
Yu Bin. Immortal Of Water Land

When everything resumes to love, there is no space for more. We need love to be born, we need love to grow up... We need love to win against fate. The story that I will tell you is not just about love though. Because it starts with the desire for vengeance, with manipulation and betrayal. When the king of the Heaven Realm is killed by the royals of the Fire Realm, two kids are brought together in the Water Realm and raised by the royals there. The Water Realm's royals are killed by one of them letting the princess's kingdom live in despair. When her soulmate dies by her soul sword's hand, Princess Yu Bin will kill herself after losing her last strong of hope thinking that her soulmate was the killer. One thousand years later, she, her master, and her soulmate are reborn and meet the killer. What will happen now that everyone is put together in the same place?

Niyuniyu · Fantasy
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102 Chs

We Found Yingyue... master

Going outside, Yu Bin snatched A-Xian from Tai-Hua's hands and pushed him far from them.

" What are you doing, are you a kid? " Tai-Hua asked, annoyed. He just saved her and she is behaving like a spoiled kid who is afraid that someone will take her candy.

" If I tell you that she is stronger than all of you together, will you believe me? Xian Chen said, giggling at Yu Bin antics. Is true she is behaving like a spoiled kid right now but her heart is in turmoil. The fact that Yingyue is still in Ming Fang hands is hurting her more than the wounds she is having on her body.

The group of young people somehow looked strangely at the two, Xian Chen and Yu Bin looked like a group of children in front of them, yet remembering what happened a short time ago they did not even question this.

"Miss..." Tai-Hua said looking at Yu Bin who was holding on to Xian Chen.


"Are you part of the royal family?" Tai-Hua asked, taking her by surprise.


"So you are? Then you know my master?"

"Who is your master?" Yu Bin asked curiously. If Tai-Hua asked, it means that it is someone who had to do with the royal family. However, the only master who had to do with the royal family was Bao Fang. Xian Chen said before leaving the earth that Bao Fang had been to the water realm countless times.

"Ah, are you talking about master Fang?" Yu Bin asked, smiling. It seems that these kids were Bao Fang's apprentice.

"Yes , so you know master Ming? Woah, we thought you were a demon ..." Yichen said with a chuckle.

The name Ming brought Yu Bin and Xian Chen a terrible memory and their faces changed from happy to sad and a confused look appeared on the face of the seven who were looking at them in bewilderment.

"Master Ming?" Yu Bin asked as if scared of the answer she might get.

"Yes.. master Ming" Tay-Hua answered seriously. Somehow he understood that something was wrong between the two and his master.

"What is the name of your master?" Xian Chen asked, looking at Yichen who was by his side.

"Ming Fang. Our master's name is Ming Fang. Do you know her?" Yichen said and Yu Bin's face became white like snow. She felt like time stopped. The young men now standing in front of her were Ming Fang's apprentices. Does that mean the seven were helping Ming Fang in everything she did?

"You... I thought you were good kids but... how can you do this? You... ah forget it. Yu Bin, let's go. We shouldn't stay with them." Xian Chen said angrily and grabbing her hand he took her and left slowly. At that moment, Xian Chen wanted Longwei to be with them.

"Hey, we just saved you and you're thanking us like this? Forget it, we weren't supposed to save you." Tai-Hua shouted after them angrily.

"Can you believe it?" he added angrily, looking at his companions.

"Ok ok, calm down now" Yichen said smiling and grabbing his shoulder .

" but he.."

" i told you to calm down, lets go lets go , we need to meet with master soon" Yichen said and turned him around they left down the mountain

On the other hand, Yu Bin and Xian Chen arrived at a river where they drank water after which Yu Bin healed Xian Chen's wounds.

"Yu Bin, let me look at your wounds" Xian Chen said Yu Bin got surprised.

"A-Xian .... there is no need. you know that I have the power to heal myself. It took a while but now I'm fine." Yu Bin said taking a step back and surprising Xian Chen who just understood.

"You know that I've already seen all of you, right?"

"It has nothing to do with ...."

"If it has nothing to do with it then let me look at your wounds."

"But I'm fine..."

"How can you be fine when you were stabbed twice in the chest. Yu Bin, please stop kidding." Xian Chen said, starting to get angry.

"Xian Chen, I swear I'm fine..." Yu Bin tried to convince him but in vain.

"Then let me see..." Xian Chen said, looking into her eyes, making her understand that whatever he is, he will not give up until he is sure if he is okay or not.

"ok ok" Yu Bin said, giving up and took off her hanfu dress letting Xian Chen see that her wounds were healed.

"Wow, you're really cured..." Xian Chen said surprised, looking into her eyes and staying stuck there, but after a few seconds he suddenly withdrew and closed her dress back.

"We should go..." he added quickly. He couldn't believe that he was close to doing something. But who can accuse him, Yu Bin's eyes were looking so deep when you got closer.

"Xian Chen…."


"Are you ok?" Yu Bin asked, not understanding what was happening to him. She let him see that he is fine and yet he still behaves strangely.

"I'm fine, why?"

"You are acting weird"

"Well no..." Xian Chen turned to face her and extended his hand.

" Come, we should go back. Now we know where Yingyue is and who she is with. We should go back and see what can be done. The way Yingyue is now and the way we are now we can't do anything " Xian Chen said and Yu Bin gave him his hand then taking out the book from his pocket he summoned Longwei who appeared in front of them.

"Master..." Longwei said troubled.

"What happened?" Xian Chen asked but the answer was given before Longwei answered when the gate opened in front of them and Bao Fang appeared extremely angry.

"You can't listen, don't you? You really can't listen, and you… Xian Chen didn't you already know it is dangerous to come here? Why would you help her?" Bao Fang shouted angrier moment by moment but was interrupted by Yu Bin.

"We found Yingyue…. master , we found Yingyue." Yu Bin said tears were falling down her cheeks and Bao Fang looked at her hands instantly. Not seeing her in Yu Bin's hands or around them Bao Fang looked at them curiously.

"Where is she?"

"Ming Fang has it. But my Yingyue is not the same. Yu Bin said, crying. " She is not the same but for a moment she recognized me , for just a moment she called me master." she added, crying hard. She was keeping herself from crying till now but right now she couldn't do it anymore and broke down.

"We found Yingyue…. master, we found Yingyue." Yu Bin said, tears falling down her cheeks and Bao Fang looked at her hands instantly. Not seeing her in Yu Bin's hands or around them Bao Fang looked at them curiously.

"Where is she?"

"Ming Fang has it. But my Yingyue is not the same. Yu Bin said, crying. " She is not the same but for a moment she recognized me, for just a moment she called me master," she added, sobbing hard. She was keeping herself from crying till now but right now she couldn't do it anymore and broke down.

"Yu Bin, calm down, we'll get her back." Xian Chen said, holding her hand and wiping the tears that were flowing down her face.