
Youth Romance Story

So panic! The vampire wanted to chase me down. Jiang Yuan has planned his future since he was seven years old. Reject everything that can affect your study, first enter the key high school in Kamakura City, then enter Tohoku University, and then rely on the resources of Tohoku University to become a social elite, and then talk about the status of the above class with a wealthy daughter In love, at the end, I will be an ordinary son-in-law and spend the rest of my life in enjoyment. When he accidentally bound the system, he thought it was just an ordinary youth romance comedy. But... who can tell me what is going on with vampires, zombies, angels, and ghosts who are only interested in my blood! ------ I'm not the original author of this, I'm just a translator. change the original title cause I think its not catchy enough original title "I just want to pay off my debts, but I am in love with non-humans" official link https://m.qidian.com/book/1027545089.html If you like my translation please supporting me https://www.patreon.com/DreamStolen

DreamStolen · Urban
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50 Chs

17. A beautiful girl, unfortunately, she has a smelly mouth[Edited]

Jiang Yuan was a little daze. He only said one sentence. How could his favorability drop from 0% to a negative number?!

Moreover, he did not feel the hostility in her calm tone.

So, just simply hate him?

[You have received a new email]

[The main mission is opened]

[The theme of the mission: The first love of the iceberg queen]

[Description of the mission: Love is the high resonance of humans' emotional pursuits. If human love is a deformed mental illness, Then take out all your charms, melt the heart of the iceberg queen, and make her fall in love with you.]

[Task reward: 100 sincere hearts, title: Iceberg Queen Terminator]

[Information Tips: Raiders are too high The target object, there may be a certain degree of danger in the process of the strategy, please consider carefully]


Jiang Yuan looked at the translucent light curtain that emerged in front of him, although he did not understand the role of sincere hearts and the title, but since It is a task reward with the highest Raiders level of SP.

But, what is the danger mentioned in the game?

The degree of danger is unknown. Judging from the most serious plot in a love novel, could it be a warning of decapitation?

Considering that she is the sister of the problem girl, they will inevitably have contact in the future, and the potential danger will not be weakened by giving up the task.

Therefore, Jiang yuan decisively accepted.

He couldn't help but look at the queen herself again, but the calm gaze that came upon him was like the sharpest sword, full of mercilessness.

"So this is the feeling of being watched by a disgusting maggot? If you feel that your eyes are redundant, I can remove them for you."

"Chizuru Hazawa feels disgusted with you, and his favorability is reduced by 10 points. Current favorability: -20 %"

Jiang Yuan frowned, so is this an unreasonable queen character? The sister of the problem girl is bad, and it doesn't seem right.

But if you always threaten to remove others' eyes, the danger of contact with this person is at least red.

Jiang Yuan is not a submissive character, he has been bullied to the door of his house, even if the opponent is a rare beautiful girl in the world, he can't bear it.

He also spoke lightly, still using a plain tone.

"The maggot's eyes will only stare at rotten flesh and feces. May I ask where do does student Hazawa belong?"

As soon as he said this, the surrounding students were suddenly excited. The fierce collision between the local snake and the dragon did not disappoint them.

Jiang Yuan, who has always been gentle and modest, actually compares a super beautiful girl to rotten flesh and feces. The combat effectiveness is really unexpected.

Many people wanted to see the beautiful girl become angry, frustrated, annoyed, and angry, but she didn't show up, her calm expression remained. Perhaps only Jiang Yuan knew that she was really angry.

"Chizuru Hazawa feels that you are disgusting, and your favorability is reduced by 20 points. Current favorability: -40%."

"Once the target favorability is lower than -50%, they are likely to make excessive behaviors in the process of getting along. Players should be cautious."

Hazawa Chizuru heart beat hard, her calm eyes like a river, slowly opening.

"Although the world is full of disgusting things, there is still beauty. Some people are like this. Even if they are maggots, they feel that the whole world is a big dung pond."

The surrounding students were even more excited. , This wave... This wave is the Queen's lore!

Not only did she pick herself out lightly, but it further devalued Jiang Yuan. It's just that the cesspool sounds like, why does it seem to even scold them again?

Is this the war of cultural people?

Can't afford to provoke.

Jiang Yuan looked at the instant refresh favorability rating always hovering around -45%, and he planned to refute it after thinking about it.

If the target's favorability drops further, and Hazawa Chizuru seat is behind him, once there is an excessive behavior, she will directly send a hatchet to warn him to fast forward to the finale, who will he ask for help?

Jiang Yuan decisively surrender.

But the other party didn't think of letting him go so easily. She stretched out her hand out the window to pat the cherry blossoms, and said from her mouth that was still in a plain tone that couldn't you hear any emotional changes.

"I see. You intend to use this extreme method to attract my attention. Although you don't want to admit it, it really reminds me of a bug that is not much better than a scum. Well, this is the desire of a man. Isn't it? In order to leave an indelible impression in my heart, a super beautiful girl, even if I become a bed bug, I don't hesitate to do it. But I advise you to give up. I am not interested in male creatures."

Jiang Yuan rubbed was rubbing his forehead, he is very bad at such conversations.

Obviously, she is a fascinating and beautiful girl, but it's a pity that she has smelly mouth.

Its so tempting to pull her tongue.

Of course, Jiang Yuan thought about it, after all, even the physical stamina that a man is proud of has been crushed by the other party.

After a war without gunsmoke ended, the classroom fell into a brief calm.

Judging from this fight, the local Snake ultimately lost to the Dragon and the Queen who descended from the sky won the victory.

Teacher Qiannai can't stand this depressive scene. she thought that the new transfer student would get along with her students, but from the current point of view, the chances of a fight seem to be pretty high.

"Ah... I said, you two should calm down. Since ancient times, when the views of both sides have disputes or conflicts, there should be a showdown. This is the experience summarized by countless predecessors, and it is also a Custom of a hot-blooded young man!"

Teacher Qiannai with one hand on her hips and one finger pointing at the two people by the window, with an amazing aura she continues "So, as an excellent high school student, what you compare with each other should be grades. It proves whether a person is excellent, at least you should let grade speak for itself!"

Jiang Yuan looked at Teacher Qianna speechless for a while, how could she suddenly become enthusiastic, this is not a hot-blooded comic at all!

On the contrary, Hazawa Chizuru nodded in agreement: "Although the value of a person cannot be judged solely by academic performance, it is almost the fairest way to duel at the student stage."

"Then start with the next test. The winner must unconditionally promise one thing to the winner, how about this?"

"I refuse!"

"I also refuse!"

At the same time, two voices sounded.

Chizuru Hazawa said: "Although I won't lose, this will encourage the desires and delusions in the bug's heart. Just thinking about it will be extremely disgusting."

Jiang Yuan unceremoniously fight back: "My worry is also that some people may have perverted hobbies."

"Could it be that you are afraid?"

Teacher Qianna raised a devilish smile: "The two best high school students from Kamakura High School will decide on their academic performance. Win or lose, even if you lose, it will be a good talk, right?"

"Well, Teacher Qianna inferior provocative method makes me very upset, I am willing to accept it."

Hazawa Chizuru looked calmly at Jiang Yuan "From this moment on, you are second."