
Yozakura: Termite (Old)

The world of Assassins, Spies, and Murder. Among them is a family that is hailed as first class, the Yozakuras. However not everything is bright as Tanpopo has created another experiment created specifically to capture and contain the Cherry Blossoms that is the Yozakuras. ~~~~ Previously: Yozakura: Experimental Subject #9731 First of all this is a Mission: Yozakura Family FF. Second is that it's most likely going to be a slow FF... Third is that most of the first part is going to be only OCs. I don't own Mission: Yozakura Family or any related thing. I only own my OCs. Unlike the original manga I added something that Tanpopo would have most likely have done. There is no system, but there is something that is basically the same as the Yozakuras 'Blooming' but it won't come out until much later in the series. Also this will focus on the much more dark aspects of the Mission: Yozakura Family world. If you want to support the series, please consider giving me stones, adding it to your library, etc... it motivates me to write more. The cover photo is not mine and I do not claim ownership whatsoever. I got this off the Mission: Yozakura Family discord server from the wiki. Original Link: https://twitter.com/engie_5108/status/1666017358497067009

ObsessedNovelist · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs





The element of unpredictability but within chaos there is always order.

Have you ever heard that saying before?

I wonder what Chaos means to me?

Is it my situation that's Chaotic?

Is it how I'm so calm?

Or maybe it's all of them…

…Yeah it's probably all of them…

I heard countless loud noises around me.

"Hey! Let us out!"

"It was fun for the first time but this is too much!"

"Do you know what family I'm from!?"

I got up but after that battle my already abused skin and bones body felt even worse to be in.


I need to eat…

My stomach felt like it was collapsing in on itself.


"Now that everyone is awake I'll tell you our plans for the next month or so."

What crowd of children went into an uproar.


"Didn't you hear us!? We want out!"

My sensitive hearing went into overdrive and my head became dizzy.

"The plans are that you'll train alongside your 'collages' for the next month then we'll do another fight to the death, okay?" The voice explained to us.

"Okay my ass!"

I'm sure that if there was anything nearby that these kids could throw, the speakers would have been a wreck by now.

"Well that's all for now… I'll see who lives the next round personally… so use that as motivation, okay~?" The voice concluded.



Had something opened up?

I wondered.

The sound of something opening made the kids quiet.

I saw the curiosity in their eyes as what was revealed were a pair of double doors.


The doors flew open.

The sight that greeted us was a hallway.


For a moment there was complete silence.

Were they disbelieved that their wishes were so easily granted?


As the first person ran it caused a chain reaction that made the others run for their freedom as well.

Before I even noticed it, I was the only one remaining in this glaring white room.


I breathed heavily.

While the sudden cause of events allowed me to fully focus on the ruckus, my hunger pangs came back now even stronger than before.

I leaned to the walls to support myself while I inched my way to the doors.



'How did I even fight so much?'

This body is truly superhuman. Even after starving for days on end, I was still able to kill that monstrous kid.


To my left were the doors.

I peaked my head through to find a long hallway…

'I hope I'll find a cafeteria of some kind…' I cried to myself…

I'm lost…

Why is this place so damn large!?

I went to the left and after that I basically went at a snail's pace to explore but once I saw a sign I just hoped that it was the cafeteria.

But, surprise, surprise it wasn't!

It was another room like the one I fought in (also the room where I just was).

Completely white.

Seriously, did these people have an obsession with white?


There was one thing that stood out from this stupidly white room…

There was a person sleeping in the middle of it.


This entire time I never saw a single person anywhere in the hallways which made me skeptical about some things.


I have to leave the comfort of clinging to the walls…

I actually don't think that I could walk without the support of the walls. I would immediately lose balance and maybe starve to death lying on the floor.


I yelled to the best of my ability.


He shuffled a bit before giving me an even bigger snore than before.

I cried internally. How was I supposed to get help from a weirdo sleeping in a desolate place like this?


"Wake up!"



'Hahaha, thank god he's awake!'

"Hey… go away if you know what's good for you…" He muttered.

"...Ah, right. Don't snitch on me to Technician-san… Alrighty?"

I felt a prickling sensation on my skin like he was going to kill me if I didn't comply.

A sudden flight or fight response made me rush towards him.





A sickening crunch filled the empty room.

I looked at my hand.

I tried to punch him but…

"...Hey, what's the big deal?"

He held my hand like it was a feather. Not only that but with what looked to be him just grabbing my hand caused it to break.

Like a machine I tried to punch his exposed face with my left hand but the same happened.


...? The world is… spinning?


I didn't even feel the pain. Only the air forced out of my lungs caused me distress.

"Haahh~ That was a nice nap…"

I-I can't breathe…

I knew something was up when I had such abnormal physical stats, but isn't this too much?

"Ah. AHHHH!!! I knew something was wrong!!! God damn it! Technician-san is going to kill me!!"

Hah… God damn it…

I could feel just how messed up I was right now.

But none of it mattered when something that could kill me was right in front of me.

"Hey kid… You're not supposed to be here."

You know when he tried to make this serious he could have… but why in the world is he in full pajamas!?

"Look, we both know that you're out of your league right now."

"Even if you were in your peak condition I doubt you could even scratch me so follow along kid."

I could almost feel the condescending tone he used.

"You say this after you broke both of my hands?"

My head was pounding with blood but I kept my calm.

"I'm sorry… I thought you were one of our scientists who worked here."

He replied while rubbing his head.

I looked at him more carefully. Crazy bed head, pajamas, but… those eyes… should I say that they felt bottomless? No… it's more appropriate to say that they're the eyes of a hungry beast, swirls of bottomless greed…

…What the hell was that?

I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Come along now kid…"

Is it just me or is the ground distorting?


Haha… I gotta stop passing out like this…




Combat looked behind himself.

To say that he was surprised was an understatement.

He was given the task to 'catch' the running children within the confined space and he did as he was told.

All of the children had moved to the upper area while they woke up in the lower room.

In the end he didn't even use any abilities and just slept in the upper room without a care in the world.

Never would he have imagined that someone was still in the lower room slowly making his way to him.

Combat looked at his palm.

'It stings.'

His skills have always been mediocre compared to his colleagues but he was still a professional in his line of work. He didn't have flashy moves like throwing chemicals or hypnotizing people, all he had was his knowledge of martial arts and weapons.

'The meeting between the Nine usually happened around this time…'

Of course this wasn't any meeting where employees and superiors would talk about their growth margins and whatnot. This time it was a meeting about the 'grades' of their subjects.

'I should ask Chemist for one of her nutrition pills… maybe the healing serum as well…'

He threw his long blanket and covered him up like a cocoon.


'I guess my break is over now. Better get back to work.'


The loud sound caused him to look at what happened.

His unconscious head hit the metal pole in between the double doors.



Combat could feel the ground moving.

'Yup, the break is over.'

He headed towards the left as some of the previously hidden passages opened up and made more hallways appear.

"Hello Combat, is that the last subject for this part of the test?"

"Yes he is… Haah~" He yawned before continuing, "By the way do you have any nutrition pills and the healing serum you always use?"

Chemist looked at the unconscious boy before replying, "I have some of the nutrition pills… I have to go to my lab before I can get the serum…"

"Alright, get me those when you find the time… Ah, actually get me those as soon as possible…"

"...May I ask why you need those things?" Chemist asked while covering her mouth with her oversized lab coat.

"I'm going to help this kid right here." Combat explained while holding the kid upside down like a fish.

"...I see… I'll get those to you by tomorrow at the latest."


"No problem."

"Miss Chemist, your lesson for 'How To Decompose The Human Body Using Chemist's Chemicals' is in ten minutes!"

"Well I'll be back, see you later Combat"

"Yup, you too."

'The busyness of this place never ceases to bore me that much.'

Countless meaningless thoughts ran through Combat's head as he greeted several scientists and 'accidentally' kept getting the boy injured.

Soon countless hours had passed and it was time for the meeting to take place.

"Hello Combat-san."

As he looked to his left he saw one of his collages in their usual attire.

"What's up, Neuro!"

He replied.

Wearing a lab coat with fluffy pants and bunny slippers was the appearance of Neuro.

"Gulp! Ahh~ Combat-san do you perhaps have my books?" Neuro asked while taking a large gulp out of his coffee mug.

"Isn't that what Knowledge does? Why are ya asking me?"

"Was it Knowledge-san? Or was it Trick-san…"

Combat could see the large dark circles under his eyes.

"You know, you should get some sleep. Don't be like those other losers who stay up for multiple days."

"Haha, thank you for your concern but I think I'll be fine…"



Neuro walked right into a wall.

"Was this wall always here? This wasn't the door to the meeting?" Neuro said quizzically.

"...You should get some sleep."

'The doors right in front of me.'

"...Haha… I think I'll have to skip this meeting… It was nice meeting you through Combat-san."

"Yeah, yeah…"



"Ah! Another one went wrong!"

"Haha, Chemist you should stop for today, I already got emails from Knowledge and Neuro that they won't be coming."

Combat watched the chaos unfolding around him.

'Wasn't this supposed to be a meeting room?'




Instinctively Combat sent out a punch towards the person who snuck up on him.


As he realized who it was he said, "Ooh it's just you Stealth…"

"Yes, are you ready for this meeting, Combat?"

Stealth answered while still holding Combat's fist.

Stealth wore a standard soldier's uniform and a book in hand.

"Of course!"

Eventually all seven of them sat around the table.

"So, let's go over our subjects' grades shall we?" Technician started out.

Stealth grabbed the remote and on the TV the first interaction between the test subjects commenced.

"W-Where are we-!?" A small child cried out.

"Ah, boring… skip it to when they fight!" Trick complained.

Fast forwarding a couple of minutes…


The leaner looking one held a large rock broken off from the ground.

"Hahaha!!! Die bitch!"


On top of the other kid's stomach, the one holding the rock smashed it into the already broken arms of the small kid.




Only half a minute later and both of his arms and head were completely pulverized into mush.

Now covered in blood he yelled, "Hey! Let me out of here before you end up like him!"


"Haah~ So what grades are we going off here?" Trick yawned and asked.

Tap. Tap. Tap.


"Virus, aren't you gonna stop working on your project and join this meeting?" Chemist asked with a concerned tone.


"...I'll give the kid a B+ grade overall"

'She's just like Doctor, are we sure that they aren't father and daughter?' Combat sighed inwardly. He may look like a dumb punk (which he is at times) but he's not that stupid.

"Does everyone here agree with that?" Technician asked.



"Uh huh."




"Hah… Everyone, did you guys pick some bad seeds, hmm? Why's the first one already lower than what we expected…" Technician complained like a child.

"On to the next fight~!" Trick loudly cheered.





Why is my body so sore?

My face scrunched up at my body being in such an uncomfortable state.

My ribs and hands were most definitely broken before I passed out but now they're fine?

They definitely felt much worse than the other parts of my body but I could still use my hand and twist my body with only 'mild' pain.

What happened again?

My thoughts drifted once again to the time before I passed out.

I fought some weirdo in pajamas… then I passed out?

Was that all really it? I questioned myself.

For some reason I couldn't bring up any memories after that even though I was awake for a minute or two longer.

Eh, if I can't remember it, it couldn't have been important.

The bed is too comfortable for me to care.

For a few minutes I was in utter bliss. I had to wonder how long it had been since I had felt this comfortable.


I wonder how skinny I am now ha… ha…

In the corner of my peripheral vision I was a table with a note and a plate with… pills?


I reached over for the note and ignored the plate of suspicious pills on the table.

It read, 'These pills are good for you so eat them.'

What kind of shitty advertisement is this!? There isn't even water to drink so I could swallow the pills down!!

"Hah…" With a sigh I put the note down and observed my surroundings a bit more.

Except for the white curtains a feet away from the bed I was sleeping on there wasn't much else to look at…

I was also in hospital gowns… which meant one of those people striped me naked and changed my clothes.

Tch… pedos.

I just layed back down, trying to sleep and ignore all of my current problems but my overwhelming hunger came back with an extra oumph.

"Aahhhh… I'm in so much pain…"

I felt like crying…

'But I ignored it from freezing to death so what's so bad about enduring just one more day… right?'

Minutes, maybe hours had passed. I tried my best to ignore it but it just persistently came back like an annoying fly.

Y-You know… those pills are looking pretty good right now…

My brain slowly turned its back on me… For some reason I could feel the saliva in my mouth a lot more for some reason.

N-no… I can't let my hunger control me! I need to ignore it!

I lasted one minute.

One minute and the two pills on the plate were gone from the face of this Earth.

My excuse was, 'If they wanted to kill me they would have.' Which I used too many times now.

Thankfully I wasn't dying or having my mouth froth which was a good sign. Another thing was that I felt full, which is an even better sign… maybe?

But… I'm so happy that I'm full. It's been too long since I felt like this.

If I was in utter bliss before, then I feel like I'm in heaven now.

Finally being comfortable I fell back asleep like I wanted to.

But the thing is… heaven isn't real and bliss doesn't usually last for long. I found that out the hard way.

A/N: So school started again... I'll probably have less time to write but I'll try to put out at least one chapter a week. Anyways see ya, hope yall like my work so far.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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