian Chen said, looking sad.

" I know…" Yu Bin said sadly. She didn't forget how bad she behaved with Bao Fang at that time.

"What's with Your long faces? Oh, you wake up.." Bao Fang said, opening the door and entering the room.

"Master…. You are here too…" Xian Chen said weakly.

"I'm here to take you home," Bao Fang said, startling Yu Bin. She didn't expect her to take Xian Chen.

"I'm coming too," Yu Bin said but Bao Fang told her to stay home and she will wait for her training the next day.

"So….where were you? " Bao Fang asked the moment they reached home.

"Master…I was in the water realm all the time. In the basement of the castle is a hall that leads to a cave. It's looking like a training place, full of traps."

"What were you doing there? How did you get there?

" I was almost reaching heaven's realm when I got stabbed into my back…"

"By who?" Bao Fang asked, puzzled.

"Ming Fang…"

" I was almost reaching heaven's realm when I got stabbed into my back…"

"By who?" Bao Fang asked, puzzled.

"Ming Fang…"

"Ming Fang?" Bao Fang asked, shocked. She couldn't believe it.

"But why? " she continued asking in bewilderment.

"I don't know, master, she said something about taking revenge by snatching the one she loves. I was hurt that time and I don't remember everything she said, " Xian Chen said, then started to cough up blood.

"Xian Xian, are you ok?" Bao Fang asked, startled, rushing to check Xian Chen's pulse.

"What's wrong with your spiritual energy? Why is it so disturbed? It looks like it is flowing against the normal course. " Bao Fang said, going behind him and attaching her palms against his back.

"Xian Chen, were you taking the medicine I gave you?" Bao Fang asked, confused. It looked like Xian Chen's core was full of poison.

"I did "

"Then how did this happen? Why were you not healed?" Bao Fang asked not understanding how Xian Chen is still having that poison eating his spiritual energy.

That day she gave him medicine before leaving with Yu Bin. But what happened after she left?

Xian Chen said that he took the medicine so he will not lie about that, so what happened? That medicine should be very effective but Xian Chen was still poisoned. Bao Fang didn't know what to think anymore.

" Thinking about that, I stayed in the castle at that time and Ming Fang was giving me the medicine. That time I was thankful to her but, thinking back now… didn't she change the medicine? " Xian Chen said, turning around and looking at Bao Fang who was frozen on her spot. She couldn't believe that Xian Chen almost died.

"Master! master! master!" Xian Chen called Bao Fang who was looking stunned by what she heard.

"I need to give you the medicine right now," Bao Fang said, coming back to her senses and rushing to prepare the medicine.

She couldn't believe she was so unaware of the danger Xian Chen was in. She was so busy training and protecting Yu Bin that she didn't even think that Xian Chen was in danger too.

Preparing the medicine Bao Fang took it and fed Xian Chen with it.

"You should sleep now and recover your energy," Bao Fang said and after bandaging his wounds she helped Xian Chen to lie down in his bed. Putting the blanket over him she got out leaving him to sleep.

The next day Xian Chen woke up to a knock at his door.

"Brother Xian, are you awake? " Yu Bin asked without opening the door.

"Yes " Xian Chen answered weakly but she heard it and opening the door she rushed to his bed, followed by Yingyue.

"You worried me so much," Yu Bin said, embracing him tightly forgetting that he got stabbed but then Xian Chen hissed in pain and she remembered letting him go instantly.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I forgot you are hurt " Yu Bin cried out troublingly.

"It's ok, don't worry. I'm ok, I'm not dead yet.." Xian Chen tried to make a joke but Yu Bin got angry.

"Why are you talking about death? Do you know how much I worried about you? We thought you were on Fire land and we were there. One member of our team died there and I thought you died too. I thought you were dead, I thought I would never see you again. Master said that you can't be dead and I received a bit of hope. She was dead worried too but she played the strong one. Then we were on earth, we were looking for you everywhere but you were nowhere to be found. We thought that someone else may have found you but when we were back no one found you. Do you know what I felt at that time? I felt like the air didn't enter my lungs, my heart was beating painfully. My only hope ended when they said they didn't find you. I didn't know where to look for you anymore. When you entered the door that time I felt that the time stayed in his place, that I'm dreaming. I didn't know if it was a nice dream or a nightmare because you were alive but the next moment you collapsed and I didn't know what to do. And now…now you are making jokes about death. Brother Xian, do you even know that you are in the air I'm breathing? If something would happen to you I would die " Yu Bin cried out in pain. Xian Chen just tried to make a joke but that joke terrified her to the point she trembled in pain at the thought of death.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry my dear Yu Bin. I promise I will never make that kind of joke. My lovely Yu Bin, if I am in the air you breathe then you should know that you are the air I breathe. The thought of wanting to see you at least one more time kept me alive all this time. I just wanted to see you at least once. I missed you so much, " Xian Chen whispered, hugging the crying Yu Bin.