
Youzitsu: To Protect Her Smile

A 3rd Generation [White Room] Masterpiece joined Kōdo Ikusei High School at the same time as the 5th Generation Masterpiece, the difference? Unlike his counterpart, he end up attracted the interest of an angel. (OC X Ichinose Honami)

_Altria_Pendragon · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Volume 1 Chapter 3: Sleep

After a few minutes of talking, it's safe to assume that Ichinose was a cheery extrovert, the type of person who was very talkative, after talking about the chance of the Piano club existing in our High School, and the difficulty on the making of one in case it doesn't, our conversation topics continued to change, most of them happened due to something that caught Ichinose attention, such as how she would talk about the pool when we were talking about the temperature of the sun, all the while I was just replying as little as I need to, a simple "Yes." and "Agree" is enough, our talk -If you can call it that- continued until she said she wanted to rest for a while and ended the conversation.

The pink haired girl non-stop talking for the last dozens minutes has left me both mentally and physically exhausted, no different than how I would feel after an exercise in the facility.

To be honest, I'm not good at dealing with people like Ichinose, people who have her kind of purity are the hardest to deal with, since I'm not sure what kind of thought crossed her mind when we are talking of certain topic due to how far apart our position on the moral compass are, we can talk about food and my mind would wonder on how much amount of the said food is needed for a grown man to die out of poisoning, while she think about what kind of dish would it be best eaten with.

Perhaps from the beginning, I always consider the people with her purity as the spokesmen for failure, the type of people that would always get advantaged of and would end up rotting in the corner of the street, left alone by their so called 'friend' after losing all of their use.

As for Ichinose..... I truly couldn't think of her as someone who could do well on society all on her own.

As for the reason, I didn't know. I only made judgments based on my inner intuition. and my intuition told me this.

[She won't survive alone, someone would use her naivety to further their own agenda till she broke, and then will end up left forgotten as necessary lost]

My intuition has never been wrong so far, so this paints her future in a bad light.

Truly, those who often do good are the type of people that end up hurting the most, while those who truly deserve it felt none of it.

With that in mind, does the concept of "Good Person" and "Evil Person" really matter when each word would relatively correspond to the words "Victim" and "Perpetrator"?

I tried to come to an answer to this question based solely on my ten years worth of real life experience after leaving the faculty, but without the corresponding evidence to make further progress on finding an answer for this question, I wasted ten minutes of intense mental concentration that ended up to nothing.

Unable to find the answer with my limited information, I tapped the armrest by my window with a bit of annoyance, rising my head up and looking at the deep blue sky outside in annoyance, intending to find some interesting shaped cloud to improve my mood, however, the heavy pressure that suddenly applied on my shoulder made me unable to proceed with my initial plan.

I turned my head down and looked at my suddenly heavy shoulder, and sure enough, a pink haired girl, Ichinose, was resting her head on my shoulder.


Is she already asleep...?

I looked at the adorable sleeping girl with a slight headache. but didn't push her head away or wake her up.

I didn't feel repulsed by this behavior. In fact, I was slightly pleased, since this mean that someone actually find my presence harmless enough to fall asleep to, but isn't this girl a bit too defenseless? Or is it because of our conversation just now that Ichinose placed the logo "Friend" and "Harmless" on me inside her subconscious?

If so, then my act was successful— No, I mean, my feelings are deeply hurt.

I remained motionless, knowing from experience that when you are sleeping on someone's shoulder, the slightest movement is enough to wake you up.

Unfortunately, phone is one of the items prohibited to bring to the school, otherwise, I would have already snapped a few pics to capture her adorable sleeping face, not for any other reason than as an ammunition to be used against her, just in case I need to have her do something for me in the future.

Having a few blackmails over every person I would be 3 years in the presence of is something that is a must.


Due to our close contact , I could even hear her breathing.

I must say, this was truly a unique experience for me. In the past, there were no one who were brave enough to sleep while I'm in their presence, so you could say that I had just lost my virginity.

The fact that I lost it to a beautiful, pink haired girl with chubby cheeks, long eyelashes, high nose bridge, and huge chest, is a bonus.

I quickly averted my gaze from her breast. From the data I gathered, her breasts are the type of thing that would most certainly draw the attention of any normal male if they are laid bare without any clothing to cover them. and for the duration of the next 3 years, I'm just an ordinary male student after all, so averting my eyes from her breast due to embarrassment is normal right? Or is the normal thing to do is to take a deep long look at them while she's asleep? Since when she woke up, she would most certainly notice when a man is staring at her chest.

Man, being a normal student is sure hard.

After a few seconds of dilemma, I settled on to take a peek at her breast every few minutes or so, just to give the impression that I like what I see, but is embarrassed by my desire to see more of it despite knowing that it's forbidden.

The bus we were on was a small minibus with only sixteen seats, yet there were already far more people on board than that number. Apart from me and Ichinose, there were also some adults that looked like office workers, since they were standing up while wearing business suits.

The scenery outside the bus was quite a refreshing sight, filled with the image of the endless sea and the bright blue sky. If the beauty next to me were my girlfriend, then I would be what the people online considered a winner in life.

As calm slowly spread in my heart, I felt something was wrong, but since it came from my intuition, I don't really know what, it took me a moment, but soon enough, I noticed it .

My shoulder is damp.

Specifically, the shoulder that Ichinose used as a pillow to sleep on.

It must have been because of Ichinose's sleeping posture, sleeping with a tilted head caused her saliva to escape from her tempting red lips, soaking a large area of my sleeve.

Still, for her to be drooling this much, did this girl dream of eating a lot of food?

"Ha~" I sighed lightly.

This is troublesome.

While guessing what she was dreaming about, I took out a handkerchief from my pocket, planning to use that to wipe Ichinose drool. Not wanting to wake Ichinose up, the whole process of my actions was extremely slow.

Moving slowly, in fact, was very simple. Just divide the action that you want to do into an infinite number of infinite-level slowness. However, although the limbs and the rest of our body seem separate from each other, the way our muscles are entangled with each other pretty much make them cover the entirety of our body in an interwoven network of muscles, even a slight tremor could trigger movement in all of our muscles. To avoid this, I even used only two fingers to barely hook out the handkerchief.

After getting the handkerchief, I slowly wiped the corner of Ichinose's mouth.

While doing so, I took in the image of the sleeping Ichinose. This pink haired girl has fair skin, and her wet red lips sparkled, the curves outlined by her neck and head seemed to exude an indescribable charm.

Ah... Is this what they call suffering from success?

Like taking care of a baby, I took care of her lips. Suddenly, Ichinose's eyelashes trembled slightly.


I quickly and casually withdrew my hands, tightly clutching the damp handkerchief. At the same time, I pretended to look out at the scenery outside the window.

"Hum, hum~" Ichinose murmured in a daze, rubbing her chubby cheek against my shoulder.


Was I overthinking it...?

I sighed heavily. Just the act of wiping out the drool from her mouth alone left me feeling like I was straddling the line between heaven and hell. I'm truly a deeply sinful man.

I focused my attention on the handkerchief, which still had traces of her saliva.

What should I do with this handkerchief? For normal people, would they cherish it? or maybe even sniff it?

. . . . No, while my contact with the normal masses were not all that much, I'm pretty sure this isn't something a normal man should do. And what if Ichinose suddenly woke up when I sniffed it? I would be considered lower than a slug!

After a series of contemplations, I dispelled those weird thoughts and cleared my mind, instead choosing to focus on finding what kind of excuse I should use if she noticed the wet mark in my sleeve.

I looked at the dull maroon area.

I choose to just let it be. If there's no accident, it should dry itself on its own before we reach our destination.

About twenty minutes later, we arrived at our destination. As I had expected, the slightly dry and warm conditions inside the bus had already dried up the wet marks on my sleeve, which saved me the needless task of coming up with some excuse on why it's wet in the first place in case this pink haired girl asked about it.

I woke up Ichinose.

"Hmm~ are we there already?" Ichinose rubbed her eyes sleepily and asked.

"Yes, it's time to get off."

From the looks of it, she didn't seem to know that she had been leaning on my shoulder while sleeping, which was for the best.

"Thank you for waking me up."

"Don't worry about it. But from the looks of it, you are still tired."

"Yeah, I still feel like I want to sleep a little longer."

Saying that, Ichinose stretched a little, trying to dispel the feeling of sleepiness that enveloped her, and then we got off the bus with the other high school students in front.

What awaited us at the entrance of the school was a large gate made of natural rocks assembled together.

"Mmm~ That's such a nice sleep~" Ichinose stretched herself lazily again, which made her huge breast bounce up and down.

I averted my gaze, lest she caught me staring at thought of me as a pervert.

"Luo-kun Is your shoulder okay?"

"Hmm? Why do you ask?" I asked, pretending to be puzzled.

"I think I fell asleep leaning on your shoulder." She said apologetically.

"Oh, you noticed." Was I really discovered?

"Yeah, I realized it when I woke up. Sorry about that."

"I didn't mind, and my shoulder is fine." I said as I moved my left shoulder, trying to show her that nothing bad had happened to it.

"Sorry about that." She apologized once again with a gentle smile, her expression is remorseful and full of guilt.

I think anyone who saw this expression would forgive her.

"It's fine, let's just go."


Ichinose started to walk energetically, while I silently followed her.

"By the way, Luo-kun, you smell really nice."

"Nice? That's the first time I've heard that." I responded somewhat surprised.


"Yeah, once, some old lady asked me why I smelt like shoe polish."

There's not just one example; since as far as I remember, my smell often makes the people near me feel restless and uncomfortable, except for that mentally unstable doctor.

Can't be helped, really, the smell of blood, either dried or not, that would often clung into every part of my cloth, would make anyone but that annoying doctor repulsed.

"Shoe polish? That's just so mean. It's clearly a scent of grass and wood, it's very comforting, like the scent of the forest. Did you use some essential oils?"

"I didn't, but I did take a shower before leaving."

"Then it must be coming from the soap."

"Perhaps." I nodded, not directly answering the question.

In fact, the scent on me had nothing to do with soap; the scent of wood that she smelled was mostly due to the medicinal baths that I did. Whenever I got injured after finishing some mission, that mentally unhinged doctor would put me in the medicinal baths for a prolonged amount of time, making my body end up permeated with the smell of grass and wood, and over time, it became a characteristic scent on me. Even as time passed, this scent showed no signs of weakening, which was quite distressing for me, after all, this wasn't a trait that a normal person possessed.

Ichinose and I walked side by side through the gate, where a person checking personal items appeared before us, holding an electronic detector.

I opened my arms for scanning and then opened my crossbody bag for another inspector. I had glued the two small objects to the bottom of the zipper, so I wasn't worried that he would detect anything.

After it was all done, I took the first step into my highschool life. The surroundings were beautifully landscaped, and the air was filled with a lively fragrance. I closed my eyes, opened my mouth, and took deep breaths, feeling vitality coursing through my entire body in an instant.

It was spring, the temperature was just right. and my body was radiating vitality from the inside out.

So, what's next?

Hmmm... I want to put down some of my bug, since this was still the start of the semester, it would be beneficial for me to gather some more data in advance, but when I saw some CCTV hidden on some dark corner, I shelved this idea, before putting any hidden camera and audio recorder around, I need to map out this school first.

But, first of all, let's check my classroom.


Tn: Here comes another chapter, Luo's new life as a normal High Schooler is about to begin!

Let's just pray that he doesn't need to take another student life and place the blame on another to expel them.

Wink Wink Nudge Nudge