
Yours only 《BL》

You made me yours and no one else's. Elijah has ran into a problem, he lost his job and needs a new one.. so guess what? He volunteered to work as a servant for Royal Bloods, what could go wrong? Why was he treated so differently compared to others? Why does he have this feeling of nervousness and excitement and feels his heartbeat quickens everytime he sees this specific person?

iiiNii · LGBT+
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10 Chs


Elijah woke up the next day exhausted from the night before typing out endless information.

Elijah went to the kitchen and into the bathroom brushing my teeth and oh my god. what was that mark on my neck? he wondered. Its not a hickey, he swore. It was this mark with swirls and a knife stabbing the apple sketch exactly like the one Elijah saw on the poster yesterday. He quickly rushed out of the bathroom after he washed his face and brushed his teeth.

Immediately texting the people he talked with yesterday,asking them about this suspicious weird mark on my neck! he doesn't remember agreeing to any of this.


RBC: Dear Elijah, would you mind taking a photo? We don't know what you're talking

about .

Elijah: Photo ¤

RBC: Oh that's a Servant mark, its normal we apologise for not warning you earlier. Please read the book we provided yesterday for answers that you may have.

Elijah: Uh okay thank you.

Elijah closed his laptop and took a button downed shirt that was white and a long white washed jeans from his closet next to his bed, remembering he had a mark on his neck he took a scarf and tied it around his neck but it looked terrible so he dismissed the idea and threw the scarf on his bed.

Elijah proceeded to text his friend,Oliver to hang out with him as today is his free day. They both agreed to meet at the coffee shop near Elijahs House.

Elijah headed downstairs and took his phone and bag. Waiting for Oliver to come he took out the book from his bag and started reading the content page. Just as he was about to start reading the first content. A car horn was directed to him and caught Elijah off guard and he dropped the book. When Elijah looked up it was Oliver his friend but the car next to him was a Lamborghini Veneno. A FREAKING

Lamborghini Veneno. Elijah didn't know that Oliver was that rich jesus. Closing his mouth from the surprise he stood up and greeted Oliver.

"How'd you get such an expensive car dude "

"My husband duh."


"Lets get in the shop, I'll pay" and he winked.

They both walked in the shop and ordered their drinks and a cake.

Elijah went to take their items from the counter and spotted Oliver near the window seat and went to him and sat down.

"So what's the special occasion? you're normally not this free to be hanging out with me Elijah heh"

"I got fired from my job" Elijah said blantly.

"OHHHHH so you want me to be your sugar daddy or something? I mean I don't mind Elijah I never thought you'd-"

"oh heck no. Today's just my free day cause I'm starting work on Monday which is two days from now and I have no intention of being your sugar baby Oliver."

"haha joking! so what are you working as?"

"uh.. A royal blood servant, i recently just got hired."

"a what what what?? for which royal blo-"

And that's when Oliver noticed the mark on Elijah's neck.

"Oh my jesus Elijah you know what royal blood that is right?!"


"Well, lucky for you, your life saver is here, me and did i ever tell you that my husband is a royal blood too? oh I wanted to to tell you but I forgot whoopsies" Oliver said casually.

Elijah dropped his jaw and couldn't mutter any word out. I mean anyone could see that Oliver was good looking,ridiculously good looking. He had this platinum blond hair with beautiful hazel eyes and the brightest shiniest smile you'll ever seen and a radiant personality. Who wouldn't fall for him the right mind? But a Royal blood? Elijah couldn't believe that his best friend was some Royal Blood husband.

Shaking his head an regained his compusture.

"you what?? i don't believe you. You're absolutely lying."


Elijah and Oliver laughed at his ridiculousness.

"so.. can you tell me about the Royal Bloods?

I have this book but I think it'd be better to hear it from you Oliver."

"My pleasure,let's go to my house i have some more useful books than the one they gave you, and besides you can meet my husband."